What We Should Have Registered For (Baby Edition)

Several months ago I listed out what Josh and I should have put on our wedding registry if we could go back in time. Today I am sharing what I would ask for knowing what I know now when we were having our first baby. Here are my favorite nursery, feeding, bath, gear, and health/safety products for baby!

After 3 babies I feel like I have a fairly decent idea on what works (and doesn’t), what is needed, and what is a waste of money. Some of these items we did register for but most we didn’t and discovered them over the last 5 years.

Glider: They can be pricey but are so worth the money!

Swaddle Blankets/Sleep Sacks: There are lots of different types of these on the market. We bought the muslin swaddle blankets thinking we could swaddle our babies tight enough but it was a 50% chance that they would stay wrapped tight, which is why we ended up with the velcro saddles. I really like the muslin ones as baby grows and no longer needs to be swaddled.

Diaper Pail: Best diaper pail ever and your house won’t reek of dirty diapers.

White Noise Machine: We currently have 3 of these in our home and take them with us when we travel. I can’t sleep without mine now.

Blackout Curtains: The darker the room the better. These are great especially for those daytime naps and block out much of the extra light.

Bottles: I like these plastic and glass bottles.

Breast Pump: It is so nice that insurance covers these now! When I had Caden we had to buy our own. Check out Medela or Spectra brands and make sure to get a double pump. Be sure to purchase a pump bra too so you can be hands free!

High Chair: We have used this high chair that attaches to your table for all our kiddos. With our first we lived in a tiny townhouse that had little room in the kitchen so this worked perfect.

Infant Bathtub: For the teeny tiny new babes I love the puj tub! Once they outgrow that purchase a shunggle. It is hands down the best bathtubs for babes. Trust me I have tried several major brands it is my favorite and you won’t spend a fortune.

Carseats: Oh carseats! I could write an essay on you. We started with an infant carseat and then went to these convertible carseats. We still have and use both but if I was to do it all over again I would go with these because you can fit three of them across in the backseat of a van. This is one of those products that feels slightly overwhelming when you are purchasing because there are so many brands out there and different types.

Strollers: Before I had Caden one of my girlfriends told me she had 5 strollers in her garage and I couldn’t for the life of me understand why you would need 5 strollers. Well, I now understand why. Obviously the more kids you have the type of stroller you need changes and if you decide to go for a run that requires a different stroller then say a quick trip to the store, but seriously the stroller dilemma is real. If you are at all thinking about having two kids just buy a double stroller to begin with and save yourself some money.

Baby Wearing: I love this lightweight and easy to use wrap for newborns up to 3 months and the Ergo for up to 2+.

Pack n’ Play: We like our Joovy Room and have taken it on several trips.

Bouncer: In my opinion this is where you can save some serious money. Skip the frills and stick with a basic $20 bouncer. They are easy to move around the house and your baby doesn’t know the difference.

Play Mat: We have used this same play mat for all three of our babies and it is still in awesome shape even after going through the wash multiple times.

Humidifier: An item you don’t think about needing until your baby needs it. Those first sniffles and congested nose and chest can be rough so make sure you a humidifier. I like this cool/warm mist one. Also having some baby VICKS on hand to add to your little ones chest and feet is helpful too.

Baby Monitor: We have gone through several monitors and while I don’t think it is a necessary purchase a monitor with a video component is helpful so you don’t have to walk into your baby’s room and risk waking them up.

Owlet: While we don’t own of these I think they are worth mentioning for soon to be parents. Your baby wears the Owlet Smart Sock and it measures your baby’s heart rate and oxygen levels and notifies you in real-time if something appears to be wrong. For peace of mind this item is worth the money.

Roomba: Once your baby starts crawling they will find any little thing and put it in your mouth. We don’t own this but this is an item I wish I would have bought years ago.

And there you have it. These items would make great gifts for any soon to be mamas you know!


All Levels Total Body Workout

Once upon a time, several years ago, I started an online bootcamp. Some of you longtime readers may remember this or perhaps even joined in the fun. It had been awhile since I had looked at these workouts and I had forgotten how many I had. These workouts are sitting on my computer and I decided to use them for the next few weeks at home for my own workouts.

The all levels total body workout can adjust to your time available as well as fitness level. If you need a shorter workout you can follow the newbie option. Lots of ways to make this workout fit your needs.

I did the intermediate option this morning and it took me 40 minutes. I did circuit 1 twice, circuit 2 twice, circuit 3 twice, followed by 3 minutes of cardio. Let me know if you decide to try it and how you did!


The Buschel Digest: December 2017

Happy New Years Eve! I hope your Christmas season was fun and healthy. Ours was fun but our entire family was sick with the longest colds ever. We made so many fun memories with our family despite being sick. This month I am sharing five books I have read because there were so many good ones and two share worthy articles.

PTL: The Rise and Fall of Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker (By: John Wigger)

This book was phenomenal. I couldn’t put it down and it was so informative without seeming like a bad tabloid. I learned so much about televangelism and the pentecostal movement. A few of the highlights was learning the reference to the term “holy roller”. This was actually coined when people would be slain by the spirit and literally roll across the floor of the church. I also was fascinated learning about the start of the 700 Club. The name of that show was created because Jim Bakker needed 700 people to make a monthly pledge of $10 for the show to be broadcast. I had never heard anything about Heritage USA before this book. This book truly shows that even those with the best of intentions are still sinners and accountability is vital in ministry.

Here Burns My Candle and Mine is the Night (By: Liz Curtis Higgs)

Here Burns My Candle is the first book in this two book series. I was surprised that I had never read these before because I really do like other books I have read by Liz Curtis Higgs. Both books are based on the Old Testament book of Ruth. Obviously there is much fictional liberty taken here but the books are so good.

The Green Ember and Ember Falls (By: S.D. Smith)

I feel a little late to the party with these books. They are so good! I cant wait to read them aloud to our kids! If you liked the Narnia series you will love these.

How This Rock Star And His Televangelist Wife Influence The White House

I am sure I found this interesting because of the book I was reading on the PTL and the Bakker family. This article is about Journey keyboardist Jonathan Cain who met controversial pastor Paula White by chance. Now the rock star applauds his wife’s role as chaplain to President Trump.

Angels in the Bible: What Do We Actually Know About Them?

14 facts about angels in the Bible, what they are, why God made created them , and how their hierarchy works, and much more.
