What I Learned from Reading the Bible

This year marks my second year reading through the Bible. Last year I started in the Matthew and read to Revelation and then made my way to Genesis through Malachi. I didn’t follow a reading plan but read at my own pace. This year I read from Genesis to Revelation and used The Bible Project Reading Plan. I read the ESV version this year compared to the NIV that I read last year.

Below are a few things I learned from reading the entire Bible again.

The connection between the Old and New Testaments. This was probably the biggest thing that I noticed this year. The passage that really helped me grasp the intensity of this connection was Matthew 27:46,  “that is, ‘My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”

In the past I would have glanced over this passage but with further study and reading I learned that these words are the exact first words of Psalm 22. The next time you have a moment I encourage you to read Psalm 22 in context with Matthew 27:46. Jesus knew this Psalm was about him and was quoting it with his very last breaths. It seriously gives me chills because I have to wonder if those standing by the cross knew what passage he was quoting.

Psalm 22 begins, “Why are you so far from saving me, from the words of my groaning? O my God, I cry by day, but you do not answer, and by night, but I find no rest.” “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” The passage is so precise in the description of the events of Jesus and his death, in verse 16 of the psalm, “They have pierced my hands and feet.” And in verse 18, “They divide my garments among them, and for my clothing they cast lots.”

The psalm begins as cry of agony but ends in a proclamation of triumph proclaiming the Lords righteousness and that all the ends of the earth shall worship before him. Seriously read Psalm 22 in the context of Matthew 27:46 and the death of Jesus on the cross.

Reading passages of scripture that are hard to understand and the long list of genealogies are worth it. When I came across passages of scripture I didn’t understand, instead of glossing over them, I decided to use them as an opportunity to deepen my own growth and understanding. Let me preface by saying, I didn’t do this with every passage of scripture I didn’t understand. If I had I would have never read past Leviticus this year, but when something piqued my interest I asked questions, looked for guidance from other believers who are more spiritually mature/knowledgable, and in the process discovered that grace goes a long way in these types of discussions. I am so appreciative of those who took time out of their schedule to meet with me this year and encourage me.

I also challenged myself to not gloss over the long lists of genealogies and names that are throughout scripture. It was tough sometimes to get through all those lists of names but when I did I was surprised to find that I recognized names and could remember how those people fit into the overarching storyline in the Bible.

Last year I discovered that I really enjoyed the Old Testament. And this year I geeked out on Revelation, a book I would have stayed away from in the past because what I thought I knew about it freaked me out. What I discovered was not a book that holds a secret code that allows believers to decipher the timeline of Jesus’s return but instead offers the promise that one day Jesus will return and permanently remove evil and make all things new.

God used my kids to show me how much I don’t know and to encourage my learning. My five year old asked me during our family devotion one morning who the 12 disciples were. I quickly got out a piece of paper and started to make my list. And you guys, it was so off. I had Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Peter, and Judas. That was my list, only six, and one of them wasn’t even part of the 12.

On the same piece of paper I quickly jotted down the names of Santa’s reindeer and the all the seven dwarfs but could not name the 12 disciples. And the reality of the situation struck me. My knowledge was shaped by what I had been taught but also what I had chosen to spend my time learning.

Upon pulling out my ESV Study Bible I quickly discovered that Luke was in fact not one of the 12 disciples. I found in the gospels where the disciples are listed and read the names to my kids (Matthew 10:2-4; Mark 3:13-19; Luke 6:12-16; Acts 1:13-14) . While I still cannot list all the disciples names on a piece of paper from memory my list is now much more complete. Lesson learned. Don’t assume you know what you obviously don’t know and be humble in admitting this to others, even your children.

God’s word is slowly imbedding itself into every crevice of my life and at times this can be painful. Reading the Bible points out my own failures and causes me to once again kneel before God and surrender my own desires. The beautiful thing that is happening through reading scripture and knowing God and discovering his character is that God’s desires are becoming my own desires. And that is the beauty of scripture.

Gods word is active and alive and I want it to wreck me. To permeate every part of me so that I can know God and his character. The Bible shows over and over again that God is good and we are not.

Reading the Bible requires discipline. That is it. There is no magic plan just commitment and self-discipline to spend time in God’s word. If you are wanting to start reading the Bible check out The Bible Project or start in the New Testament. I have recently started Reading God’s Story: A Daily Chronological Bible which uses a six day a week reading plan to read through the entire Bible in 365 days. Whatever plan you decide to use just stick with it, I promise it is worth the time and effort.


On Becoming Babywise: 41 to 52 Weeks

I blogged about our Babywise experience with Caden and I am sharing how the experience with Babywise is going the third time. This is the last post I will be sharing in this series. Here are the links to the previous posts:


Jesse dropped several nursing sessions during these weeks, going from four to three, three to two, and now down to one. The last session happened at night and became shorter and shorter. He transitioned to eating more solids and drinking a few ounces of formula each day as we weaned off the breastmilk. I am thankful to have been able to breastfeed all my babies for a year.

Week 40 – 46
  • 6:50am: Eat/Waketime, Diapering
  • 7:30am: Breakfast*
  • 9am: Nap
  • 11am: Eat/Waketime, Diapering
  • 12pm: Lunch*
  • 1pm: Nap
  • 3pm: Eat/Waketime, Diapering
  • 5pm: Dinner*
  • 6:30pm: Eat/Diaper/Bedtime

*Jesse joins us for family mealtime at the table for his cereal, fruits, and veggies.

Week 47 – 50
  • 6:50am: Eat/Waketime, Diapering
  • 7:30am: Breakfast*
  • 9am: Nap
  • 11am: Eat/Waketime, Diapering
  • 12pm: Lunch*
  • 1pm: Nap
  • 3pm:Waketime, Diapering
  • 5pm: Dinner*
  • 6:30pm: Eat/Diaper/Bedtime

*Jesse joins us for family mealtime at the table for his cereal, fruits, and veggies.

Week 51
  • 6:50am: Eat/Waketime, Diapering
  • 7am: Breakfast*
  • 9:15am: Nap
  • 11am: Waketime, Diapering
  • 12pm: Lunch*
  • 1pm: Nap
  • 3pm: Waketime, Diapering
  • 5pm: Dinner*
  • 6:30pm: Eat/Diaper/Bedtime

*Jesse joins us for family mealtime at the table for his cereal, fruits, and veggies.

Week 52
  • 6:50am: Waketime, Diapering
  • 7am: Breakfast*
  • 9:30m: Nap
  • 11am: Waketime, Diapering
  • 12pm: Lunch*
  • 1:15pm: Nap
  • 3pm: Waketime, Diapering
  • 5pm: Dinner*
  • 6:30pm: Eat/Diaper/Bedtime

*Jesse joins us for family mealtime at the table for his cereal, fruits, and veggies.


Jesse is went from four nursing sessions down to one. I only nursed at night before bed for about two weeks after he turned one. I dropped the afternoon feeding first and kept the three times a day feeding schedule for a few weeks and then dropped the lunch time feeding. For each of these feedings I dropped I added more solids and also offered formula to supplement. Once I dropped the two nursing sessions during the day and was only breastfeeding in the morning and night my supply began to taper off, which was the same with the other two babies also.

Additional Reading: Pumping, Dumping, and Freezing Breastmilk & Bottle Feeding

Merge Seven

All three times we have done Babywise the final feeding of the day has always been my last nursing session to drop. I slowly allowed my supply to finish tapering off and continued to offer Jesse a bottle of formula if he wanted one.


Jesse is trying many new foods and while half of what he eats ends up on the floor he is enjoying eating more solids. We started out with baby oatmeal/breastmilk, pureed fruits/veggies (sweet potatoes, apples, pears, carrots, bananas), and have moved on to puffs, little pieces of banana and avocados as well as thicker purees. Now he is bite size pieces of grilled cheese sandwiches, turkey, chicken, bacon, ham, he loved stuffing at thanksgiving, bread, waffles, yogurt, cheese, pomegranate seeds, watermelon, mango, and peas.

Waketime, Naps, & Night Sleep

He loves helping me in the morning get Caden and Maisie from their room. Jesse is usually up by 6:45am and has been drinking 4-6oz of formula after I pick him out of his crib. Then Caden and Maisie’s alien light turns green and we go eat and get them at 7am. He claps his hands and is so excited to see his brother and sister. They are both so sweet with him. Maisie likes to baby him, even after he bites her, which unfortunately has happened several times. And Caden likes to crawl around on the floor and play cars with him or pretend wrestle him.

His naps in the morning and afternoon last about an hour and a half each. He sleeps soundly and for the most part only fusses for several minutes before he is sleeping. He lays down at night around 6:30pm after a bottle and sleeps until the morning. Yay!

I am still in shock that he is a year old now. How? I don’t understand, but I am so thankful that I got to experience this baby stage again and don’t take a second of it for granted. Each morning I wake up and I am grateful for another day with my family surrounded by so much love.

Overall I am still a huge fan of the Babywise method and after three kids can only say great things about the book and having a solid routine/schedule for your baby and family!


The Buschel Digest: November 2017

I feel like I read so much more this month! And it could be because Josh bought me a Kindle Fire for my birthday. I briefly mentioned how I thought an e-reader would be nice to have and was totally shocked and surprised when I opened my gift. It isn’t something I would have bought myself but I am loving it!

How Masturbation Almost Ruined Our Honeymoon

“Masturbation is a grey area in the Christian world. It brings out the fire in people. I’ve wavered in my opinion over the years, but this new stage of life has confirmed to me, that regular masturbation can really mess with your future.”

‘Our Minds Can Be Hijacked’: the tech insiders who fear a smartphone dystopia

An interesting and thought provoking read about Google, Twitter and Facebook workers who helped make this technology so addictive why they are disconnecting themselves from the internet.

Joyfully Lifting Malformed Hands in Worship

This post got me. Beautifully written and an amazing testimony of how God alone can give us strength and comfort even at the most tender and heartbreaking moments.

These Actors Found Fame But Risk Losing Their Childhood

For those of you who watch Stranger Things (I haven’t seen the show but thought this article was worth sharing).

Three Adoption Misconceptions

This is perfect! “If you’ve never seen these correlations between Christianity and adoption then I pray God will speak these truths into your heart. God want’s families rescuing children, not just Christian families, but any family who will pour out grace and love, because all human life is precious.”

Don’t Just Read Alone

This is something Josh and I have been talking about lately. We read from the Bible to our kids during the week and plan to incorporate this into our small group during the Christmas season by reading Luke 1-2 together.

Don’t Leave Your Husband for Her

Rosaria Butterfield’s book Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert is on my reading list for next year. Here is an article she wrote recently that has great points for anyone thinking about committing adultery.

The Lasts of the Iron Lung

This article was fascinating and also heartbreaking. Having had Guillain Barre Syndrome I can relate to only fraction on what these polio survivors mention, but wow. It breaks my heart and I am appalled that the company who holds the technology for the Iron Lung won’t service or maintain their equipment.

What Student Ministry Really Needs? Homework.

Yes, yes, yes. I love this. I think as parents we can often underestimate what our children can understand. I thoroughly enjoy reading the Bible to my kids and teaching them theology. It is a discipline and it is worth it. If my little preschoolers can sit and listen to the Bible being read and answer questions now I know this will serve them well later in life.

The Confessions of April Grace Series by KD McCrite

I read all of these and LOVED them! The take place in the 80’s so there is no internet and reminded me what my childhood was like growing up in that way. These books are written from an 11 year olds perspective and I would recommend them to adults as well as to pre-teens! Fantastic and really loved this series!

The Most Misused Stories in the Bible: Surprising Ways Popular Bible Stories Are Misunderstood by Eric J. Bargerhuff

This was really good and also humorous at times too. A overall well written book for those who are new or very familiar with the Bible. I highlighted many sections in this book.

Eight Women of Faith by Michael A. G. Haykin

This is not a book I would normally read. But I really enjoyed it and liked learning about these different women who changed the course of history. It was fascinating reading about their lives.
