Happy first day of fall! We are still over 100 degrees here in Arizona but each new day is one more day closer to cooler temps. Last week we took off from homeschool and tried to spend a few mornings outside before the heat of the day took over. We made it to the lake one day for a swim and also to one of my favorite places in Arizona, Boyce Thompson Arboretum.

Other highlights of the past week included Maisie losing two teeth and Caden finished reading Prince Caspian with my mom and we watched the movie to celebrate. Overall it was just a nice change up in our schedule and yesterday we jumped right back into our homeschool curriculum. The kids loved the break and I am happy to report they had great attitudes yesterday when we picked up where we left off.
My friend Doug shared a workout on Facebook yesterday and I immediately decided that it would be my workout for the day. I met Doug when I worked at Life Time Fitness and he is an overall great person and a super knowledgeable personal trainer. I learned so much about personal training from him by watching how he worked with his clients and also being trained by him.

To this day I still have notebooks that have workouts designed by Doug from when I participated in his small group trainings. If you are in the East Valley and a Life Time Fitness Tempe member schedule a session with Doug, you won’t regret it.
This workout took me about 50 minutes and I was pretty sweaty. I absolutely loved the side lying get-ups. I had never done those before and will be adding these into my workouts periodically from now on. To perform side lying get-ups: lay on your right side with your right arm bent in a 90 degree angle. Your thumb will be rotated to point at the floor near your head. Press down with your elbow as you rotate your arm and thumb to get your palm face down in front of your stomach. Your right side will lift off the ground as you do this and then reverse the move to start position.
Again happy first day of fall! I hope you make at an awesome day!
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