2020. So much could be said about you. What a year. Ugh.
Getting to Christmas this year felt like a victory to me. We made it to Christmas. Everyone was healthy and even though it was just the six of us at home it was perfect. I actually loved not running around to multiple houses and just being home all day with Josh and kids.
While there is so much that could be said about how awful 2020 was I am going to focus my last post of the year on what was good.
My Anxiety
My anxiety crippled me after Maisie was born and I am just so thankful I put the work in when I did at that time. Because I honestly don’t know how I would have coped this year.
I still had cry in the shower moments and I am sure I will have more going forward, so please don’t take this as everything was great. But mentally I am so much better.
Thank you Jesus for your goodness and grace. Please know it is ok to not be ok and there is nothing wrong with you if you need counseling or medication for anxiety or depression.
We did it. I did it. I am so amazingly proud of myself and our kids. They have done so well this semester. I had always wanted to try homeschooling and had it not been for COVID I don’t think I ever would have.
We did 72 lesson of Saxon Math before Christmas and completed 15 lessons in their English curriculum. We also did art, science, history, and a family run club. I know I am fortunate to stay home and have the resources available to homeschool so my attitude towards homeschooling is joyful. I love watching my kids learn and I loved getting to be a part of that in a different way this year.
Disney +
Basically we spent our summer in our Intex pool and streaming many things on Disney +. Our favorite show is The Wonderful World of Mickey Mouse and also Mickey Mouse (Shorts). Seriously a highlight of my year.
Steaming Musical Theatre
At this point I have lost track of how many times I have watched Love Never Dies. Over the summer I discovered this continuation in the Phantom of the Opera story arch and it made my summer. Thank you so much Andrew Lloyd Webber. I am watching it again now as I type up this post. I know it got mixed reviews but I love it so much.
Then I discovered BroadwayHD and pretty much all summer when Josh was on shift and after the kids went to bed I binged musicals. And it seriously helped me escape from the grim reality of our COVID numbers in Arizona.
Also Hamilton. Just so much great theater I have consumed this summer thanks to technology. I have seen more shows this year from any year previously thanks to technology.
Fit Women’s Weekly
I am so thankful to have found a great streaming fitness community. You can read my full review HERE.
Paddle Boarding
We needed to get out of the house this summer and paddle boarding proved to be a great option for our family. We could socially distance from others, enjoy the beautiful lakes and rivers in Arizona, and stay cool.

With two paddle boards, Josh and I each take a little kid and big kid on our board. I am sure we are quite a sight. It is a fun way to spend a few hours and I am looking forward to being able to go again in a few months.
It takes a little bit of time to get everything packed up to go with all the lifejackets, water bottles, clothes, and food but paddle boarding is something we would have never done if not for this year.
Garage Gym
This could be it’s own post but here is a picture of our garage gym that we put together this year. We have so much fitness equipment between Josh and I from personal training and it is so nice to have everything in one place and organized.

We know fitness equipment was hard to buy this year and we are thankful we didn’t have to purchase much. Josh also built a floor under our squat rack to negate the garage slope when we lift.
Backyard Movie Nights
With a projector and screen we turned our backyard into a movie theater and enjoyed family movie nights.
Our Home
We couldn’t have asked for a more wonderful home and backyard for our kids this year. We have used every inch of space in our 1400 square foot home and I am just so grateful for this indoor and outdoor space we have.
Also 4th of July was pretty awesome in our backyard. We swam and had the best fireworks all from the comfort of our home. Thank you to multiple neighbors who put on quite a show for us. My fingers are crossed that New Years Eve will be equally as great for firework viewing.
Health & Family
I am so grateful that we were healthy in 2020. We had a few run ins with stomach bugs but that was the worst of it. I am also incredibly grateful that skin biopsies and breast ultrasounds for myself came back benign.
We have also bonded so much as a family of six which will probably sound odd. Before we adopted our youngest almost three years ago he had so many therapy appointments and the older kids were in preschool and then we had one in elementary school and preschool. All that to say between the doctors appointments, school drop offs and pickups myself and the two youngest were in the car for up to several hours a day. I am not complaining in anyway this is just how it was.
When March hit it was the most all of us had been home together. And 2020 has truly done wonders for us and the kids. The two youngest share a room and they have become such good friends this year. Our oldest two have had sleepovers almost nightly and are inseparable.
So while 2020 has sucked in many ways I am choosing to end the year being grateful for what we have experienced and gained instead of what has been lost.
Cheers to 2021. I know there are still dark days ahead but I am also hopeful for what the new year will bring.
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