Juicing Essentials

Each Friday for the month of March I will be posting on some aspect of juicing. Get excited! Last week I shared the benefits of juicing and this week it is all about the essential products you need to get started.


juicing essentialsBreville Compact Juice Fountain | Vegetable & Fruit Cutting Board  | Lifefactory Glass Bottle

Kuhn Rikon Paring Knife | Distilled White Vinegar | Breville Elite Juicer

You already know the benefits of juicing and why it is amazing for your body and now it is time to get down to the nitty gritty and figure out what products you need to get started. Really you don’t need to much. That being said be prepared to spend anywhere from $50 to $400 on a juicer.

When Josh and I first started juicing about 4 years ago I bought a cheap juicer that was really hard to clean and pretty flimsy. I tried to get Josh to juice with me at that time but honestly he was not very sold on the whole idea. Fast forward several years and now Josh is the juice master in our house. It just goes to show that when someone is ready to make a change they will do it in their own time.

The first juicer I bought stopped working after about a year. After it died I decided it would be easier for me to go to Whole Foods and buy my green drinks from the juice bar. When Josh became pumped up about juicing we decided to invest in a more reliable juicer and went with the Breville Compact Juice Fountain. We love our juicer! That being said if we could purchase it again we would have invested in the more pricey Breville Elite Jucier. The reason simply being that the more expensive juicer extracts the pulp out the back and catches it in a separate basket. Our current juicer can sometimes become overloaded with pulp requiring us to empty it before we can continue juicing.


We try to buy organic as much as possible. With organic veggies and fruit you don’t need to be as cautious when you clean. Before juicing you should always rinse your produce and remove the majority of the dirt. When we clean our produce we fill our sink with water, add a cup of vinegar (natural disinfectant), add our produce, and once the dirt is off we rinse our fruit and veggies with clean water. You will also want to invest in a cutting board and sharp knife so you can prep and chop your veggies/fruit when needed.

Once you have put your greens through the juicer you will want to drink it within 15 minutes to take advantage of all the nutrients before they start to dissipate. Invest in a fun glass container to take your juice with you. We love these bottles!

I could say so much more but I think this is a good start to get you going on the essential juicing products: a juicer, veggie/fruit cleaner, knife, cutting board, and glass bottle.

Did I miss anything? Do you have a favorite juicer? Let me know.



  1. I wish I could get into juicing but I like eating food too much and not much of a drinker! Looks great though!

    • Hi Nelly! I love eating food too 🙂 Juicing is so yummy, but it would be hard for me to only juice. My hubby and mom did a 3 day juice cleanse and they only drank veggie juice. It would be hard for me to give up chewing my food for 3 days. I am interested to try a juice cleanse but will have to wait until I am done nursing Caden.

  2. I am dying for some recipes! I bought a juicer, but have NO idea what fruits and veggies to put in it to make it taste good…

  3. I want to start juicing! I think buying the juicer is what has held me back. But I think the compact juicer you mentioned sounds good. Do you use any recipes? (I found your blog through Aunie Sauce!)

    • The compact juicer is really great. Plus you can put all the pieces on the top rack of the dishwasher 🙂 Recipes coming the next two Fridays. Thank you for reading and finding my blog 🙂 I love Aunie Sauce!

  4. I recently found your blog and I’m enjoying it! I want to start juicing. My parents have a super nice juicer that I’m going to have to borrow. I’m looking forward to your recipes. Your post baby body is an inspiration!

  5. Yum! Cant wait for recipes 🙂 we really love to blend. I posted a green smoothie recipe a few weeks ago that you might like!

    Xoxo Jamie

  6. Yay! I am loving this series! Not sure if/how/when I can get into it and how much, but it’s definitely something I’m interested in and love reading your updates! Thanks for sharing!

  7. Great post, Tamara! I love using my Breville juicer. It is really simple to use, has a large feeding tube and is super-easy to clean. If you’ve got those three in place, juicing won’t be a time-consuming chore. Of course we still eat our normal meals. Juicing is just another healthy nutrition tool that allows us to increase our intake of fresh goodies in a delicious way! I also enjoy writing about the health benefits of juicing and sharing my favorite recipes. Look forward to more from you.

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