Happy 2021! Here are a few of our highlights from the first days of 2021. I hope you had yours have had a nice ease in to the new year also.
Our neighbors did not disappoint. We didn’t even have to go outside to see fireworks and could stay warm and cozy inside the house and enjoy the show.

Bible Reading Plan
I started my new Bible reading plan this weekend. While I enjoyed the one I did last year I didn’t finish it as it was written. So I decided this year I needed to go with something not as structured.

I am doing The Legacy Plan this year. This plan allows you to read at your own pace and each month lists what books of the Bible to read. For January I am reading Genesis and Exodus, 1 chapter of Proverbs daily, and 3 chapters of Psalms a week.
PS…I am loving these nail polish strips from Dashing Diva. I have had these on since before Christmas and they are still going strong.
Walks and Talks
Josh worked on New Years Eve and had a super busy night. He came home and slept until 1:30 p.m. and when he woke up we decided to go for a family walk in the neighborhood. We walked for 2.5 miles and had a great time with minimal complaints from the kids ;).
I also discovered I have a little walking buddy this weekend. We were shocked how well our 4 year old did on our long family walk and everyday since he has been asking to go on more with mommy. So far we have walked 6 miles together in total this weekend. So proud of him.
Praying Over Christmas Greetings From Friends & Family
Our pantry door is currently displaying all the seasons greetings we received from friends and family. Each day in January we are taking one card or photo off the door and praying for that family. It should take us the entire month of January to get through all the cards. So if you sent us a card or photo this year know we are praying for you and your family this month.
Ratatouille: The TikTok Musical
I cried. It was amazing and exactly what I needed to start off 2021. And never did I ever think I would be constantly singing songs from a musical about a rat who wants to cook. The kids and I have watched it twice and Josh has been caught humming It’s A Rat’s Life several times.

If you have no idea what I am talking about in Fall 2020, Broadway fans came together on TikTok and collaborated to create a new musical based on the beloved Disney film Ratatouille. And on January 1, 2021 a streaming version became available to view for several days. Tickets are still available and you can stream it until January 4th at 7pm EST. All ticket proceeds go to benefit the actors fund.

We hooked up my computer to the projector and watched it in our master bedroom. The kids grabbed laundry baskets and made little boats with blankets to sit in. We all laughed multiple times and it was just amazing and people are so talented. Congrats to all involved! Seriously the best way to start the year!
Cinnaholic Party Platter
We love these vegan friendly treats. I have horrible skin reactions if I eat eggs and these egg free treats are just so good.

We enjoyed munching on these before and after watching Ratatouille.
Prepping For Homeschool Semester #2
The new workbooks and textbooks are nestled in the kitchen cupboard ready to go for the week ahead. I underestimated how long it would be take me to prep for this upcoming week but I am fairly certain I have everything ready to go. I am ready to get back into our school routine. I think the kids are too.
Thanks for stopping by the blog today and reading! Have a great week!