Jesse’s Birth Story

Last Monday, I made an appointment to go and see my chiropractor for an adjustment and accunpuncture session. If you are local and looking for a chiropractor be sure to check out Spine and Disc Center of Arizona and schedule a visit with Dr. Jason Taylor. Josh and I have been going here for adjustments and massage for the last 10 years.

With my due date coming up in two days I knew it would be beneficial to get an adjustment before labor. Plus, I was also hoping that the focused acupuncture session would encourage labor to start.

I dropped the kids off at my parents house before heading over for my appointment at 5pm. By 6pm I was back at my parents house after having had an adjustment and an acupuncture session. Up until this session I had only been having inconsistent contractions and nothing that was indicative that I would be going into labor soon.

I called Josh at the fire station and let him know to keep his phone nearby just case I went into labor. The kids and I got in the car and arrived home by 6:30pm and they were sleeping by 7:30pm. I started to feel more achy decided a shower and bed would be a wise idea. Between multiple trips to the bathroom and resting in bed I began having more contractions. Nothing horrible yet but the frequency was increasing.

Soon after midnight on Tuesday November 15th I went to the bathroom yet again and when I went to wipe there was bloody show. Yay! This meant I was getting closer to being able to hold our baby. But also at the same time, eeekkkkkkk, because I was getting closer to all the things that happen before you can hold the baby.

By 3:15am I called Josh and told him to come home. It took several phone calls to reach him due to the fact that he was in such a deep sleep because he had got himself all pumped up after our last conversation, ran two calls, and finally had been able to close his eyes. He was home by 4am.

And by 4:30am my parents were over at the house to stay with Caden and Maisie. I finished up a few more things around the house, took another shower (because showers feel good when you are having contractions), and double checked my hospital bag. Josh and I arrived at the hospital and sat in the parking lot for 45 minutes. Josh convinced me that we should probably get out of the car and go get checked in.

When we were being checked in Dr. Brass, my OB, was walking out of the labor and delivery area. I am counting this as an unexpected blessing from God. With Caden and Maisie she arrived right as I was ready to push but it was amazing having her already at the hospital!

At 6am I was in the triage area and was told I was dilated to 3cm. Not the best news but on the flip side Dr. Brass was able to strip my membranes. In an hour I would be checked again to see if I had progressed. During this time I made multiple trips to the bathroom, if you have been in labor before you know you pretty much release anything that is inside your body, and started to have an increase in the pain and frequency of the contractions.

When the nurse checked my an hour later I had not made any more progress and was still at 3cm. She could tell that my contractions had increased and went to talk to Dr.Brass who to my surprise said I could be admitted! Praise Jesus! I was so happy I didn’t have to get back in the car and go home.


Can you tell by my face how excited I was? It is also obvious to note that in this picture I am still smiling, I also still wanted to take a picture, and I texted it to several friends to give them an update. This was my only selfie of the morning.

Josh and I got setup in the labor and delivery room by 8am. I was hooked up to monitors, an IV, and given a birthing ball to sit on. I sat on the ball in between contractions and stood up and leaned against the bed during them. My mom arrived shortly after and she and Josh would press down on my low back and sacrum during the contractions to help with back labor. With all my kids I have intense pain in my lower back with contractions.

My nurse came in and asked if I would like Dr. Brass to break my water. Umm, yes please! I was actually kinda excited to have her break it because Caden and Maisie’s broke on their own and I wanted to experience what it felt like. Spoiler alert: It feels exactly the same as when it breaks on it’s own. The only difference is you know that it is coming.

Before she broke my water she also checked me again and I was 5cm dilated. The time frame that follows starts to get a little blurry because everything happened so fast. After my water broke I was sitting at the edge of the bed to drain out and things started to get a lot more intense. I couldn’t talk or carry a conversation in between contractions, I was literally just trying to focus on getting through the contraction before the next one started up.

While I was sitting on the edge of the bed I became super nauseated and vomited multiple times. Multiple times. It wasn’t fun and I am very thankful for Zofran.

By 9:30am I was checked again and I was 6cm dilated. I went from sitting up to laying on my side with a peanut ball in between my legs. It felt pretty amazing at that point to be totally relaxed on the bed and not having to support my weight.

Dr. Brass came back in again and suggested that I try getting on my hands and knees at the top of the bed. During contractions I would sit back towards my heals, like a modified childs pose and began to feel soooooo much pressure!

The nurse asked to check me again. This is probably the worst part of labor. When you are in the middle of back to back contractions and need to be checked on progress. Shockingly I was 10cm dilated and was ready to push! Couldn’t believe it but was so thankful!

The squat bar was setup at the end of the bed, Josh got his gloves on to catch and I was given the go ahead to push. If you have never heard of delivering a baby in this position I highly recommend it! I describe it in more detail in Caden’s birth story and also mention it in Maisie’s birth story.

My body loves the pushing part of labor. It is this sweet yet intensely painful moment that is filled with the excited anticipation of what is to come. At 10:22am after 4 minutes of pushing our handsome son, Jesse Tate, made his way into his Daddy’s hands and was then placed on my chest.


I was admitted at 7:30am and Jesse was born at 10:22am. In less than an hour I went from 6cm to fully dilated and delivered our son. It amazes me what my body is able to do.

It seems fitting that this week is Thanksgiving. I have so much I am thankful for. I don’t think I can ever truly express how grateful I am to have the opportunity to be a new mom again.

Childbirth is a very painful, yet transformative process. I don’t think you can go through labor and delivery without coming out changed on the other side. During labor with Maisie I kept saying to myself over and over “This is the last time you have to do this, Tam.” The pain was so intense that the only thought I could grasp ahold of was that Josh was getting a vasectomy and she was going to be our last baby.

With Caden I had no clue what labor was going to be like. No clue. When I was barely dilated at the hospital after my water broke and eating a popsicle I heard another woman giving birth next door screaming. I couldn’t fathom why she was making those noises and literally was thinking that she needed to get it together. All that to say that after giving birth three times without medication I totally understand those noises that other mama was making.

During labor with Jesse I kept quoting scripture over and over to myself and praying Philippians 4:5-7.

“Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

Over the past two years I have learned to release myself from having to be in control, because ultimately I am not. When I tried to control things or prove to myself that I could handle whatever life brought my way I sunk deeper into my own anxious thoughts. This last year has really shown me that what I say I believe is what I actually believe and who I say is in control of my life is actually in control of my life.

In the last year Josh and I have gone from thinking we were done having kids, to deciding to become foster parents, and to finally learning that we were surprisingly pregnant a year after his vasectomy. If this had happened two years ago I would have seriously questioned God about what was happening and would have been an overall mess.

Jesse means gift. Josh and I believe that all of our children are gifts to us but this little boy has especially made this seem even more true. He is the best gift we never knew our family was missing and now that he has arrived I can’t imagine our family without him. God has been so good to our family and this unexpected blessing has been a beautiful testimony to His goodness and grace.

Jesse’s Birthday November 15, 2016 at 10:22am | Birth Weight 8 pounds | Length 20 in



Maisie’s Birth Story

I am so incredibly excited to share our sweet Maisie girl’s birth story today on the blog. Having our little girl here has filled our hearts with more love and given us a joy that we didn’t know was possible. It feels like my heart has expanded to double it’s normal size.

I will try and do a follow up post soon with the differences between Caden and Maisie’s birth and post delivery because there are several that even surprised me. Time is already moving so quickly and I am happy to have been able to write down her birth story before I forgot the little details. Honestly, it is crazy what you can forget in even a week, but her story is here and it is typed up – which is what matters. Enjoy…

On the afternoon of Tuesday May 27th, I had my 39 week appointment with my OB, Dr. Brass, at 5:45pm. Before I continue telling this story, if you are local and looking for someone to deliver your baby or are wanting to get pregnant I highly recommend her. She is just awesome and I am so thankful she was able to deliver Caden and Maisie.

Caden came with me to the appointment and we listened to little sisters heart and measured mommy’s tummy. I had a vaginal check to see how far dilated I was and was a little disappointed that I was only 1cm dilated. I had fully expected to have had the baby by 39 weeks, so to hear that there had been little change in my cervix wasn’t exactly what I wanted to hear.

While I was having my cervix checked Dr. Brass started explaining how she was going to try to encourage my body to keep the contractions I was feeling coming in more frequent and consistent intervals by doing a membrane strip (also known as a sweep).  After she had finished checking me I asked if I needed to get in any particular position for her to be able perform the sweep and was told it was already done. I had hardly felt anything.

I left the office with some light spotting and was told that if my body was ready to go into labor the membrane sweep would help to get everything started. I was excited but also cautiously optimistic because I knew I could still be days or even a week away from having this baby.

Josh was on shift at the fire station and I had told Caden we would visit Daddy at work before we headed home. I was super eager to tell Josh what had happened during my appointment which made him even more excited that this baby might be coming very soon. Caden and I stayed at the station for about 40 minutes and left to come home.

While I was driving home I started to feeling a little achy and was very happy when I pulled into the driveway. I got Caden out of the car, carefully carried him upstairs, which at this point proved to be challenging because my back was hurting, and got him ready for bed.

By 7:30pm I was struggling to eat my dinner and had lost most of my appetite because my stomach wasn’t feeling that great. For the next hour I sat on our exercise ball, walked around the house, used a heating pad on my back, and visited the bathroom several times. I debated if I needed to call Josh at work and tell him that I thought my labor might have started but I kept putting it off thinking it could be a false alarm. I can’t tell you how many times during this pregnancy I thought I was or could be starting labor and I didn’t want him to come home from work until I knew it was the real thing. I decided to call him anyway just to let him know what was happening. During that phone call we decided to wait a hour and then I’d call him with an update.

By 9:30pm the contractions were coming in 5 minute intervals. I then called my Dad and told him that I thought I might be in labor and would call him in 30 minutes on whether he needed to come pick up Caden.  I made the call to Josh – come home. While I waited I took a hot shower and was elated when I heard the garage door open because I knew at this point I was in labor and needed my husband.

When Josh came home he helped me get situated upstairs with the exercise ball and heating pad in our bathroom while he packed up the car and called my Dad asking him to come get Caden. I decided to take another shower and was lunging and squatting as the water poured down my back. I was sad when all the hot water was gone because it felt so amazing. I wrangled myself out of the bathroom and got dressed and was able to make it back downstairs. My Dad came shortly after and Caden was packed up into the car to spend the night with Grandpa and Grandma and we were off to the hospital.

The drive to the hospital was awful! I was so glad we didn’t wait much longer to leave the house. With each contraction I felt every tiny bump and dip in the road. Sitting was the last thing I wanted to be doing. Poor Josh had to listen to me scream and cry in pain during that car ride. I was praying that I would be far enough along that I would be admitted and not have to endure another ride in the car back home.

We checked in a little before 11pm and were quickly taken back to a triage room to be seen. I got into my hospital gown and was hooked up to the monitors. With every contraction I had to stand up and lean over the bed with my chest and head resting on a pillow while Josh pressed on my lower back. Although I could tell my contractions were getting closer, I was shocked to hear the nurse say they were 3 minutes apart.

The nurse did a vaginal check in between my contractions and told me I was 3 cm dilated! I was so ecstatic! The nurse went to call Dr. Brass but she said that I might be sent home to continue my labor unless my water broke. The thought of going home was disappointing but soon a new contraction hit which didn’t give me a lot of time to dwell on it.

Josh was pressing on my back as I stood in front of him leaning on the bed. With each contraction Josh would remind me to relax my shoulders, back, belly, and cervix. It sounds so funny but it really did help me to remember to breathe and let go of the tension I was holding in my muscles.

With another contraction coming on Josh went into his role as my own personal relaxation coach and when he reminded me to  relax my cervix my water literally broke and gushed out all over the floor surrounding his feet. We both burst out laughing! It was so funny and the laughter did us both a world of good. As my water continued to gush out onto the floor Josh went to find the nurse. I was so happy because this meant we were staying and having this baby girl soon!

Pretty quickly after that I was soon walking with Josh from the triage room to the room where we would deliver our baby in. We also made a phone call to my mom telling her she should make her way to the hospital now. Once we arrived in the room the only thing I wanted was a birthing ball. I had another vaginal check and was dilated to 5cm. Compared to my labor with Caden this was progressing much, much faster.

My plan was to remain on my feet, sitting on the ball, or on all fours until I could deliver. I knew gravity was my friend and the more upright I could stay the better. As soon as the ball was brought in I planted myself near the edge of the bed and hunkered down leaning my upper body on a pillow and the mattress.

The contractions were coming very quickly and I would catch my breath only to feel the pressure and back breaking pain building up again. My Mom thankfully arrived at 1:30am to offer additional support and encouragement and soon after I remember the nurse saying that if I felt the urge to start to push or more pressure in my pelvic floor to let her know. I didn’t realize until that point that I actually was feeling more pressure and starting to feel the urge to push.

With the added pressure and more intense contractions it was time for another vaginal check. I hate these things. Not because they hurt but because the last place I want to be when I am in labor is on my back. I painfully climbed up into bed and assumed the position.

I was so happy and relieved when the nurse said I was dilated to 8cm. Hallelujah, praise Jesus! Since I was already on the bed I maneuvered myself onto all fours to ride out the remaining contractions before it was time to push. My upper body was flung over the birthing ball, Josh was behind me digging his elbows into my sacrum (I know this sounds painfully but the counter pressure was one of the only things making the contractions bearable), my mom was in front of me holding my hands and letting me know I was doing a great job and reminding me to breathe, and the nurse was on my right side monitoring the baby.

My OB was called during this time and once I knew she was on her way I started to give into the pain. Screams, tears, and whimpering about wanting to push and would someone please let me squat were the only things coming out of my mouth. Dr. Brass arrived quickly after this and when she walked into the room told me that I needed to calm down and try not to scream. The squat bar was setup quickly and the end of the bed was lowered.

My lower body was shaking so bad as I made my way into a squat. The pain and pressure were very intense during the contractions but at this point I knew we were going to be meeting our baby soon so it was easier to try and ride out the contractions than to fight them. At 2:30am I began pushing. As Dr. Brass applied back pressure against the baby’s head, Josh suited and gloved up to prepare to catch, and my Mom was by side as I started to do the most intense workout of my life. In six short minutes, at 2:36am, Maisie Elizabeth Buschel entered the world by being scooped up into her fathers arms and we were filled with an overwhelming amount of joy, thankfulness, and love.

Maisie and I cuddled while I delivered the placenta and was stitched up. I had very mild tearing this time and Dr. Brass said that Maisie looked much bigger than Caden. With my baby in my arms I was a happy mama. I don’t think I can ever fully explain the mix of emotions I have felt when my babies have been laid on my chest after their births. It is a mix of awe, amazement, relief, joy, and unconditional love. Babies truly are a miracle and I feel so blessed to have been able to experience this amazing process twice.

The time came for me to let the nurse borrow Maisie so she could be checked out. Imagine my surprise to hear that she was 8 lbs 9 oz., that was a much bigger baby to birth (Caden only weighed 6 lbs. 6oz.). Dr. Brass said that she could understand why I was screaming more this time, Maisie was 2 pounds larger.

I am so grateful that I again was able to have the birthing experience that I wanted. I was able to labor at home for several hours, arrived at the hospital just before my water broke, labored and delivered unmedicated, and had a great support system around me.

Maisie's Birth Story

 Maisie’s Birthday May 28, 2014 at 2:36am | Birth Weight 8 pounds 9 oz. | Length 21 in

Thank you again for all your sweet comments on the blog, Facebook, and Instagram. We have been enjoying the new routine of being a family of four and I am looking forward to sharing more photo’s and thoughts as the weeks progress.

xoxo, Tamara

PS…If you are new to the blog you can read about Caden’s birth HERE.
