I Remembered Why I Fell In Love With My Husband When…

I think those of us who have been married for a few years would agree that overtime the routine of life starts to take over and you begin to forget those initial sparks that first flew between you and your spouse. Now don’t get me wrong I totally love Josh. We have been married for 5 years and he is a great husband and an amazing father. But marriage is not a fairy tale. The reality is that the stress from daily life can take a toll on your relationship if you allow it.

I was feeling particularly stressed out this past month with packing and sorting up all our belongings for our move. I was making my way to each area of the house sorting all of our items when I came across a grocery bag that was shoved under our bed. As I began to remove the contents of the bag my heart started to melt and so did all the stress I had been feeling. Inside were dozens and dozens of handwritten love letters from Josh.

For the next 45 minutes I sat on the floor and allowed myself to be flooded with happiness. I read so many sweet words of support, encouragement, and love my husband had written to me over the years.

Love Letter

Reading those cards got me thinking, when was the last time I had actually written or even spoken words of encouragement or kindness to my husband? Gulp.

So if I haven’t already embarrassed my husband by sharing this post here it goes…


I want you to know how proud I am of the man you have become and how happy I am to be your wife. I can honestly say that I could not picture my life without you. You are an awesome father and Caden just adores you. I know our daughter will too. The fact that you are already looking forward to taking her to daddy daughter dances just shows how much you already love her. Our kids don’t even know how lucky they are. They have a father who makes it a point to pray over them and their mother each and every night. I am so thankful for you. You have seen me at my worst and cared for when I have been my sickest. I would be lost without your love. You are generous with your time and a wonderful provider for all our needs. Our life together has not been without struggles or challenges but that is what makes where we are today that much sweeter. I love you for now and always. 

Your wife, Tamara

It is amazing what words of kindness and affection can do for your relationship. I am so thankful for these sweet love notes from my husband. They reminded me of all the amazing qualities that I love in him how amazing he is. If you haven’t taken the time to tell your husband or anyone else in your life how much they mean to you I want to encourage you to take a few minutes to do so. Send a text, buy a card, or a make a phone call. Maybe even write a blog post yourself. I promise you won’t regret the time you spent.



  1. That literally made me say “aww” out loud at my desk. This post is so touching and sweet! It is hard to get all caught in the day to day and forget each other. Great post!

  2. Here I thought I was the only person in America that still kept every card their spouse gave them. Most times when I’m feeling beyond stressed, I pull out the box stashed in my closet and read them too. The best part about it was finding my husband has a similar stash. It definitely is so important to let them know you love them. and appreciate everything they do. Sometimes saying it isn’t always enough!

  3. So very true! And so sweet. I try to text my husband when I have random fits of love but nothing beats a handwritten note 🙂

  4. Kate Saxena says

    Wow so true. I get side tracked. Will tell him tonight. After my cancer, he was/is the most amazing husband I could ask for. We are closer now even more so than before. Great post and sorry to hear about negative comments on your post at ?tv…missed that. I have not been on FB too often. Some people will be negative because they are unhappy in their lives. Ignore them, turn you head to the great positive people around you and laugh, love, and live. Love your encouraging words. Oh, and I miss you at Lifetime.

  5. We save all of our cards, too! I need to read them on “tough” days more often. I think that would help a ton. 🙂 Thanks for reminding me that they exist, haha.

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