10 Months After Baby Stats

Can I be completely honest with you for a moment? I just finished sharing an amazing peanut butter cupcake with my husband and it was soooooo good!

All right, enough about that and on to my stats :).

(pre-pregnancy measurement 27″, no change from last month)
Back to pre-pregnancy measurement!!!
HIPS 35″
(pre-pregnancy measurement 37″, no change from last month)
Below pre-pregnancy measurement!!!
WEIGHT 126 lb.
(pre-pregnancy weight 130 lb., up 3 lb. from last month)
Below pre-pregnancy measurement!!!

phonto copy

Finding balance is so important, which is why I shared with you that I just had a few bites of a cupcake. I gained 3 pounds this month and I am totally fine with that. I feel great and knew that after coming off the 21 day cleanse my body would readjust to eating sugar and a limited amount of dairy products. Month 9 and Month 10 comparison photo is shown below.

My Photo

As great as looking good feels, feeling good is even greater. Josh and I juice, drink nutrient rich smoothies, and eat lots of veggies to stay healthy in addition to our workouts. We still continue to juice first thing in the morning and typically have a smoothie later in the day. You can see our green juice recipe here. I also take a multivitamin and omega-3 supplement everyday (I like the Garden of Life brand).

The next paragraph is for ladies only because it could possibly be too much info for the fellas. Back in January I started spotting and was surprised that my monthly visitor had returned earlier than I had anticipated. Nothing happened in February so I was starting to think it had been a fluke. I guess I just assumed since I was still nursing I wouldn’t have my period. This past month it appeared again and lasted a little longer but was not anything major. I don’t really know what to expect for the next month. Did anyone experience anything similar?

My workouts this month went something like this: 10k race (ran my fastest race pace ever!), yoga (of course), running, swimming, TRX, running hills at the zoo pushing Caden in the stroller, and teaching my weekly bootcamp. I always love a good sweaty workout and enjoyed the variety this month. I also take lots of walks pushing Caden in the stroller or carrying him in the Ergobaby. The weather is beautiful right now in Arizona and it feels amazing to be able to spend time outdoors!

Let’s talk goals! I am still reading my bible everyday and I am on track to read through the New Testament and Psalms twice and the rest of the Old Testament once by the end of the year. Yay! This is huge for me and I feel such a since of accomplishment each time I finish my daily readings. Want to join in? Check out the M’Cheyne Bible-reading schedule for the outline. Each month my blog continues to grow and I am loving all the amazing bloggers I have connected with. Reading the emails or comments left on my posts inspires me to continue to share my life and my passion for healthy living. Seriously, I get giddy reading comments on the blog or Facebook page.

Only two more months left before Caden turns one! My goodness time is sure going fast! I would love to answer any questions that you have regarding loosing baby weight, after baby workouts, or nutrition so feel free to send them my way. I am planning on doing a huge wrap in the next two months and want it to be informative as possible. Just leave a comment on this post.

xoxo, Tamara

PS…I am SUPER excited to share with you that I am now a contributor over at FitLife.tv! I would love it if you read my first post: 3 Yoga Poses to Relax and Renew Your Body And Mind. Thanks everyone for your support!



  1. I think it’s a common misconception that your period will not come back while you’re breastfeeding. Everything that I’ve read and been told by my doctors is that breastfeeding will generally delay your period by about 6 months. It will come back sooner for some women, and later for others. With both my kids I got mine back around 7-8 months postpartum (it was sad — so nice not having to mess with that!).

    You look amazing and fantastic job losing the baby weight! With my first, I lost all my weight plus about 20 pounds and many inches. I struggled so much more losing weight after my second and never got back to my pre-pregnancy weight (about 5-7 lbs off) before I got pregnant with #3. I look forward to having your blog as a resource when I’m losing my post-baby #3 weight this fall!

  2. You look great! good job!

  3. Oh girl thats awesome! You are probably getting stronger too! Trust me the biggest thing I am proud of are my ABS and yours are awesome!

  4. Callie Unruh says

    Granted I had a c-section and didn’t breastfeed past 2 months because my milk didn’t come in, but my period started again at about 4 or 5 months postpartum. But it was the same way…spotting, and irregular. It took about 3 months for it to regulate. For awhile it was every other week which was not fun. But it figured itself out soon enough. It is kinda weird though…

  5. girl you look fantastic!!! have you tried jillian michaels ripped in 30? I just got it and am hoping for some great results!! 🙂

  6. I breastfed for 8 months and didn’t get my first post-pregnancy period until right as I started weaning and was gradually cutting back nursing sessions. Pre-baby, I was always like CLOCK WORK. I could pin down the start of a cycle not only to the day, but pretty much the time of day! My baby is now going on 11 months old and I’ve only had 1 other period since. I completely skipped a month and both were as you described….light and nothing major. Honestly, I was shocked and just assumed that once things started back up that I would be super regular like I always was in the past. Who knew?! http://www.jasonmeandbabyt.com

  7. You are looking awesome! I am not brave enough to post pictures of myself. I still haven’t had my period and I’m 10 months PP.

  8. Girl, you’re amazing! I lost all my baby weight pretty fast and I’m at a weight I’m happy with, but I’m not fit. I need to work out or do something, but being in France is so stinkin’ hard. Being married to a professional athlete shuold help, it doesn’t. lol!

    Oh I’m reading through the Bible too! Well, it’s the version that’s in the back of my Bible, I am LOVING it! Seriously, who knew the OT could be so interesting. It’s been totally inspiring. Love reading your blog as always! You’re inspiring!

    • I love that your Dad is fire captain, so cool! You should look into buying a TRX, you can hook on to any sturdy door, attach it to the wall, or take it to the park. Maybe I will do a post soon with mine so you can see how I attach it. It is super easy.

      Yay! I am happy to have another friend reading through the bible at the same time. The OT is really interesting but I will admit it is hard to stay focused sometimes when they start naming everyone in each family.

  9. Tamara – I am so proud of you for so many reasons but two you mention in this post – taking care of yourself physically and spiritually. Awesome that both you and Natalia are reading through the bible at the same time. Each time i commit to this God blesses me with knowing Him more – but I do agree about the names. Also I vote for a TRX post. It would be helpful for me to refer to. Love ya – Mom

  10. I just found your blog and love seeing your post baby progress. I’m almost at five months post baby with my second little girl and working to get back to my pre-baby shape. It’s nice to find others working toward the same goal – although it looks like you’ve met yours!

  11. Wow. You look amazing. I love this post. I am half way through my pregnancy and even though I am so thankful for my growing body and baby, it’s hard to see all your hard work “go soft”. But you are such an inspiration!! I am so excited to get my body back after this pregnancy. But until then I will enjoy what it’s doing.

  12. Heather Weaver says

    You look amazing! Same stats as me, I pray I look as good 😉

  13. You look fantastic! I just came across your blog and absolutely love it! I’m also on a mission to get back into shape after baby #2. Looking forward to losing these last pesky 10lbs! I can’t wait to try some of your recipes. Keep up the good work! You’re very motivating 🙂

  14. Hi Tamara,

    I really enjoyed reading your blog, it’s so inspiring. And you look amazing! Do you have any advice on how to get rid of post-baby belly fat? I’m 9 months post-partum and I just cannot get rid of the jiggly belly fat. Thanks in advance for your advice!

  15. Hi! First you look fantastic. I have just started the whole workout journey after baby. I tried before but due to some muscle tearing during pregnancy – my body wasnt quite ready. Are you still nursing? Do you have any supply issues working out so much? That is my biggest fear, well that and the pain in my SUPER large chest (went from a C to a E) OUCH! Now to get in better shape than ever!

    • Thank you and thanks for reading! I am still nursing and have not noticed any issues with my supply :). I make sure to drink lots of water and eat nutrient rich meals. I will be sharing more details on my breastfeeding story and after baby body soon in upcoming posts. I am so sorry you had tearing. Ouch! Have a great day!

  16. Anastasia says

    Tamara, did you do the juice cleanse while nursing? I really want to do it but am afraid that all the toxins will be absorbed by breast-milk and will end up in my 8 month old. 🙁 I have been doing a ACV cleanse (drinking warm water with ACV and honey first thing when I wake up) and he got a terrible eczema rush that disappeared as soon as I stopped.

    • I did not do the juice cleanse while nursing. I still juiced in the morning but did not cleanse. So you can fore sure drink your green juice but eat food as well. What is an ACV cleanse?

  17. Hello! I have just discovered your website and feel like I’ve found a kindred spirit. Someone passionate about health, fitness, who has a bdeautiful little boy too, AND is a sister in the Lord :)I’ve been pouring through your posts of wisdom. Your level of fitness is so inspiring!

    I have a 4 month old, Willem, and although I was back to pre-preg weight in 8 weeks, I need to get some of the ‘softness’ gone. I currently work out 40 mins every second day with weights. I do a total body circuit on Youtube. In between those days I do a 10 or 20 min core workout.

    I’m thinking about buying PX90 or Insanity, but I’m scared of losing my milk. I want to breastfeed till at least age 1. I also struggle with knowing how much to eat. I judt did the I Quit Sugar 8 week detox, and although I intitally lost 6lbs, I put it all back on by the end by just overeating on good fats like coconut. Again, I am paranoid about losing my milk, but I do know I snacked a bit too much on healthy calorie dense foods.

    Any advice for me? I’m very grateful 🙂


    • Hi Hannah!

      Thanks so much for your sweet comment. Congrats on Willem! It sounds like you are doing great with your fitness. Those DVD sets are great, my only advice would be to pace yourself and rest when you need to. As far as your milk supply is concerned you want to make sure you are eating and drinking fluids to keep up your supply. If you decide to do p90x or insanity you will want to increase your calorie consumption by 300-500 calories per day.

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