Arms & Core Workout

Happy Friday! I hope you are all safe and healthy wherever you are reading this from. We have been enjoying our backyard this week even as the heat has started creeping up in Arizona. We have had several 100 degree days already. Here are some pictures of our wildflowers and our blueberries.

We have been trucking along on getting school work done, trying to keep our garden alive, disinfecting and cleaning our house, and getting to spend so much quality time together. I am reminding myself daily all we have to be thankful for, which is so much.

I did get emotional this week when we drove by a preschool friends house to say happy birthday from the car. I got to see several friends in their cars and it was just such a weird surreal experience. I was so grateful to see them all but gosh it was hard at the same time.

I have been trying to workout around 6am before the kids are up for the day. I am so happy to share a workout I did this week. My upper body is so so sore. I did this workout I am sharing yesterday and holy moly. The pushups were intense and I loved it.

I have been doing the workouts that This Time Fitness has been posting on Facebook and they have been great. I have been enjoying them so much that I signed up for a 6 week virtual challenge with the studio. This Time Fitness is in South Carolina and I am in Arizona so it has been fun to do these workouts in realtime with the owners Kindal and Dan.

I completed Kindal’s kettlebell program Strong last year and really enjoyed it. I read her fitness blog years ago which is how I discovered her training programs. I highly recommend them. Fun workouts that help you get stronger and leaner.

Yesterday was the first workout I took that Dan programmed and my arms are feeling it today. Here is the workout with a few modifications made by me…

For the numbered exercise you will start with 30 of each and progress down on the next go around. Try to do the pushups slow and controlled. For the pushups that are the down portion only lower your entire body to the ground from plank position. For all pushups focus on your elbows being straight back as opposed to out to side.

Your first round will look like this:

  • 30 Knee Pushups
  • 30 Elevated Pushups
  • 30 Pushups (Down Only)
  • 12 Lat Raises
  • 30 seconds each of the following: Bicycle Crunches, V-Ups, & Leg Raise

Your next round you will drop the reps to 20. The negative reps were so hard for me but I loved them. I hadn’t done negative reps of any exercise in such a long time.

I am not going to lie the first two rounds took over 20 minutes but it goes much faster towards the end.

If you are looking for motivation I highly recommend Kindal and Dan’s programs and workouts. They have created a virtual studio on Facebook that will contain 44 workouts each month. If you are interested it is only $57 to join. You can find more information on their virtual studio HERE.

I hope you all have a safe and healthy weekend!

xo, Tamara



  1. Dan and I are both loving seeing you in the workouts. He told me the other day after this workout that you had mentioned it was already so hot! I feel silly if we complain now. lol. Keep it up, I can’t wait to see how this challenge goes and the results we see/feel.

    Hope you had a great weekend. Beautiful flowers

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