The Greatest Showman Halloween Costumes

This year our family decided to do a group costume from our beloved movie The Greatest Showman for Halloween. We had so much fun last year dressing up as The Incredibles that we wanted to keep the good times rolling.

I didn’t realize how hard it was going to be to actually find these costumes or an easy way for me to recreate them. And that is how I found myself at Hobby Lobby in the sewing department looking up patterns. I hit the jackpot because the day I went the McCall patterns were on sale for $1.99. I purchased M6143 a patriotic pattern that looked like it would work perfectly for a P.T. Barnum inspired coat with tails and fabric, thread, and buttons. In total I spent $8. Everything was on sale and super cheap.

The last time I sewed anything was in middle school, thankfully my grandma is an expert seamstress extraordinaire who lives 5 minutes away. She was thrilled to help offer her knowledge and surplus of items that helped me finish this project. Here is my grandma sitting in her sewing/craft room.

My grandma made all the Halloween costumes for me and my cousins so it was really fun to be able to  spend time with her while I worked on a costume for my own baby. The older I get the more I realize how important it is to soak in these moments with my grandparents and I am so glad that they live close by and that they are able to be as involved as they are in my children lives. Surprisingly once grandma showed me how to decipher the instructions for the collar I was able to finish up the coat quickly.

It was a huge confidence boost to finish this project successfully and add the detailing to the coat. I purchased a second hand vest and added the ribbon. Josh made the cane using a 1/2 inch dowel that we painted and topped it with a decorative drawer knob we found in the discount section of the craft store.

Once this costume was done I went to work on making a Tom Thumb costume for one of our littles. This basic t-shirt quickly turned into the military styled coat using the leftover fabric from the PT Barnum costume.

From there I used this free online pattern from Martha Stewart as a rough guideline to finish off the costume. Building upon this shirt really made this project go quickly.

Total cost spent for both of these costumes was $25. The rest of our family outfits that were super easy to put together for this ensemble that includes the bearded lady, a little lion, and Jenny Lind.

Several years ago my mom asked me if I wanted her old sewing machine. I really didn’t think I should take it because I knew it would just sit in the closet collecting dust. Today I am so glad that I took her old Viking machine because I now have a precious memory of making my kids Halloween costumes and getting to spend extra time with my grandma.


Boyce Thompson Arboretum

We ventured to Boyce Thompson Arboretum for the first time this month. When we left I was already trying to figure out when we could visit again. I loved it and can’t believe I have never visited this gem before. And I wish I would have taken more pictures. This place was so pretty.

We saw a few other people meandering about but for most of the two hours we felt like we had the entire place to ourselves. We brought our double jogging stroller for the two little ones and the older two walked with us. There are two parts on the main trail that narrow and our stroller wouldn’t fit but we still felt like we were able to see a good majority of the arboretum. If you are going with toddlers I would recommend a stroller. It was helpful to be able to contain Jesse at times, especially by the Cactus Garden. He walked a good portion of the time we were there but it was nice to have the stroller.

The day we went we had just finished a week of study in Genesis 1:1 learning about what God created and who God is. The kids were walking about saying “wow, God created lots of plants”. It was neat to see them connect what we were doing as a family to what we had learned about this week in our bible lesson.

You can bring outside snacks and drinks into the park and there is a large picnic area available by the butterfly garden. I loved the butterfly garden. It was so awesome and I  loved watching my kids watch the butterflies. They were so still and quiet standing among the wildflowers soaking in the fun of having butterflies surround them.

If you are local and have never been I highly recommend it. And if you are visiting from out of town this would be a fun place to see.

I would love to know any other hidden gems I might be missing out on seeing in Arizona. Let me know.


My Most Read & Loved Fiction Books

I love reading. My husband bought me a Kindle tablet last year for my birthday and I didn’t realize how much I would use it. I think I am reading more now because I have such easy access to books. I really enjoy having Kindle Unlimited too because for $10 a month I have access to loads of books I can read for free.

Below are my all time favorite fiction books. It was hard for me to narrow it down but all these books are either books I have read multiple times or books I am planning to read again in the near future.

Uncharted by Angela Hunt

“I’m beginning to think the island wants to keep us here.”

It was supposed to be an adventure. A little time off to honor the memory of a friend and complete a service project in the tropics. Do good deeds while getting a tan.

But when a storm rocks their plans, five long-time friends from college find themselves hurled onto a desolate island, and relief fades to fear. Here nature rules with a vengenance. The lone shelter from raw conditions is a sinister cave. Are they victims of a bizarre psychological experiment? Or could this godforsaken place have the power to maroon them forever?

This book still haunts me when I think about it. My mom recommended this book to me and once I started it I could not put it down. It was so good and made me really think. I don’t want to say much more at risk of giving away the plot but trust me. It is good. Don’t read the reviews on Amazon. Just buy it and read it.

These Is My Words: The Diary of Sarah Agnes Prine, 1881-1901 by Nancy Turner

A moving, exciting, and heartfelt American saga inspired by the author’s own family memoirs, these words belong to Sarah Prine, a woman of spirit and fire who forges a full and remarkable existence in a harsh, unfamiliar frontier. Scrupulously recording her steps down the path Providence has set her upon—from child to determined young adult to loving mother—she shares the turbulent events, both joyous and tragic, that molded her, and recalls the enduring love with cavalry officer Captain Jack Elliot that gave her strength and purpose.

I loved it soon much and can’t wait to read it again. If you live in Arizona this is a must read in my opinion. I have no idea how people survived a wagon train out west and lived to build homes and establish towns in the scorching desert. All the emotions with these books. I didn’t want this book to end and was so happy when I learned there two other books in this series.

Chataine’s Guardian: Book One of the Annals of Lystra (Volume 1) by Robin Hardy

“I am assigning a Guardian to ward you. His name is Roman. . ..”

Thus begins Surchatain Karel’s explanation to his daughter, ten-year-old Chataine Deirdre, as to why her life is about to change dramatically. Karel’s small country, Lystra, possesses the only navigable river on the southern coast of the Continent. The provinces that surround Lystra want its river trade, and will do anything to gain it–even kill the heir to the throne. So Karel places her life in the keeping of the most capable and trustworthy soldier he can find.

Willful and spoiled, Deirdre sees this guradian only as another servant to be mastered. She teases and abuses him as he places his life on the line for her day after day, year after year. Deirdre does not know at what point she beings to love him. But Roman knows from the very beginning that to love her will mean his death.

I am not sure if my mom bought these books for herself and handed them down to me but I can remember reading this book in our backyard when I was about 12 and really loved it. I have only read the first three books but there are more in this series but Volume 1 is my favorite and have read it more times then I can count.

The Christy Miller Collection by Robin Jones Gunn

It all starts the summer Christy turns 15. She leaves Wisconsin and spends her vacation with her wealthy aunt and uncle in Newport Beach, California.That’s where she meets Todd, the surfer with the screaming silver blue eyes who changes her life forever. Find out what happens when Christy’s parents make an announcement that puts Christy in a new high school at the start of her sophomore year.

I started reading this series in either Junior High or High School, I can’t remember, but I read them over and over again. I was around the same age as the main character when I started reading these books. The characters seemed so real to me and I loved the real life situations that these books portrayed and how to make the best choices based on what the Bible says. The author just recently published more books in this series and I feel like I have been able to grow up with Christy Miller. There is loads of Christy Miller books and several spin off series as well. If you have preteens or teenage daughters get them these books!

Chop, Chop – The Series of a Lifetime by LN Cronk

It seems to David that both Greg and Laci are a bit . . . out there. Between each of them constantly chopping off their hair for charity and Greg’s clandestine hand signals, neither of them seem likely to develop friendships with reserved young David. Despite their differences, however, all three grow closer to each other and – as they do – David grows closer to God as well. Nearing adulthood, David finds himself content in every way . . . but when tragedy strikes, David must struggle to find his way back to God.

There are 7 books in this series and I highly recommend reading Taken which is a spin off stand alone book by the same author. This is similar to the Christy Miller series where it follows the same character as they grow but these books are so much richer and deeper. All the books were good. I was so invested in this series while I was reading it that I stayed up into the wee hours of the morning on several occasions because I couldn’t put it down. This entire series is available to read for free with Kindle Unlimited.


Do you have a favorite fiction book that you would recommend? What is the book and why do you love it?
