My Diamond Fell Out of My Ring and Why I Love Shane Co.

Yesterday while driving home with my mother-in-law and Caden in the car I went to play with my wedding rings and instantly something felt different. I had a time-stood-still-moment as I lifted my hand into view and saw this….

My Diamond Fell Out of My Engagement Ring

The diamond in my engagement band was MIA. I had to do a double take and check again one more time but alas it was still missing. I knew when I had felt the pokey prongs with my fingers before bringing my hand into view that the diamond was no longer there but I still could not believe it.

Have you ever heard the phrase “finding a needle in a haystack”? That is seriously how it felt trying to search for my diamond. After coming to terms that the diamond was indeed gone and it would be a miracle if I EVER got it back, I called our friends at the Scottsdale Shane Co. where Josh purchased my rings. I say friends in the best way possible and after the AMAZING customer service I received yesterday at Shane Co. they are more like family.

This is not a product promotion or sponsored post but I am a true believer when you receive excellent customer service you need to shoutout about it. There is so much negativity in the world that when something positive happens we should brag on it for a few moments.

You might be wondering why I ever called Shane Co. in the first place after I discovered my diamond was missing. Shane Co. has a free lifetime warranty policy. The details on this warranty are below.

What’s free for life:

  • Free Maintenance/Repair Work*
  • Free Resizing*
  • Free Cleaning and Polishing*
  • Free Inspections*
  • Free Lost Stone Replacement*

*To keep your Lifetime Warranty active, please visit us for a cleaning and inspection every 6 months. We will inspect, clean, polish and maintain your jewelry for free for as long as you own it. Cleaning ensures that your fine jewelry is always looking exceptional and inspection ensures your jewelry is protected and ready for everyday wear.

Shane Co guarantees:

  • All-metal jewelry made entirely of gold, platinum or silver
  • All merchandise made of gold platinum or silver that contains diamonds, rubies, sapphires, and semiprecious gemstones
  • All merchandise containing cultured pearls
  • All wedding bands made of cobalt and titanium

When family heirlooms purchased from Shane Co. are passed along within a family, the jewelry continues to be guaranteed under the warranty under the standard guidelines.

In case you missed it Shane Co. offers free lost stone replacement under their lifetime warranty policy. I honestly wasn’t entirely sure what to expect walking into the Scottsdale Shane Co. store yesterday afternoon with my mother-in-law and engagement ring sans diamond. I didn’t know how I would be treated or if I would even be able to get a replacement stone. On a sidetone, thank you to Josh’s mom for going with me after just getting off an airplane.

Upon entering the store we were greeted by Brandy who was so empathic to what had happened. She inspected my ring to ensure it had not been tampered with, pulled up my account, and confirmed the amount Josh had paid for the stone. We were then handed over to Ron who continued to work with us for the next two hours. I was treated just like any other customer walking into the store making a purchase.

Shane Co Diamond Education The Four Cs

My mother-in-law and I were educated on the color and clarity of diamonds and shown how to inspect the diamonds. It gave me a new appreciation for the process Josh went through when he purchased my diamond and ring. My ring is truly a one of a kind and it means the world to me that Josh selected it by himself.

The entire staff was so gracious to us and the not so great experience of losing my diamond turned into a positive one for me and my husband. While I could never replace the sentimental value of my original diamond the loss of it was greatly reduced by being able to have it replaced with a diamond of similar quality.

I also want to add in that at the time of our visit Rordan Shane, Tom Shane’s son, was visiting the Scottsdale store. He noticed I was talking to my mother-in-law about the remodel of the store and how nice it looked and walked over to us and spoke with us. He was super friendly and we had no idea who he was at the time. I think we both just thought he was a very friendly employee. Later Ron told us that Rordan was the president of the company and that he was visiting the store. I made a point to find him again and let him know how appreciative, amazed, grateful, and thankful I was to have experienced the best customer service at the Scottsdale Shane Co.

Before leaving I gave hugs to Ron and Rordan. I could not speak more highly of this company. I hope that if anyone is considering buying jewelry this holiday season or in the future and you have a Shane Co. in your area you make your purchase there. You will not be disappointed with the selection, quality, and education of the staff. Thank you Shane Co. for being my friend in the diamond business.

I will update this post next week once I pick up my ring from the store. Before I end this post I also wanted to give a shoutout to Josh’s friend JD who recommended Josh go to Shane Co. to get my ring. Thank you JD a million times over!

Shane Co. Replacement Diamond

UPDATE: I picked up my beautiful replacement ring and the next day something amazing happened. I found my lost diamond.


Day In The Life + Garmin vívofit 2 Review

Disclosure: This post was sponsored by Garmin through their partnership with POPSUGAR Select. While I was compensated to write a post about vívofit 2, all opinions are my own.

I thought it would be fun to do a day in the life post. I have never done one before and I always love reading them. With Caden in preschool two days a week, workouts, bible study, swim lessons, MOPS, church, and various other activities that we participate in our family is always on the go.

Even though we are out and about these activities involve lots of sitting. Sitting in the car driving, sitting at bible study, anyway you get the picture. At the end of day I can feel tired not so much from the amount of movement but just from the volume of activity.

Exercise in a modern context can actual create disease. Today, the average office worker sits for about 10 hours, first all those hours in front of the computer, plowing through e-mails, making calls or writing proposals — and eating lunch. And then all those hours of sitting in front of the TV or surfing the Web at home. Studies have shown again and again that a lack of movement in your day increases your risk of heart disease, diabetes, obesity, cancer, and depression, as well as muscle and joint problems.

The World Health Organization estimates that 95 percent of the world’s adult population is inactive, failing to meet minimum recommendations for health of 30 minutes of moderate to intense physical activity five times a week. Yikes! That is huge!

I have recently been using the Garmin vívofit 2 activity tracker which features an audible move bar. After 1 hour of inactivity, the vívofit 2 gives you an audio alert and displays a red move bar that builds every additional 15 minutes. Just walk a couple of minutes to reset the move bar. Hope you enjoy seeing how much a move during a typically day in my life!

Tuesday November 3rd, 2015

5:15am – Wake up and exercise. I used Cathe Live and did a 45 minute cardio workout at home that was just the right amount of challenge and sweat for me this morning. I used my Garmin Premium Heart Rate Monitor (Soft Strap) during the workout. Using my iPhone I synced my watch after the workout to the Garmin Connect app.

Garmin's vívofit 2 HR Screenshot

Garmin's vívofit 2 Activity Tracker Screenshot

CatheLive Garmin's vívofit 2

After my workout I am at 4308 steps. Not bad for 6am. A quick shower is followed by making myself and the kids breakfast and getting everyone ready for the day.

9am – Caden has been dropped off at preschool and Maisie was unhappily left with loving nursery workers at church so I could go to bible study. Two and a half hours later we all get back in the car to head home for lunch.

Armor of God Garmin's vívofit 2

1:30pm – The kids are asleep for their naps, the house is a mess, and my vívofit 2 is redlining me telling me I should be moving because I have been inactive for over an hour while I played with the kids on the floor.

Naptime Garmin's vívofit 2

5pm – Maisie is home with Daddy and Mommy and Caden are at swim lessons. My watch is still telling me to move.

Swim Lessons Garmin vívofit 2

After lessons we are home for the night! Yay!

7pm – Bedtime for the kids. We really love reading the The Jesus Storybook Bible to them each night.

Jesus Storybook Bible Garmin's vívofit 2

I am not sure if you can tell in this picture but there is a little plus sign on the bottom of the screen that lets me know that I have met my step goal for the day. Each day the Garmin vívofit 2 adjusts my step goal depending on how I am doing getting moving every day.

Here is how I ended the day…

Garmin vívofit 2 Step Screenshot

Garmin vívofit 2 Sleep Screenshot

I really do love this watch and all that it has to offer. Hopefully you enjoyed reading about what a typically busy day looks like for me. I wanted to break down a few more of the features and let you know what else I thought after using the vívofit 2.


vívofit 2 activity tracker specs

The picture above speaks for itself in regards to what the vívofit 2 activity tracker offers. My favorite features are listed below…

  • 1+ year of battery life. I love not having to charge the vívofit 2.
  • Water resistant. I can swim with it!
  • Heart Rate Monitor. The HR strap is an additional purchase but well worth the money in my opinion to be able to take advantage of this feature.
  • Red bar of shame. Hahaha. I mean the move alert bar. This bar will eventually go across your entire screen if you are inactive for an hour. I dread it but it is a great way to remind yourself to get moving.


The week that I received my vívofit 2 activity tracker was the same week Garmin updated the Garmin Connect app. I downloaded the older version of the app, the new update came available, and once it was downloaded anytime I used my HRM with the vívofit 2 the data wouldn’t sync. I thought maybe it was just me because I was still in a learning curve but after visiting Garmin Fitness on Facebook I read comments that quickly let me knew I wasn’t the only one having this issue. Garmin was quick to respond on Facebook to mine and others questions and soon had the issue resolved with another update for the app a few days later.

I know that is not really a great con because the issue was soon resolved but so far that has been my only issue with this tracker. I really love everything about it and all the features it offers. The only other thing I will add is that I tested the vívofit 2 activity tracker on the treadmill for a run and it recorded me as running 1.70 miles when I had actually run 2.25. I don’t typically run on a treadmill so this is not a big deal to me and most activity trackers will not give accurate step counts on cardio equipment.


It is a keeper! If you are a swimmer, runner, or looking for motivation to get moving, this is the activity tracker for you. It is super comfortable and I don’t even mind sleeping with it on my wrist.


Vitamins & Supplements for a Healthy Family

You will never see me promote anything on here, sponsored or otherwise, that I haven’t used myself and researched before using. This post is not sponsored and I have never been sponsored by the brands listed.

Do you take vitamins or supplements? What about your kids? It can be overwhelming at times as a parent figuring out what your child needs let alone finding the time to research what you need for yourself. This is a list of what has worked and is working for me and my family.


I take the responsibility of sharing my opinions and recommendations very seriously and would NEVER post about a product without researching it to the best of my ability. So what are some of my recommendations when purchasing vitamins/supplements? I am glad you asked…


It is important to keep in mind that vitamins and supplements are a support to your diet. Your diet is the key to healthy living. You CANNOT take enough vitamins or supplements to counteract a bad diet.


It is important to become your own advocate and do your own research. Without this testing there is no way to determine if what is actually inside matches what the label says. The FDA does NOT monitor vitamins and supplements so ANYTHING could be put in these products.

USP and Consumer Lab (there are a few others as well) are third party unbiased companies that are hired by the vitamin company to test their products including product validity, absorbability, and make sure there is no added ingredients or the amount in the ingredients matches the label.


If possible try to limit the amount of GM ingredients in your vitamins. An easy way to do this is to be sure that your products are free of the most common GM ingredients: corn, sugar beets, high fructose corn syrup, and soy.


This week I received my vitamin order in the mail and I thought it would be fun to share what we use in our household. Remember to check with your doctor before taking any new vitamin or supplement. 

Vitamins Supplements Healthy Family

For the last few months I have been using Integrative Therapeutics – Clinical Nutrients for Women. I love this vitamin, you can see the supplement facts in the picture below! If you decide to try out this brand my only recommendation would be take with your meal and work up to the three tablets. If you have never experienced a Niacin flush, they aren’t super pleasant, and I am guessing somewhat equates to what a hot flash feels like, in addition to your joints becoming flaming red because of increased vasodilation. FYI, these don’t smell super great so if you notice an odd oder it is probably coming from these vitamins. My naturopath recommended this brand. Josh is also taking the Men’s version – Integrative Therapeutics – Clinical Nutrients for Men. $25 for 90 tablets, 3 tablets daily

Integrative Therapeutics Clinical Nutrients for Women Label

Thorne Research – Meriva-500 is an anti-infalmmatory supplement derived from Turmeric. Thorne is such an amazing brand! Super high quality! If you have an autoimmune disorder this is something to look into and talk with your doctor about. I also take this during that certain time each month instead of an ibuprofen and it works just as well. $28 for 60 capsules, 2 capsules daily

I have taken Innate Response – Adrenal Response for the last year for adrenal support. Adrenal fatigue is estimated to affect around 80 percent of people in the world. Most people struggle with adrenal fatigue at some point in their lives. Symptoms include: body aches, trouble concentrating, racing thoughts, moodiness and,irritability, always tired, feeling overwhelmed, hormone imbalance, and cravings for sweet and salty foods. If you have adrenal fatigue, it can also be a major cause of excess fat storage and low energy levels. $51 for 90 tablets, 2 tablets daily

The be all and end all to any kid vitamin – SmartyPants Gummy Vitamins. I could seriously eat this whole bottle. Supplement facts shown in the picture below. Josh and I have been known to sneak a few of these as a treat every so often, I know, I know, it is so bad, but these are just so good. They are chewy, sweet, without artificial flavors or high fructose corn syrup, and the best part GMO-FREE! In order to stop eating the kids vitamins we now have a bottle of SmartyPants Vitamins Adult Gummy Multivitamins. I promise we are not overdosing on vitamins, we maybe have 1 a day, if that (an adult serving is 6 yummies). $16 for 120 gummies, 4 gummies daily

SmartyPants Kids Complete Vitamin Label

Lastly, we take SFH Stronger Faster Healthier SO3+D3 Super Omega-3 Liquid Fish Oil EPA+DHA (Orange) and I also take Integrative Therapeutics – Bio-Zyme® between meals. I know this might sound like a lot to some but to me and my family it is just part of our routine. Having dealt with an autoimmune disorder I know how fast your body can revolt against you. This is why I have made a commitment to learn as much as I can in order to promote the ongoing health of myself and my family.

I would love to know if you take any vitamins or supplements. Leave a comment below and let me know.

The links in this post are part of an affiliate program. This means if you purchase an item from a link I provide, I might receive a commission. This does not change the cost of the product to you. I only share products and services that I would personally use and think are a good fit for my readers. Thank you for supporting the sponsors that help support our family. This is not a sponsored post. 
