Beta Breakthrough Juice Fast Day 1

Well today is the day! My husband and I are starting our cleanse. For the most part Josh and I live a pretty healthy lifestyle. The last two years especially we have become more aware of what types of food we are putting into our bodies. Regardless of how healthy a person eats it is always nice to give your digestive system a break. By taking a few days and infusing the body with juice made from nutrient rich dense leafy greens the digestive systems gets a rest and the body can more readily absorb the nutrients allowing more energy to be expended in removing toxins. These types of cleanses have been proven to clear up the skin, give the body more energy, reset the taste buds, assist in weight loss, and improve the function of the immune system.

I am looking at this cleanse as a total body reset now that I have finished nursing. Women typically need one full year after having a baby until their body is completely recovered and hormone levels return to pre-preganacy levels. Now that Caden is a year old and I have finished nursing this is the perfect time to give my system a boost, assist in balancing out any nutrients that were depleted, and aid in cell repair.

This will be my first juice cleanse I have done. I want to make it clear that when I say “juice” and “cleanse” I am not talking about a store bought product or drinking lemonade all day. I am not a fan of these cleanse methods. Anytime you do something drastic to your body or detox in a manner that is unhealthy you risk toxins being released all at once leaving you feeling horrible. These types of cleanses can actually leave your body more unbalanced. There are many other ways you can safely cleanse and detox your body. Now to share more about what we are doing…

We will be juicing vegetables in our juicer for the next 14 days. Umm…wait a minute? Did you say 14 days of juicing? Are you crazy? That sounds drastic? 

Did I read your mind? Did anyone just think this while they read the last paragraph. Before you start to wonder if I will whittle away let me share the major details of our cleanse. If you would like even more information so you can do this protocol at home you can purchase the Beta Breakthrough guide for $27 HERE.

  • DAYS 1-4  & 8-14: We will be juicing nutrient rich greens every 2-4 hours during the day depending on how hungry we are for the first 4 days. Our produce that we will juice includes kale, chard, celery, cucumber, cabbage, parsley, lemon, and ginger. No fruits will be juiced during these 14 days or any vegetable that is high in sugar like carrots or beets. In addition to the green juice we will drink lots of water and/or green tea. Each of these days we are going to be doing cardio intervals for 30-45 at a moderate intensity.
  • DAYS 5-7 & 12-14: At this point in the cleanse we can begin to reintroduce protein, moderate carbs, and healthy fats into our diet. Our first meal on these days will always be a green juice. We have a list of approved proteins, carbs, and fats that we can use to create our remaining meals for each day. Each of these days we are going to be doing timed body weight circuits for 25 minutes.



WEIGHT 127 lb | WAIST 29″

I will measure again at day 7 and 14 and share my results with you all. I am off to drink my green juice! These next few days I will need to remember not to eat any of Caden’s food while I am feeding him. I have a habit of eating any of his leftovers or licking food that is dripping from his spoon. Do any other parents do this?

If you want to know more about the benefits of juicing click HERE. Have a fantastic weekend!

xoxo, Tamara


Juicing Resources

Each Friday for the month of March I have been posting on some aspect of juicing. If you are just joining us welcome! You can read about the benefits of juicing and the essential products you need to get started. I also shared two of my family’s favorite recipes: our go to green juice and carrot, apple, and ginger juice. This week I will be covering your questions and other helpful juicing tips.

We have two favorite websites that we frequent for juicing tips and recipes. With these two websites bookmarked you will have an endless supply of recipes and information at your finger tips.

  1. If you have seen the documentary Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead you are already familiar with Joe Cross and his amazing health transformation after embarking on a journey to only drink vegetable juice for 60 days. It is a pretty inspiring film, if you have not seen it you can watch it for free on hulu. You can visit Joes website Reboot with Joe for juicing recipes and more. He founded this website to educate and inspire people to achieve weight loss and health through juicing and plant-based eating
  2. The second website that we like to visit is FitLife.Tv. Lots of juicing, fitness, nutrition, healthy living tips, and a weekly chance to win a FREE juicer. FitLife.Tv’s Drew Canole gives away a $400 juicer each Saturday! Josh and I have learned so much by watching Drew’s videos and reading his blog.

What can you juice? We try to juice the rainbow and select a multitude of colors to drink. This is not a complete list. Just what we have juiced in our home.


  • Red: tomato, watermelon, red pepper, beets, strawberries, raspberries, cherries, pomegranate, apple, red onion
  • Orange & Yellow: orange, grapefruit, sweet potato, mango, squash, carrots, orange peppers, tangerine/clementine, nectarine, peach, apricot, asian pear
  • Dark Green: spinach, kale, swish chard, collard greens, asparagus, artichoke, bok choy, green cabbage, broccoli, green pepper, kiwi, apples, cilantro, basil, parsley, mint, dandelion leaf
  • Blue & Purple: blueberries, eggplant, grapes, purple cabbage, blackberries, plums
  • White: garlic, cauliflower, onions, ginger, radishes, mushrooms, jicama

How much did it cost for Josh’s 3 day juice cleanse? Josh did the 3 Day Quick Start Reboot Cleanse. He juiced 5 times a day for 3 days and lost 9 pounds. All of the fruits/veggies for his cleanse were purchased at Whole Foods and Sprouts. Total cost came in around $200 because we bought extra produce so I could enjoy a few of the juices too. As soon as I finish nursing Caden I will be doing a 3 day cleanse but to help keep costs down I will not be juicing as many of the berries and grapes.

What do we do with the pulp? Most people tell us they feel juicing is wasteful because they throw away the majority of the fiber from the produce. I have a solution for you! You can make some pretty yummy treats with that pulp. I add the pulp into my homemade bread, baked goods, and other main dishes (spaghetti sauce, meatloaf, and omelets to name a few). If you garden you can also use the pulp for composting to enrich the nutrient content in the soil.

Thanks so much for reading! I hope this juicing series was helpful to you :). Have a great day and a GOOD Friday.
