Parenting with Loving Correction: Practical Help for Raising Young Children

Parenting while joyful can sometimes be painful. How you respond to the the little people God has given you can shine light on your innermost thoughts. I have leaned that how I react and respond to my children when they are disobeying can directly reflect at times my idolatrous thinking. It has and will continue to be an opportunity for me to grow in sanctification and self control.

I am thankful for books like Parenting with Loving Correction: Practical Help for Raising Young Children by Sam Crabtree that point me back towards the gospel and away from my own sinful nature. In doing this I am a more effective parent because I realize that God gave me the four children I have for their good and for mine as well as to glorify God.

Below are just a few highlights from this book. I highly recommend it if you are in need of encouragement or new strategies to deal with disciplining your child. It is a short read and will be well worth your time and money!

I received a copy of this book from Crossway to review. All opinions are my own. 

What is Corrective Discipline?

Corrective discipline means:

  1. Identifying actions or attitudes of your child that are unacceptable when weighted against clear and explicit standards, then
  2. acting promptly and decisively to move your child in the direction of compliance with those standards.

The Heart of The Matter

Discipline aims at fostering a specified pattern of character, in the strength God supplies. If you just address outward behaviors without getting to the heart the risk greatly increases for a child to gravitate to external conformity, moralism, and legalism.

While it is great if your child obeys when it comes to discipline the goal should be to impact the heart. Heart transformation will lead to sincere cooperation because that is change that God fully creates and sustains. Proverbs 20:11 tells us that “Even a child makes himself known by his acts, weather his conduct is pure and upright”. A child’s true character will be known by his behavior.

Young children are spiritually unregenerate. Using wise discipline that requires obedience from children can cause them to become aware of their own sin and their need for Christ.

The most important point here is to note that when correction is done well it honors God. As parents we can’t change or stop our children from sinning but we can create a clear association between a rebellious action so that our child understands the consequences to disobedience. If we can’t and don’t expect our children to yield to our authority how can we ever expect them to yield to God.

3 Core Imperatives for Wise Correction

Discipline does not destroy the child but attacks the things that would destroy him. Failing to discipline invites your child to a regrettable future. Wise correction is regret management for all concerned. There are 3 core things to keep in mind for wise correction.

  1. Keep it God centered.
  2. Speak truth – always mean what you say.
  3. Reward obedience, not disobedience.

These several chapters were filled with amazing insight! God is loving and holy and good. I appreciated the example of aiming our children to be good and not “normal” (conforming to everyone else). Parents need to aim for their children’s goodness. When the author’s children became older he would say to them as they were leaving the house “Don’t be normal. Be good”.

Being normal in our culture is an unwise goal because our culture is broken and corrupt. If we tell our kids to “act normal” we are inviting them to look around to their peers to set the standard.

Good correcting must also be preceded by lots and lots of good affirmation. By saying yes often you establish many affirmations with your children and they are more likely to accept your no when they make an unwise request.

There is an entire section devoted to practical strategies to help with before you correct, in the moment, plus questions from parents.

Parenting with Loving Correction: Practical Help for Raising Young Children by Sam Crabtree is available on Amazon.


The Fitnessista’s Home Workout Warrior Live Fit Guide Review

Back in early February I was reading Gina’s blog and saw she was offering 1 month of her Home Workout Warrior program for $9. The program normally costs $97 for 12 weeks so it was an easy decision to purchase. It was a great way for me to try something I had been interested in without the larger financial investment.

I am so glad I did! It can be nerve-wracking sometimes to purchase something without having a solid idea what you are buying. The Fit Guide comes with workouts, a meal plan, as well as suggested options for cardio. So if you have been on the fence about this program here is my review.

The Workouts

I really loved the way the workouts were organized. I never got bored and I felt challenged at just the right amount. Each week there were specific Upper Body, Core, Lower Body, Total Body, HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training), and Cardio workouts.

I was able to complete most of the workouts in 30 minutes. This was great because I woke up in the morning before the kids and got it done plus still had time to read the bible. Each week there were 5 days of workouts and 2 rest days.

We no longer have cardio equipment at our home and don’t have a gym membership so I wasn’t able to take advantage of the Hill Gym Workout she provided. I am saving it for a later date whenever we do decide to get a membership again because it looks awesome. Gina did provide a 20 minute at home HIIT workout that I did use and I also used several Cathe workouts for my Cardio days to supplement.

The equipment needed was fairly minimal. I used 8 and 15 pound weights, stability ball, and chair.

The Meal Plan

The Fit Guide included a 4 week meal plan. I wasn’t able to strictly use it because I am not eating eggs but did find it helpful to add some new variety back into what I had been eating.

When the plan was first sent there were several items missing from the shopping list for week 1 but Gina quickly corrected it. She even sent a bonus digital workout with the updated fit guide.

If you are newer to meal prepping and healthy eating this plan would be a good starting place. It is straightforward, simple, and there is no calorie counting! The plan even recommends a small piece of high quality dark chocolate after each meal and schedules in cauliflower crust pizza or sushi, and a free meal choice on the weekend.

I enjoyed that there were uncomplicated recipes included. This made it super easy. I also discovered that I am a huge fan of Amazeballs.

Results & Final Thoughts

Before & After Home Workout Warrior Live

I feel so much better overall and I am so proud of myself for sticking with this program for the month. My clothes are also fitting better which is a huge plus!

I am looking forward to sharing more of my health and wellness journey this year so stay tuned if that is something you are interested in reading about.

Before & After Home Workout Warrior Live

There are so many ways you could modify this plan and I felt Gina did a great job of allowing flexibility within the program for a variety of fitness levels.

I loved this Fit Guide so much that I purchased the full 12 week program. In my opinion it is worth the money. You can tell there was a lot of time and thought put into this program. Having run my own online bootcamps in the past I know how much work goes into something like this. It was so nice to be able to get up in the morning with a plan that I didn’t have to create and just do the workouts. I thoroughly enjoyed being able to benefit from another trainers programming :).

If you are interested in purchasing the full 12 week Home Workout Warrior Fit Guide or seeing the other 12 week Fit Guides Gina has created click HERE.


What Happened When I Eliminated Eggs, Sugar, & Caffeine For 28 Days

This post could have easily been titled “I Gained 15 Pounds in 2018” because I did. Towards the end of 2018 between numerous bought of sickness that spread like wildfire throughout our home and the ridiculous amounts of baking I did over the holidays I discovered I had gained 15 pounds after ringing in the New Year.

I was actually fairly surprised because I didn’t really feel heavier. I honestly hadn’t even been paying attention to how I looked in the mirror. When you have 4 kids time management becomes very important. I could probably win a gold medal at this point for how fast I can go to the bathroom, change a diaper, and get myself and all the kids dressed ;).

In February I knew I wanted to overhaul how I was fueling my body and also commit to exercise more consistently each week. So here is what I started doing.


I eliminated 3 main things from my diet that I knew weren’t helping me. Eggs. Added Sugar. Caffeine.


I had been so good about staying away from eggs the last few years but slowly in 2018 I attempted to eat them again, mainly by baking cookies and cake. I discovered several years ago through an elimination diet that eggs gave me severe skin rashes and swollen eyes. In fact the day after I took my before picture that I am using in this post I developed the most horrible all over body hives and swollen eyes I have ever had in my entire life. I had to go to the doctor and was prescribed steroids because they were so bad.

Added Sugar

The amount of sugar I was consuming was ridiculous. The American Heart Association recommends the maximum amount of added sugars women should have each day is 25 grams or 6 teaspoons. Most days I was consuming well over this amount. For the month of February I used this recommendation and only ate natural sugars. Meaning no candy, juices, cookies, cakes, breads, pancakes, etc…but instead more fruits and I used maple syrup as a sweetener.


Hi. My name is Tamara and I am an iced tea addict. I love iced tea. I don’t drink coffee or soda but I would take a China Mist iced tea anytime of day. I had been having a really hard time falling asleep the last few months even though I was so tired. So I ditched the tea and focused on drinking more water.


When I first wake up I drink a glass of room temperature water. Then for breakfast I have a smoothie with spinach, frozen dark cherries, banana, avocado, chia seeds, water, and a scoop of this protein powder. For lunch and dinner I have either chicken, salmon, or tri-tip with lots of vegetables which is usually a salad or a sweet potato with avocado. I just discovered this dressing and love it.

For snacks I have been making a fruit parfait with siggis yogurt, the Fitnessista amazeballs, or more fruit. Each week I have been trying to drink at least 3 green juices. I am also drinking about a gallon of water daily and making way more trips to the bathroom ;).


I will be sharing more on this in the next two weeks but I wanted to have a plan to follow because I am always more successful when I have one. I decided to sign up for one month of Gina’s Home Workout Warrior Live plan. I am so glad I did! It came with 5 days of workouts each week and a meal plan. I haven’t really been following the meal plan because of eliminating eggs but it was still worth it. I have 1 more week to go before I am finished. I started this plan on Monday February 11.


I feel so much better overall. I am so happy with how I am eating now and that I started exercising more consistently again. I don’t normally weigh myself but I decided I should in February and I lost 6 pounds. I went from 150 and now I am 144.

Before & After Eliminating Eggs, Added Sugar, and Caffeine
Before & After Eliminating Eggs, Added Sugar, and Caffeine

I think it is so important whenever you do make a change like this to track also how your body feels, not just how you look. My periods had been off the chart lately with cramping and heavier bleeding and this month it was so much better! My skin also didn’t break out before my period either which was so amazing. I am sleeping better and have so much more energy. My head hits the pillow lately and I am out. I sometimes even fall asleep before my husband shockingly. And he makes sleeping look like an olympic event by how quickly he can fall asleep.

So there you have it! This was an honest look into the start of my fitness/wellness journey for this year. I love the accountability this blog has provided for me during other times in my life and knew I wanted to connect back to this space again for this reason. I am off to get to sleep because I will be up soon enough to exercise and spend time in the bible before the kids wake up. Thanks for reading :).
