3 Day Split Workout

Building muscle mass and gaining strength are fantastic goals to have. It can sometimes be challenging to know how to begin to program a routine that will yield these results. I have you covered with my 3 day split workout program that can be done at the gym or at home. You will need moderate to heavy dumbbells that you are able to lift for multiple sets of 8-12 reps. If you have access to a barbell that will be super helpful but you can always substitute with dumbbells if needed.


A spilt workout is a strength training method where you train different muscle groups on different days of the week. This method allows you to spend more time on each muscle group and train with more intensity than a total body workout, plus it also allows your muscles more time to recover.

3 day spilt workouts are easy to follow and are the perfect fit if you are having a hard time making it to the gym or even to squeeze a workout in at home. These workouts will challenge you but they are doable and you will feel so accomplished after you have finished your first few weeks with this type of program.


Here is a suggested warm up to follow before you start to workout. It is always a good idea to warm up before a strength training program to reduce your risk of injury.

  • 30 seconds plank walkouts
  • 60 seconds walking lunges
  • 10 arm circles (each arm)
  • 30 seconds jumping jacks


This workout is a dropset, which means that for this workout you will repeat each exercise 3 times but each time the rep amount will decrease. Be sure to wait 60 seconds after each exercise to let your muscles recover before moving on. For example rest 60 seconds after you have completed the 12 flat bench presses before moving on to do 10 reps of the same exercise. In order to gain muscle mass and strength it is hugely important to let the muscles recover. If you don’t need the rest time you are probably not using weights that are heavy enough for you. 


The leg day workout is structured differently. There are three separate circuits that you will repeat 3 times each before moving on to the next. After you have completed the circuit be sure to rest 60 seconds before repeating again. Repeat the same circuit 3 times before moving on to the next. This one is a bit of a doozy but it is fun and challenging. You shouldn’t be bored.


The format for the back and biceps workout should look similar to the chest, shoulders, and triceps workout because you will be going back to the dropset format. The only difference is that for the one arm rows and alternating curls be sure to do the full rep amount on the right arm and then the left arm. Again rest 60 seconds after each exercise but only after you have done the right and left side of the body.  


  • Monday: Chest, Shoulders, & Triceps
  • Tuesday
  • Wednesday: Legs
  • Thursday:
  • Friday: Back & Biceps
  • Saturday
  • Sunday

You have lots of flexibility with how this 3 day spilt workout would look but I like to separate each workout by at least a day. You can of course add in cardio on your other days but don’t feel like you need to do that. Remember walking is great as is swimming if you have access to a pool.

This is the first time I have ever shared this type of workout on my blog before. Please let me know if this is helpful and if you would like to see more workouts like this.


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The Phone Call

Bathtime can get a little hectic in our house with 3 kids under the age of 5. On this typical evening in our household the kids were splashing away in the tub singing, laughing, and getting louder and louder by the minute when Josh’s phone began to ring. My curiosity was instantly piqued. We had been waiting for a phone call for our first foster placement and I couldn’t follow him around the house while he walked and talked like I normally would because I needed to stay with the kids in the tub.

Minutes later he came back into the bathroom and told me that we had received a phone call from our agency worker about a baby in need of a foster home. After that first call Josh and I tagged team bathing the kids and as we made several more phone calls back and forth between myself, Josh, our agency worker, and the Department of Child Safety. In less than 10 minutes we had a plan in place to pick up the baby in the morning.

The limited details we had were heartbreaking. I clung to Josh outside the bathroom door trying to put a coherent thought together and tears started streaming down my face. Everything about this child was the complete opposite of what we had expected. I started second guessing myself and wondering if I could do this. Could I take care of a baby whose health was so compromised and faced so many unknowns?

I picked my 14 month old up out of the bathtub wrapped him in a warm cozy towel and my tears dropped down on his blonde hair as I breathed in his clean baby freshness. Many thoughts swirled around in my head at that moment but I knew saying yes to that phone call wasn’t just me saying yes to a child but me being obedient to the Lord and what he was asking our family to do.

And it was in that moment that I knew I had to completely surrender, yet again, my ideals and expectations. Up until this point Josh and I being foster parents had been something that would happen in the future. Now the clock was quickly ticking to the time when we would get to meet this little person and welcome them into our family. I felt somewhere between throwing up and obsessively cleaning to release my bundle of nerves after all the kids were in bed but I knew that saying yes was the best choice.


Movie Workout: The Greatest Showman

Josh and I watched The Greatest Showman several months ago for the first time and it quickly became a family favorite. It also became the new soundtrack for our family dance parties that happen daily. This movie just makes me happy when I watch it. The dancing, the singing, and costumes are all amazing.

Our oldest is dressing up as PT Barnum for Halloween this year and I am in the process of sewing his coat. Wish me luck.

This soundtrack has been on repeat in our house for the last few months. I have shared only one other movie workout on the blog it was for Frozen. So it has been awhile since anything like this has been posted.

You can do the workout while you are watching the movie or you can do it listening to the soundtrack. The soundtrack version of this workout is tough because there is no rest and you are working for 39 minutes straight. For the entire duration of each song you will either rotate between two exercises or do a single exercise.

Disclaimer: Not all exercises are suitable for everyone and this or any other exercise program may result in injury. To reduce this risk of injury, please consult your doctor before beginning this, or any other, physical fitness program. Any user of this workout assumes the full risk of injury resulting from performing the routine presented.

You will need a set of heavy weights for the deadlights, squats, and rows, medium weight for biceps curls, presses, and lunges, and light weights for triceps kickbacks. You will also need a stability ball for the pikes and hamstring curls.

For the entire duration of each song you will either rotate between two exercises or do a single exercise the entire song. For example on The Greatest Show you will perform 5 plank walkouts followed by 10 alternating lunges and repeat until the song is finished. Challenge yourself with those burpees on The Other Side and see if you can hold the plank for the entire duration on A Million Dreams (Reprise).

Please feel free to modify as needed. Take your pushups to the wall and sub out any core exercise that works best for your body and where you are today. If jumping is not your thing skip the burpees and just sit down and get up and down the floor to your feet. You will still be sweating after 3 minutes of doing that, trust me.

Enjoy and have fun singing and sweating while you are working hard :).
