The Buschel Digest: October 2017

Happy 500th Reformation Day and Happy Halloween! I hope you and yours have a safe and memory making 24 hours filled with candy and fun. This is the post where I share anything noteworthy I have been reading this month. Lots of great blog posts below to ponder on and read from this month.

Don’t Waste the Darkness

“These are the lessons that Halloween can teach us: the darkness is real, it’s relative, and it’s routed. But this is why, traditionally, All Hallows Eve was followed by All Hallows Day (also known as All Saints Day). That’s how it was meant to be. In modern times, though, we seem to have lost our confidence in the day.”

The Gospel Coalition Reformation 500 Statement

“Wherever we find Scripture alone as the highest and final authority, grace alone as the only hope for resurrecting spiritually dead sinners, faith alone as the only instrument by which we are joined to Christ and justified by the imputation of his righteousness, Christ alone as the only atoning sacrifice for sin, and God alone as the ultimate object of our worship—wherever we find these truths sung, savored, and celebrated, we have reason to rejoice in the Reformation.”

Let’s Get Real About Women’s Discipleship

I really appreciated this. “I know too many women who are desperately holding out for a discipler that looks more like a unicorn than an actual human being. In our minds we sometimes conjure up this image of what sort of woman we want pouring wisdom into us: at least twenty years older, maybe she’s the pastor’s wife or women’s ministry leader; she’s got kids, preferably a lot of them. Yet this older woman with a pastor husband, a women’s ministry to run, and a bunch of kids to raise can magically find the time to meet with us three times a week at a coffee shop to read the Bible.”

Where Are You on the Adultery Trail?

After reading this extract from Tim Chester’s new book, 2 Samuel for You, I added it to my book list for next year. Here he reflects on how physical adultery springs out of two other, less recognised adulteries.

Letter to a Church Member (or a Letter to Myself)

“Your church is here, not to give you a good self-image, but to give you a true self-image.”

God is With You in Your Panic Attack

As a person who has suffered from panic attacks in the past this post offered many helpful suggestions that I have used myself. “God hasn’t given me a shortcut through panic. He cares more for my long-term growth than for quick fixes that bring momentary relief but leave me unchanged. Along the way, He has graciously equipped me with some very helpful handles—ways to turning to Him physically and emotionally—that minimize the frequency and severity of my panic attacks. (I’m not a doctor, so I’ll leave issues of medication, exercise, and diet in the hands of the professionals.)”

How a Church Can Help or Harm a Newly Adoptive Family

I really love this honest post on ways that church members and attendees can be a blessing to newly adoptive families. There are great nuggets of truth here. If you are unfamiliar with the “cocooning” that takes place after adoption and how to be a blessing to a family walking this path this is a must read! Plus there is a helpful list at the end of what not to say to an adoptive family.

Is it Really God Speaking to You?

I’ve prayed about this and I really feel like God told me that it would be okay. Those were the words that I heard when a young lady informed me that she was leaving her husband in order to live with another dude. She was happier with the other guy. She knew that God didn’t want her to be unhappy and so as she prayed that voice in her head confirmed that she had permission from the Almighty.”

Christian Yoga is Happening and Old School Yogi’s aren’t Thrilled

“Yoga’s been shown to be good for the mind and body. Now, devout Christians are making yoga good for their souls, too. In order to feel comfortable taking to the mats, churchgoers have had to make the centuries-old practice gel better with their belief system.”

To read why I stopped teaching “Chrisitan” yoga click HERE.


In Sickness and Health

“I, Josh, take you, Tamara, for my wife,to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, until death do us part.”

The older I become the more I feel the amazing blessing of being loved this way. When Josh and I said our marriage vows to each other on November 10th, 2007 I was in the midst of battling a neurological disorder. There were many unknowns about what our life would look like moving forward.

I became sick several months into our engagement. The save the dates had already been sent when we learned that the muscle weakness and paralyzation I was experiencing weren’t symptoms that would be quickly fixed or even had the potential to get better. Josh was under no obligation to stay with me. Walking was a struggle, driving a car wasn’t happening, and just being able to get out of bed in the morning was hard.

The reality is that most 23 year olds don’t get to start off a marriage the way I did. Our plans for the wedding and honeymoon changed to accommodate my illness. And never once did I feel like I was a burden to Josh. He piggybacked me around the streets of Monterey, California on our honeymoon gladly, carrying me when I couldn’t walk.

During our engagement when I became ill I never once questioned Josh’s love for me. He took time off work to come to my many doctors appointments, held me when I cried out in pain and frustration over my circumstances, and loved me in spite of what was happening.

The way Josh loved me during this time still takes my breath away. There was no guarantee that my health would improve or that we would even be able to have a family together. Although if you ask Josh he will tell you that he knew I was going to get better.

In this beautiful way Josh has sacrificially demonstrated God’s love for me over and over again. God loves me when I am sick and when I am healthy. My circumstances will change but the love God has for me never does.

Yet in the sickness it was harder for me to feel God’s presence and easier to gravitate to Josh. Josh was tangible. I could see, talk with, touch, and feel Josh’s presence even if he was in a different room. I knew he was there. But at times as I struggled with “feeling” somewhat forgotten about by God. What was supposed to be one of the happiest times of my life quickly became a dark and shadowy valley. Where was God in the midst of my pain and suffering? My illness taught me that I have to continually depend on God in sickness and in health.

The reality is God didn’t change. My feelings had.

Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words shall not pass away. Matthew 24:35

The word of the Lord abides forever. 1 Peter 1:25

The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God stands forever. Isaiah 40:8

These verses tell me that everything in life may change, but God’s Word remains and His truth never changes. My feelings may be strong and the situations in my life can rapidly fluctuate but God’s Word is so much more than anything I can ever feel, experience, or face. His Word is true yesterday, today, and tomorrow.

While my marriage vows are a lasting covenant on earth with Josh until death do us part, God has promised to have and to hold me, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, from now into eternity. Even death cannot separate me from God’s love.

For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:38-39

We have a choice to either be controlled by our thoughts, feelings, and circumstances or we can utilize the self-control that has been given to us by the Holy Spirit to abide in God’s Word regardless of our feelings or what is happening in life. God’s Word is always truer than our feelings.

What I learned about my marriage and ultimately about God based on the phrase “in sickness and health” is that relationships require commitment. Living out our commitments can be difficult at times especially if our circumstances are challenging. We all have the choice of who or what we will cling to when times get hard.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6

The majority of people say their I dos under the most ideal circumstances, not when they are battling their toughest struggle. Marriage is a day to day commitment and continues to remind me of how God loved us and Christ died for us when we were least lovable and when the situation was the least ideal. These difficult times allow us to trust God even in the challenges while building a marriage that lasts. I am grateful for this lesson that I learned early on in my marriage.


What We Should Have Registered For (Wedding Edition)

Now that Josh and I are just a few weeks away from hitting our 10 year anniversary I can honestly say that most of the items we registered for are not what we actually needed. If I could go back in time and tell my 23 year old self what to purchase here is the list I would give myself.

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You don’t know this yet but your husband sometimes snores. This doesn’t happen super often but you will find it is worse on days that are in between busy 24 hour shifts. Also he falls asleep really quickly and it is nice to drown out his rhythmic breathing while you are still mentally prepping for tomorrow and wondering why you can’t fall asleep as quickly as him.


Keep this on your register. It is still going strong almost 10 years later.


Granted, these weren’t available yet in 2007 but if I could I would time travel one back. You will enjoy (gasp) meal prepping large quantity menus in your freezer in the future. I know it sounds crazy but it is true. Embrace it.


When you begin to have babies you will understand why this is important. Clean floors don’t last long with little ones but it is nice knowing that you are sanitizing and removing solidified food from your floor. Plus it is fun.


This is going to be really hard to believe but after your first baby is born Josh will give up soda. Crazy, I know. Because we all know how much he loves soda. You might need to sit down for this next part because after he gives up soda he starts to drink iced tea. Now he does add lemonade to make it a palmer but still, you know how much he despises tea. So add this to the registry and wait about 6 years. Currently we always have two pitchers filled with different iced tea in the refrigerator, so you will be using this kettle multiple times during the week.


This is obviously something that Josh would have added to our list. And rightfully so. You will be thankful you have this later especially during your multiple moves, hanging pictures, and building furniture.


I am still not sure what these are for but Josh seems to be using them all the time. Let him add them to the registry. Or even suggest it. He will be very surprised by your enthusiasm.


Okay. You will lose count over how many times Josh has to ask to borrow an extension ladder. It wasn’t until this year that we finally purchased one. And it was because we had turned into that family who left their Christmas lights on the house. And yes they are still on now. And at this point we have purchased a ladder but it is so close to the holidays now we are just leaving them up.

I would love to know what items, in hindsight, you would have added to your registry? 
