Upper Body Express Workout

This morning I did this really fast and fun workout at Burn Bootcamp! Shoutout to the Gilbert, AZ location! I have been wanting to try this place forever and I am thrilled!


This upper body workout is inspired by what I did this morning and will take you under 30 minutes to complete. The main set contains six exercises and each exercise is performed for 60 seconds. You will then perform the set again.


We have been enjoying our kids being on Fall break this week and have already done so many fun things together. Over the weekend we went to the Phoenix Zoo to see the new Dinosaurs in the Desert exhibit. This was fun but if you plan to go get your tickets ahead of time, either online or at the ticket window during general admission hours. With our zoo membership we entered the zoo early and didn’t know that you would need tickets to see the dinosaurs and ended up waiting in line for 30 minutes. It wasn’t a horrible wait and my kids now know the entire theme song to Jurassic Park but it would have been nice to not have to stand in line.

Yesterday we visited the pumpkin patch and watched Charlie Brown and the Great Pumpkin and today we hit up the pool. I love being able to spend more time with my kids in the morning and I am trying to soak in as much outdoor time as possible now that the weather is starting to cool off.


Mint Body Review + Two 30 Minute Workouts

I love reading reviews on different fitness studios and trainers and find it especially helpful when deciding if it would be worth my time and money to plan a visit. I have been trying to motivate myself to workout after giving birth to Jesse and one of my favorite ways to do this is to try new workouts! So you might be seeing more of these types of reviews on the blog. This review was not sponsored.


Mint Body is a small studio fitness facility that offers personal training and open gym memberships in a welcoming and friendly environment.  I had been following their Instagram page and discovered that they had recently started offering an open gym style membership, Mint Body Express. I drive by the Gilbert location all the time and was immediately intrigued.

Minty member express is an open gym style membership that includes their exclusive minty weekly workouts posted daily. This membership is perfect for people that want to come at their own pace, but still have access to the workouts that are created by the trainers. They have a wide range of equipment, bathroom (no shower), and storage area for your belongings.

With Josh’s work schedule and the kids starting preschool soon I knew that I would be able to get in at least a few workouts a week for the month. So I decided to sign up for a monthly contract knowing I would cancel within the month because of our schedule. What really sold me was the open gym concept, trainer supervision, and provided workouts. Plus being able to bring the kids if needed was an added bonus.


While Mint Body does not offer childcare they are a child friendly facility. This means that children are welcome but you are required to watch them as there is no dedicated childcare staff. I did bring all three of the kids with me twice and they loved it. I on the other hand not so much. It is hard to keep 3 kids aged 5 and under entertained and safe while trying to squeeze in a 30 minute workout. I will say that if you have an infant it would be the perfect environment for a mama with a newborn.


Each week there are 4 new workouts posted: Lower Body, Upper Body, Core, and HITT. I really loved the variety of the workouts! I also appreciated how often the trainers would check in and see if I had any questions and offer suggestions or modifications as needed. Thanks to trainers Adrian, Whitnee, and Mican!

And because it has been forever since I have actually posted a workout I have done on this blog, here are two that are inspired from my month at Mint Body! You will complete each superset of exercises 3 times before moving on to the next set. The workouts will take around 30 minutes to finish. They are short and sweaty!

Most of these exercises are very common but I had never heard of rainbow glutes. To perform this exercise start in a plank and with your right leg draw a rainbow with your heel, tap the toes on the floor and return to plank. Repeat 10 times on your right side before switching to the left leg.


This gym would be perfect for someone just starting out or returning to the gym looking for guidance in a friendly and non-intimidating environment. The trainers that I did meet were very friendly and I truly felt that they wanted their clients to succeed in their goals.

I paid $150 for a monthly membership. If I could have gone more frequently it would have been more  cost effective. At 12 workouts for the month it equaled out to $12.50 a visit.


The Buschel Digest: September 2017

How is it the last day in September? This year is going so fast! This is the post where I share anything noteworthy I have been reading this month. I discovered an amazing fiction series that I devoured and as always there are several articles from other blogs. Happy reading!

Rethinking “God Hates The Sin But Loves The Sinner”

“The Bible teaches that every person is guilty of crimes against God and deserves to be punished, but that message doesn’t give non-believers a warm, fuzzy feeling. So, we attempt to soften the blow of this bad news with a cliché.”

10 Family Worship Ideas For Busy Families 

This is a great list. For reference our family reads the same story out of the The Gospel Story Bible for a week (I also use the companion book Old Story New) and we go over a new question each week from New City Catechism. This takes about 15 minutes during breakfast.

I’d Really Just Like To Be In Control

“I am anxious when I am not in control.  Yet I am never in control, I only deceive myself into thinking I am.  Which is probably one of the reasons why God continually puts things into my life to remind myself of this fact.  Like the Israelites in the desert, often I don’t trust the manna will come the next day, even after years and years of experiencing it.  Even though he’s promised it.  And proven himself trustworthy.”

10 Things You Should Know About Chrisitan Meditation 

“Unlike eastern meditation, which advocates mental passivity, Christian meditation calls on us to actively exert our mental energy. This is nowhere better stated than by Paul in Philippians 4:8. Here he encourages us to “let our minds dwell on” whatever is “true,” “honorable,” “right,” “pure,” “lovely,” and of “good repute.” Those things that are “excellent” and “worthy of praise” are to be the targets of our mental aim. It isn’t enough merely to acknowledge that things and ideas of moral and mental excellence are important. Merely affirming such truths and virtues will avail little in a time of testing. We must energetically reckon, take into account, and give deliberative weight to these things. Our minds must be captivated by them in such a way that the tawdry, sleazy, fictitious, and fanciful fluff of the world loses its appeal.”

Online Tribalism Threatens Women’s Ministry

“Discipleship requires more than inspiration—it requires confrontation. But because online platforms rely on maintaining consumer goodwill and group cohesion, it’s difficult to offer an alternative perspective without unsettling the tribe—the very tribe on which the entire platform rests.”

Out Of a Dream (Sandy Cove Series Book 1) by Rosemary Hines

This was such a good series. Yes, I read all 8 books this month. I was really sick for several days and laid in bed and just read. It would have been amazing had I not been sick. This series weaves a the story of a family over the years and the stories transition smoothly from one book to the next. The characters were relatable and felt like good friends by the end of the first book. These novels deal with issues such as the prevalence of New Age beliefs and practices in today’s society, the tragedy of suicide in families of all walks of life, the struggles of children from broken homes, the heartache of infertility as well as unwanted pregnancies and abortions, and the difficulties of aging. And if you have Kindle Unlimited read can read them for free!

Dark Power Collection (Forbidden Doors) by Bill Myers

I had read this series when I was in junior high and thought I had saved the books. Unfortunately, I think they were lost in one of our moves and I really wanted to read them again. I was surprised to find that the author had combined several of these stories into different collections under the Forbidden Doors title. These books freaked me out in a good way when I was younger and really educated me on the occult, witchcraft, reincarnation, ouija boards, and shamanism. I am constantly thinking ahead to when our kids become older and how Josh and I can have ways to start more in depth conversations and to continue our children to think about these topics from a Biblical worldview. If you have later elementary school or middle school aged children these are faced paced, short novels, that are entertaining and educational at the same time.

The Forgotten Trinity by James White

This is a short and easy to understand theological book on the topic of the Trinity. I learned so much reading this book and it made me dig into my Bible deeper. Which is always a good thing. I gained new insights on scripture, learned about the early church, and have more love for God’s truth. Worth the read!
