Swanson Vitamins $100 Gift Card Giveaway

Disclosure: This post is sponsored by Swanson Vitamins. I received the product as compensation.

Happy New Year! We just came back from a quick vacation in the snow. I hope you all had a great Christmas and safe New Year celebrations! Today I am teaming up with Swanson Vitamins to give one lucky reader $100 to spend on products from their online store.


My recent order from Swanson Vitamins included the following items:


Several of these items I have used before but a few of the products were new to me. After having Jesse and getting Mastitis I knew I needed to be taking a probiotic and was looking for something that would be good for myself and the baby. I happily discovered the Garden of Life Prenatal Probiotic and have been using it for the last several weeks. I love this probiotic! If you are pregnant or recently had a baby I highly recommend this product.


I ordered 4 bottles of Nordic Natural Kids Omega for the kids and in my tired and sleep deprived state I thought these were chewables but when they arrived they were soft-gels. I didn’t realize they were soft-gels until we opened a bottle, whoops. Swanson has a great return policy and we were able to return all the bottles, even the opened bottle, for the full refund.

If you are looking for some new items to try I would also suggest…

To enter the giveaway signup for Swanson email list, like The Workout Mama Facebook Page, and answer the following question in the comment section: Do you or your children take a multivitamin or another supplement? If you win the giveaway what would you buy with the $100?

The giveaway is open to residents in the United States and Canada and runs from January 5th until the 8th. The winner will be notified by email. Good luck!

The Workout Mama & Swanson Health Products Winter Giveaway

Follow Swanson Vitamins on Facebook/Instagram/Pinterest/Twitter

Swanson Health Products offer the lowest prices on vitamins, supplements, sports nutrition, natural food, beauty & cleaning products. Privately owned since 1969.


On Becoming Babywise: Birth to 2 Weeks


Josh and I decided early on before our first baby was born that we would be following the schedule outlined in On Becoming Baby Wise: Giving Your Infant the GIFT of Nighttime Sleep.

I blogged about our Babywise experience with Caden and was shocked by the response. To date, it is one of my more popular posts. I know there are many differing opinions on this book but for us it has been one of the best decisions we have made for our family.

We used Babywise with Maisie as well, but because I was dealing with postpartum depression/anxiety and going to counseling it wasn’t a huge priority on my list to be blogging.

I found it very helpful when we started using Babywise with Caden to read posts from other mommy bloggers who had also used Babywise with their children. While I am no expert on sleeping babies, we have used Babywise twice before and had great success. If you are curious about Babywise or are using Babywise in your own home I hope you find this post and those that follow equally as helpful.

Labor & Delivery

I shared Jesse’s Birth Story two weeks ago. I nursed him in the delivery room soon after he was born. He latched on right away and nursed for 40 minutes.

Hospital Stay

We stayed in the hospital for a little over 24 hours and were released to go home the day after he was born. I love that I don’t have to worry about cooking anything while I am in the hospital and can pick up the phone and place an order for a meal I wouldn’t typically eat.

Jesse nursed every two hours while we were at the hospital ranging anywhere from 10 to 30 minutes with each feeding.


Caden and Maisie came to the hospital several hours after Jesse was born with my parents to meet their new brother. They only stayed for an hour which was plenty long enough. The postpartum rooms, while very nice at the hospital, aren’t quite big enough to comfortably hold 4 adults, 2 preschoolers, and an infant.

Once Caden got to hold his brother, introduce himself, and give him a kiss he was more interested in finding things to climb on in the room. Maisie was totally enamored with him and wanted to hold him multiple times.

Over the last few weeks both kids have been so great. We have had more tears and needed extra snuggles but honestly that is to be expected. Maisie also had the stomach flu :(. We had to be extra careful in making sure that her and Jesse stayed separated and that Josh and I were extra diligent about washing our hands. Thankfully she is the only one in the house who became ill.

On a sidenote if you have children who are sick and are wanting to try to keep yourself healthy I highly recommend getting a B-comp shot. I got these monthly during my pregnancy and Josh and I both made appointments to get one after Maisie got sick. They are great for boosting your immune system.


The first three days Jesse nursed every two hours and averaged 15 minutes each side. Then my milk came in. Once that happened he started to stretch the length between his feedings to 2 1/2 hours during the day for a total of 10 minutes on each side.

I scheduled an appointment with a Lactation Consultant during the first week just to make sure that everything was looking ok with his latch and that I was positioning him correctly. This was my first time meeting with a LC and it was wonderful! I highly recommend schedule an appointment with a LC regardless of how many babies you have had.

Nursing is going well, aside from the leaking and swollen boobs, but I know in a few weeks my supply will adjust itself.  I had typed this post up several days ago and wouldn’t you know it I developed mastitis and I am now on antibiotics 4 times a day for the next week. Sunday night it hit all of a sudden. Sore breast that was painful to touch and by Monday afternoon it was starting to become red and ached whenever I moved. Thankfully I saw my doctor yesterday and I am hopeful that in the next few days I will start to feel better again. If you have never had mastitis be so thankful. I had it once with Caden, didn’t have it with Maisie, and assumed I was in the clear with Jesse. I think my over supply of milk did me in this time, while with Caden I was wearing sports bras that were overly tight.

My next few days will be filled with bedrest, loads of nursing, castor oil packs, hot showers, and baby snuggles. Plus, I am hoping to watch a few Christmas movies with the kids.


This is a rough outline of what our routine is during the day. Some feedings are adjusted by 30 minutes if the baby needs to be fed sooner because he is hungry.

Birth – Week 1

Jesse ate every two hours for the first 3 days. After Jesse returned to his birth weight, which happened at 1 week, we were given the go ahead from his pediatrician to allow him to sleep for up to 4 hours during the night without needing to wake him to eat. Over the next several days Jesse gradually began to lengthen the time between feedings from 2 1/2 to 3 hours.

Week 2
  • 7am: Eat/Waketime, Diapering
  • 8am: Nap
  • 9:30am: Eat/Waketime, Diapering
  • 10:30am Nap
  • 12pm: Eat/Waketime, Diapering
  • 1:00pm: Nap
  • 2:30pm: Eat/Waketime, Diapering, Nap
  • 5pm: Eat/Waketime, Diapering
  • 6pm: Nap
  • 7 pm: Eat, Diaper, Back to Crib
  • 9:30pm: Eat, Diaper, Back to Crib
  • 12:30am: Eat, Diaper, Back to Crib
  • 4am: Eat, Diaper, Back to Crib


Jesse’s waketime is his feeding time. And even that is a struggle at some feedings because he really just wants to sleep. I can’t say that I blame him either. Labor and delivery are exhausting once the adrenaline burst wears off.

During the first two weeks I tried to have him back in his crib within 50-60 minutes from when he started nursing.

Naps &Night Sleep

Once we were home from the hospital we started using Jesse’s crib in his room for naps and nighttime sleep. He occasionally has napped in his bouncer if he has needed to be inclined after a longer feeding, but at night he sleeps in his crib.

The first two weeks Jesse slept all the time during the day and night. This sounds great in theory but it is really hard sometimes to wake a sleeping infant to eat and keep them awake during the entire feed.

I did lots of skin to skin nursing sessions with him to try and keep him awake. This worked fairly well at keeping him more alert for a full feeding. With Caden and Maisie I sometimes resorted to a cold wash cloth on their feet to keep them awake.

While Jesse slept at night, Josh and I tagged teamed him, with me nursing and Josh burping and swaddling. My husband is a rockstar with this baby swaddling him in his blankets.

If Jesse wakes from sleep during the middle of the night he is fed. I know that Babywise is a controversial book but having read it now multiple times I am not really sure why. Over and over the book clearly says that if your baby is hungry to feed your baby. Schedules and routines are great but especially at this stage it is important to not let them dictate when and how often the baby is fed.

I have been really thankful that Josh has been able to take off so much time from work. It has been a much smoother transition for everyone having daddy home.


Joovy New Room Review

Disclosure: The Workout Mama is a Joovy Moms ambassador and as such is provided with product for reviews. All opinions are 100% honest and my own.

Last summer after Josh had his vasectomy we thought we were done with the baby phase in our home. We went through our entire house and donated or sold all baby related items.

It was great…until a few months later when I came to Josh and said that I would be open to fostering a child and adopting. This is another post for another day but needless to say he was elated because this has been something he has wanted to pursue since we dated.

We slowly began gathering up hand me downs from our friends that they no longer needed. By the time we had our home inspection to get our foster care license we had a crib and a dresser. Several days after we passed our inspection we found out we were pregnant! You can listen to the entire story on our vlog Vasectomies, Foster Parenting, and a Pregnancy Test.

Our little boy, Jesse, joined our family 14 days ago. In case you missed Jesse’s Birth Story you can read it HERE. Over the last few months leading up to his birth we have been blessed by family, friends, and even amazing brands like Joovy! We have received hand me down baby clothes from friends and our family has helped with diapers and other items we needed! We are overflowing with gratitude! Joovy has sent us a Caboose Ultralight Stroller and Room, which I will be reviewing today.

The initial setup of the New Room took Josh around 30 minutes. We attached the bassinet, changing table, and parent organizer. When is was all put together we realized that the Joovy Room is a very swanky nursery center.


The bassinet can be used for baby’s up to 15 pounds. The mattress is securely attached to the bassinet insert. I love that Joovy includes a waterproof mattress sheet as a standard item with the Room.


The changing table flips off to the side, making it super convenient for diapering, and is very securely attached to the side rails of the Room when in place. I love that I have an extra place to change the baby out in the living room and can easily keep in eye on Caden and Maisie while they continue to play. There is a large pocket on this side of the New Room that we are using to store extra outfits in case of the occasionally diaper blowout.



The surface of the changing table can be easily cleaned and holds your baby up to 25 pounds.


On the opposite side of the changing table the parent organizer attaches and can hold diapers, wipes, ointment, and anything you might need while changing a diaper.


Once the baby outgrows the bassinet the insert can be easily removed and the Room becomes a playard. This would be such a great purchase for a family who travels often with a little one, has limited space in their home, or is looking for an additional changing table and safe spot to let their little one rest. The Room has two wheels so it can easily be moved around the house as needed.

Everything neatly fits in a carrying case making it very easy to bring the Room on vacation, which we plan to do in January. Josh and I might be slightly crazy but back in October, before the baby was born, we booked a cabin up north because Caden has been begging to play in the snow. Wish us luck!


I am so in love with this little boy and can’t imagine our family without him. He is our little miracle baby!

Joovy really thought about everything a parent would want or need in a playard. This would make an excellent gift for a soon to be or new mom!


Joovy is an american based company that is a family-run business that considers their employees, customers and factory partners as members of the family. Their goal is to design and manufacture family gear products that are extremely useful, practical, good-looking and FUN. You will not be disappointed if you decide to purchase this stroller or any other product from Joovy.


Joovy Website, Amazon, Joovy Facebook, Joovy Twitter, Joovy Instagram

Thank you Joovy for letting me review the Room! The Buschel Family is very thankful for how generous you have been to us!
