Read Aloud Reviews: In Grandma’s Attic, Homer Price, & The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane

Our homeschool days are filled with Math, English, Science, History and Read Alouds. I am going to be reviewing all the books we read this year. I am linking the books to Amazon in case you decide to purchase them but we have bought the majority of our books from If you aren’t familiar with this website it is like an Amazon for used books. It can take a little bit of time to get your books in the mail depending on what shop you purchase from but it is the first place I check, especially if the book is older and not recently published.

For reference I am reading these books to my eight and six year old. It has become one of the highlights of my day. Also please forgive me if there are typos. I am watching musicals on as I type this post up ;).

Let’s get into the reviews…

In Grandma’s Attic by Arleta Richardson

I remember reading this book when I was little and loved it. My kids equally enjoyed it and In Grandma’s Attic was a great book to kick off our school year. There are great lessons in each story as you listen to Grandma share her youthful adventures. This book is filled with fun and laughter as Grandma explains how she tried to be good as a little girl but often ended up getting into trouble. Each chapter is a different story from Grandma’s childhood.

This is a wholesome read that points back to God’s providence. There are more books in this series that I am interested in reading with the kids later. I like that these books are stand alone and don’t necessarily have to go in order because they aren’t a continuous story but many individual stories that make up each book.

Homer Price by Robert McCloskey

Homer Price was written in 1943 and because of this the kids had many questions. What’s a filling station? What’s a slogan? What’s shaving lotion? What’s Women’s Suffrage? What’s a Homestead? The last chapter went completely over their head but overall all it was an enjoyable read and we loved reading about Homer’s adventures and his skunk Aroma. Plus the illustrations are adorable.

There are six chapters and each chapter is a different story about Homer. The chapters are long so be prepared if you select this book to read. My kids favorites were Chapter 1: The Case of the Scentsational Scent and Chapter 3: The Doughnuts. We ate donuts the following morning after reading Chapter 3 to celebrate reading this book.

The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane by Kate DiCamillo

The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane was recommended to me by Kindle for years. But I was not interested in reading about a toy rabbit made of porcelain. I was so wrong. It is one of my all time favorite books now. So good. I laughed. I cried. And just had so many emotions. I was cheering for this rabbit and all the characters who were part of his journey by the middle of the book. Ugh. It was just so good.

It had me from the first quote at the start of the book from The Testing-Tree by Stanley Kunitz. “The heart breaks and breaks and lives by breaking. It is necessary to go through dark and deeper dark and not to turn.” I don’t want to give anything away but just know this book has some dark moments. My kids and I had great conversations because of this book. If you have a younger child it might be best to read this ahead of time make sure it will be appropriate for them.

My son kept saying this is just like The Velveteen Rabbit and he was right. It was very similar for a good portion of the beginning. But stick with it if you are having those same thoughts. I promise it is worth the read. We all loved it! I probably loved it the most and I am so glad we read this treasure of a book.

And those are our first three read aloud reviews! My son also finished The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe last week with Grandma via FaceTime and we watched the movie this weekend. They are reading Prince Caspian next.

Do you have a favorite book you have read to your elementary school aged kiddo or a book from your childhood that you love?


You’re My Best Friend

I was sitting on the floor holding the phone so my kids could use FaceTime to chat with my mom. Each child squeezed their face closer and closer to the screen trying to show and tell to Grandma the latest happenings from our house. The oldest two walked off to go and find more things to show while our youngest began to press his face up to phone.

Grandma soon began to give kisses over the phone to the delight of our son. And quickly a game started. He squealed down the hall trying to get away from Grandma’s kisses. Once at the other end he would stop and look back at the phone to see if Grandma was still there. Mind you I was still sitting down this entire time and had not moved. After a quick pause he rapidly ran back to the phone pushing his face as close as possible to the screen and waited. Grandma kissed him again and off he went. This sequence was repeated many times over.

It has been so interesting to experience these moments during the pandemic. Life in some ways has felt very much on pause and yet in other ways it feels like it hasn’t slowed down at all. It warmed my heart to see this interaction between my mom and son. But what brought tears to my eyes and so much joy to my heart was what happened at the end of our FaceTime visit.

When it was time to say goodbye our sweet boy came up to phone and told his Grandma “You’re my best friend”.

Happy tears. #allthefeels

If you are new to my blog, we adopted our son out of the foster care system. Moments like this fill us with so much joy. There were so many unknowns when this little baby first came into our home and to see him now is just wow.

The following day we were swimming in our backyard pool and the kids took a break to eat lunch on the back patio. Our older three year old dropped something he was holding and our youngest hopped down off his chair to pick the item up for his slightly older brother. Both three year olds were out of their chairs at this point and after the item was returned they both hugged each other for a long time. And our youngest said mid hug to his brother “You’re my best friend”.

Happy tears. Again. #somanyfeels

Our four kids have truly become best friends in 2020. I am so grateful they have each other. Life is unpredictable in so many ways and I am doing my best to notice the good all around me. I would love to hear something good that you have noticed recently. Feel free to share in the comments below.



Well today is the day! This week our kids would have been going back to school and today we are starting our first day of homeschool. What is really crazy is that Josh and I started talking about this being a possible option for our family in March. It is mind blowing that we are here at this point in Arizona. But here we are, homeschool affidavit submitted, and we are ready to make the best of this situation.

Let me first start by saying we love our schools. We are sadden that this is happening. But if our schools were open at this point we wouldn’t be sending them for in person learning because of how rampant COVID is in our community. Also we wouldn’t send them because Josh’s job brings him in contact with COVID positive patients and there is also COVID positive firefighters on the department. We could not in good faith send our kids to school in person with the potential that they could be asymptomatic carriers.

We are so thankful that there are school options available to families. Every family situation is different. For us, with the ages of our kids, we just really weren’t sure how I could effectively monitor two kids on computers as well as our little boys for 5-6 hours each day. And all these factors plus others had us more and more leaning towards homeschooling.

In May I started looking at so many different curriculum programs. So many. And there were multiple options that we liked. In the end we opted to stick close to what our school district uses. We felt this would be best if we wanted to transition back to in person learning in 2021.

So fast forward to June when I still thought we “might” homeschool I went to our schools website and printed off every weekly newsletter, spelling list, and reading list I could find for kindergarten and 2nd grade. This gave me a great outline for our year and also a benchmark for what our kids would have been learning each week in their school.

The end of June we buckled down and finally decided this is what we were going to do. I ordered all our curriculum and waited for it to arrive. Not going to lie when the boxes started showing up my first thought was “What the heck am I doing?”. The picture below is just a fraction of what arrived in our boxes.

If you are curious to know what curriculum we are using here it is. We are using the Journey’s series for reading comprehension/grammar, Spalding for phonics, Saxon Math (this was the biggest expense), Sonlight Science Kit A, and The Story of The World for geography/history for our main curriculum.

Our children’s elementary school uses Core Knowledge. The Core Knowledge Sequence is a detailed outline of recommended content knowledge and skills to be taught in language arts, history and geography, visual arts, music, mathematics, and science from preschool through grade eight. I purchased these books in the corresponding grades of my kids to help me stay close to what the curriculum is at the school.

Thankfully I have found many resources online that will go with our homeschool curriculum. If you are looking to supplement remote learning or leaning the homeschool route be sure to check out

In addition to these we are also going to be using Long Story Short and New City Catechism to start our day. We have done the companion book to Long Story Short, Old Story New and highly recommend it. They are great 10 minute devotionals with scripture reading and questions.

We are going to doing lots of read aloud books too! I have a list that continues to grow by the week. Not sure how many we will get through but we have lots of options. I have purchased all our read aloud book used through AbeBooks.

For our 3 year olds I purchased the Horizons curriculum package. We love our preschool so much and are hopeful the boys will be able to attend maybe later next year.

The plan as of right now is to do geography/history/bible all together in the morning after breakfast. Then I will work with the kids individually on their math and english. After lunch while the three year olds are napping we will do the extra math page from Saxon, science, and any other worksheet we didn’t finish in the morning.

Obviously none of this is set in stone and my lesson plans are only written out for the first week, because I might need to change this up a few times before we figure out a good routine and system. I am super excited but also nervous. I know that I am so fortune to be able to stay home with my kids and homeschool them.

Whatever situation you are finding yourself in with school options this year just remember that you know your child(ren) best. You know what is the best choice for your family. Obviously some communities won’t have an option when it comes to remote learning. But we all have the choice to make the best of whatever circumstances we find ourselves in. Just know you aren’t alone and our attitude greatly sets the tone for our households. You got this mama’s. This year won’t be easy but we can do it.

Know I am rooting for you all! Take a deep breath mama’s, keep your heads high, and look for the good each day :).
