Fit Women’s Weekly Live Review

I am not getting paid to promote this, I am paying for my own membership. I just really like these workouts and want to share them. I am also hoping some of my friends sign up so we can workout together online.

Today I am excited to share the streaming gym I have been using over the last several months! Welcome to my virtual gym Fit Women’s Weekly Live. And yes that is my computer on my sofa. It is currently reaching 115 degrees here in the afternoon so working out in the garage isn’t an option right now.

That is Kindal on my computer screen leading a workout in her gym. Kindal and her husband Dan own and operate a women’s fitness studio in Charleston, South Carolina, called This Time Fitness. When COVID hit they took their gym and clients online and offered their workouts over Facebook. I have followed Kindal off and on over the years from her fitness blog and podcast.

I am always interested in how other trainers train so when she began offering the workouts for free I jumped on the chance to try them out. I loved them so much that when they created a membership option I signed up.

I started doing these workouts in April and then signed up for the six week challenge. It was fantastic! It motivated me so much. Plus it was so good for me mentally to take an hour out of my day to focus on my overall health. It also helped me stop stress eating all the chocolate in our house, lol.

Here is my picture from April and July. I have lost 5 pounds and overall endurance has improved so much. Also I feel super weird taking these pictures now and posting them online, hahahaha, the difference between 36 years old Tam and 28 year old Tam.

I love the live workouts when I can catch them. And if I can’t, I don’t have to worry about missing them because I can do them later. There are always 30 days of previous workouts to stream so you won’t be without tons of options.

I love the accountability of my online gym! I can communicate in real time if I am doing the workouts live but if not I generally get a response back within a few hours. Below is a picture of a sweaty selfie that I uploaded after a workout. You totally don’t have to do this, I just know that as a trainer I always get happy to see my clients working hard and sweating, so I like to share the love with Dan and Kindal.

The FWWL Schedule & What You Need

Here is what the week looks like. I am going to post the live streaming in Arizona time :).

  • Mondays 7am or 1pm – Intervals
  • Tuesdays 7am or 2:30pm -Weights
  • Wednesdays 7am or 1pm – Legs
  • Thursdays 7am or 2:30pm – Arms
  • Fridays 6am or 1pm – Kettlebells
  • Sundays 10am – Stretch

Equipment needed is super minimal. Which is good because there is a shortage on dumbbells, kettlebells, and anything else fitness related at the moment. As long as you have a set of dumbbells or a kettlebell you will be good to go. If you also have a jumprope and bands that is great too but not to worry if you don’t.

The cost of a monthly membership is $57. This includes 2 live workouts each day Monday – Friday plus a Sunday stretch and 30 days worth of previously recorded workouts. You can also upload video of yourself performing exercises to have your form evaluated.

The workouts are so much fun. It is something different every single time. Both Dan and Kindal are great. You will get a great workout with either trainer but they have different training styles and intensity levels. Kindal typically does the morning class and Dan the afternoon. Every single workout I have done has pushed me and challenged me.

The workouts last around 50 minutes. This was such a change from what I had been doing. I had been maybe working out 30 minutes around 2-3 times a week. Now I have been consistently doing hourlong workouts 5 days a week.

There is also the community aspect which I love. If you do the workouts live you can talk with other members during the rest breaks via Facebook. You might even make a new friend or two :). Sam B. if you are reading this I hope you are having a great day!

Want To Do The 8 Week Summer Shred With Me?

The next challenge is starting on Monday. I am so excited! If you are on the fence about these workouts keep reading for a free 3 day trial offer below. The Summer Shred is an 8 week challenge that starts on July 20th.

Everyone gets a t-shirt, winner gets a prize package, and the 8 week challenge ends with a virtual field day. There is also going to be tracking page so you can see your progress throughout the 8 weeks.

If you sign up for a monthly membership, $57, you can add the cost of the challenge on for $35. For the entire 8 weeks the total cost is $149. That includes two months of access to Fit Women’s Weekly Live plus the cost of the challenge.

To read more about the Summer Shred and to view payment options click HERE.

If you want to try the workouts, check out the online community and decide if it’s something you want to be a part of here is what you can do:

1️⃣ Go to:
2️⃣ Ask to join, and she will approve you. 

It’s that easy. Your 3 days start and that’s plenty of time to see why I have been loving these home workouts so much! Jump on this soon because I am not sure how long Kindal will be offering a FREE 3 day trial, plus you still have time to join the 8 week challenge if you enjoy the workouts.

There are also 30 days worth of previously recording workouts you can stream in addition to live workouts that happen twice a day, 5 days a week!

I would love to see you in there working out with me!


Cardio Interval Workout

Last week I completed my third week of a 6 week virtual challenge with This Time Fitness. Monday’s workout was cardio intervals and left me dripping in sweat and feeling so accomplished.

Here is the workout…

Most of these exercises don’t need any explanation. For the super squats perform a squat jump into a jumping lunge on each leg and back into a squat. It is a burner for sure. I was dripping with sweat at the end.

The first round you perform 40 seconds of super squats followed by 90 seconds of jumping rope. The next round perform 40 seconds of super squats, 40 seconds of pike pushups, and 90 seconds of jumping rope. You continue adding on an exercise each round.

I am loving all these workouts from Kindal and Dan. If you are interested in their live streaming classes you can reach out to her at [email protected].

This upcoming week I am doing something new to me and taking two virtual cooking classes online! I am so excited!

It is also our last week of virtual schooling for our oldest. What a crazy and sad end to the school year. I have so many feelings about it. When I think I am doing ok a new wave of emotions hit and it is the silliest things that make my have all the feelings. Our three littles got to pick up all their preschool end of the year books and packets and seeing all the teachers was just…I don’t even have a word for it. We love our preschool so much.

Our 3 year olds had made little pom pom chicks at our last class and they had them in their bags. Those silly little yellow pom poms made me cry. The boys were so happy to see the chicks they had made and I just lost it. Our family has been so blessed by all the teachers at our preschool who have loved on all our babies. Jesse kept saying “My baby chicky” over and over again and hugging it.

I hope you are all staying safe and healthy. Thanks for reading! Have a great rest of your day :).

xo, Tamara


Pita Jungle Lentil Burger Recipe

Today I am sharing a recipe from one of my favorite restaurants. Pita Jungle began emailing recipes off their menu several weeks ago. And I was so happy! So far I have three recipes from them in my inbox. And they are all recipes I have ordered multiple times off the menu. I was pretty happy to be able to have the chance to now recreate them at home.

I figured Mother’s Day would be a great day to make the lentil burgers. And they turned out so well! Even Josh who loves “real” hamburgers said these tasted good. That pretty much seals the deal right there if you are looking for an endorsement to make these. My husband loves hamburgers and if it is his turn to cook at the fire station one of the meals is likely to be burgers.

Lentil Burger Recipe

You don’t need much to make these vegan and vegetarian friendly burgers. They are simple and can by made easily especially if you have an Instant Pot.

The recipe that was emailed said that it would make 1-2 burgers. I am not sure what happened but we ended up with 6 full size patties. Here is how we made them! Hope you enjoy them as much as we did!


  • 1 cup cooked lentils
  • 1 cup cooked brown rice 
  • 1/4 cup diced radish
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper
  • 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder 
  • 1 teaspoon onion powder
  • 1-2 sprigs of fresh mint (optional)


  1. Place all ingredients in food processor. Pulse for 3 seconds 3-4 times. Or…I don’t have a food processor anymore because mine broke a year ago and I haven’t purchased another one. Here is what I did. I cooked the lentils and brown rice in my Instant Pot with 2.5 cups of water for 22 minutes. When cooked I used a potato masher for a few minutes until it was at a ground beef consistency.
  2. Remove the mixture and form into 6 burger patties.
  3. In a pan brown the patty with a little bit of olive oil.
  4. Select buns (or a leafy salad as a base) of your choice and garnish with your favorite toppings. Pita Jungle suggests thinly sliced radishes, sprinkles of sumac, mint leaves, and a couple drops of pomegranate molasses. I used radishes, mint, and lettuce from our garden and also topped it off with Famous Daves pickles.

This burger was so good! It was the perfect lunch on Mother’s Day. We spent the day swimming, playing in the backyard, and ended the night watching the Disney Family Sing Along.

While I am deeply sadden by the devastation of the coronavirus I am thankful for the extra time our family has been able to spend together at home. Time truly does fly by and these extra memories made will be ones that I hold close for years to come.

To all the mom’s out there I hope you had a special day even if you couldn’t be with your loved ones due to social distancing. If you are a foster or bio mom please know you hold a special place in my heart. Our family will forever be grateful for our youngest son’s mom for giving him the gift of life.

Thank you for reading and I hope you have a great rest of your day! Let me know what you think if you make the burger.

xo, Tamara
