The Phone Call

Bathtime can get a little hectic in our house with 3 kids under the age of 5. On this typical evening in our household the kids were splashing away in the tub singing, laughing, and getting louder and louder by the minute when Josh’s phone began to ring. My curiosity was instantly piqued. We had been waiting for a phone call for our first foster placement and I couldn’t follow him around the house while he walked and talked like I normally would because I needed to stay with the kids in the tub.

Minutes later he came back into the bathroom and told me that we had received a phone call from our agency worker about a baby in need of a foster home. After that first call Josh and I tagged team bathing the kids and as we made several more phone calls back and forth between myself, Josh, our agency worker, and the Department of Child Safety. In less than 10 minutes we had a plan in place to pick up the baby in the morning.

The limited details we had were heartbreaking. I clung to Josh outside the bathroom door trying to put a coherent thought together and tears started streaming down my face. Everything about this child was the complete opposite of what we had expected. I started second guessing myself and wondering if I could do this. Could I take care of a baby whose health was so compromised and faced so many unknowns?

I picked my 14 month old up out of the bathtub wrapped him in a warm cozy towel and my tears dropped down on his blonde hair as I breathed in his clean baby freshness. Many thoughts swirled around in my head at that moment but I knew saying yes to that phone call wasn’t just me saying yes to a child but me being obedient to the Lord and what he was asking our family to do.

And it was in that moment that I knew I had to completely surrender, yet again, my ideals and expectations. Up until this point Josh and I being foster parents had been something that would happen in the future. Now the clock was quickly ticking to the time when we would get to meet this little person and welcome them into our family. I felt somewhere between throwing up and obsessively cleaning to release my bundle of nerves after all the kids were in bed but I knew that saying yes was the best choice.


Movie Workout: The Greatest Showman

Josh and I watched The Greatest Showman several months ago for the first time and it quickly became a family favorite. It also became the new soundtrack for our family dance parties that happen daily. This movie just makes me happy when I watch it. The dancing, the singing, and costumes are all amazing.

Our oldest is dressing up as PT Barnum for Halloween this year and I am in the process of sewing his coat. Wish me luck.

This soundtrack has been on repeat in our house for the last few months. I have shared only one other movie workout on the blog it was for Frozen. So it has been awhile since anything like this has been posted.

You can do the workout while you are watching the movie or you can do it listening to the soundtrack. The soundtrack version of this workout is tough because there is no rest and you are working for 39 minutes straight. For the entire duration of each song you will either rotate between two exercises or do a single exercise.

Disclaimer: Not all exercises are suitable for everyone and this or any other exercise program may result in injury. To reduce this risk of injury, please consult your doctor before beginning this, or any other, physical fitness program. Any user of this workout assumes the full risk of injury resulting from performing the routine presented.

You will need a set of heavy weights for the deadlights, squats, and rows, medium weight for biceps curls, presses, and lunges, and light weights for triceps kickbacks. You will also need a stability ball for the pikes and hamstring curls.

For the entire duration of each song you will either rotate between two exercises or do a single exercise the entire song. For example on The Greatest Show you will perform 5 plank walkouts followed by 10 alternating lunges and repeat until the song is finished. Challenge yourself with those burpees on The Other Side and see if you can hold the plank for the entire duration on A Million Dreams (Reprise).

Please feel free to modify as needed. Take your pushups to the wall and sub out any core exercise that works best for your body and where you are today. If jumping is not your thing skip the burpees and just sit down and get up and down the floor to your feet. You will still be sweating after 3 minutes of doing that, trust me.

Enjoy and have fun singing and sweating while you are working hard :).


How & Why Our Family Became Licensed to Provide Foster Care

Earlier this year our family became licensed to provide foster care and we took our first placement soon after our license became active. The last 6 months have flown by and our foster care experience has been so different from what we were expecting. And I mean that in the best way possible :).

Foster care is temporary and an amazing opportunity to love and care for a child and be part of the ministry of family reconciliation. When you provide a temporary home for a child it allows for the possibility of a permanent reconciliation to happen within a family.

I enjoyed reading and learning from other foster families when we were starting this process. Below are the steps we took to become licensed in Arizona and also the reasoning behind why Josh and I ultimately said yes to becoming foster parents.


Our journey into becoming licensed as a foster family started all the way back in November of 2015. Our kids at the time were 4 and 2 years old. Josh and I knew we wanted more information about becoming foster parents and thankfully we found Arizona 1.27 online and signed up for the next orientation.

Arizona 1.27 is a non-profit that partners with local churches to recruit and care for the members of their congregation engaged in the ministry of foster care and adoption. Childcare was provided for our kiddos and we were able to go and learn more about the process and ask questions. If you are at all interested in fostering this organization is a great starting place!

This orientation outlined all the vital steps we would need to complete. For two people who knew nothing about how this process worked we left feeling confident about moving forward but devastated by what we learned.

Everyday in Arizona only 4 families become licensed to provide foster care yet 33+ kids (babies through teens) will come into foster care that same day.

About 2700 children are currently eligible for adoption in Arizona.

In the last year in Arizona only 23% of children were reunited with their families.

If a girl ages out of the foster care systems she has a 2% chance of completing college and is 20% more likely to become pregnant before she is 21. This also means she is at a greater risk to become homeless, imprisoned, or a victim of sex trafficking.

We next signed up for the Basic Training class offered by Arizona 1.27 which increased our understanding of a Biblical approach to foster care and adoption. And this class was so so good! I left convicted and blown away by what was presented in this class. The pastor who taught recommend the book Orphan Justice and I highly suggest reading this book to everyone! Even if you aren’t considering fostering or adopting. It really challenged my thinking and started to break down some of the presuppositions I had about the foster care system and those who are part of it.

In the Spring of 2016 we had our fingerprint cards, picked an agency, began taking our 10 week PS-MAPP class, and filled out stacks of paperwork. PS-MAPP stands for “Partnering for Permanency and Safety – Model Approach to Partnerships in Parenting.” Arizona requires a minimum of 30 hours of training before becoming a foster parent. Several weeks into this class Josh and I shockingly learned I was pregnant! You can watch the video HERE. Spoiler alert: Josh had a vasectomy the year before and had two clean sperm counts after the procedure.

In the Fall of 2017 we contacted our agency again and began the steps needed to complete the licensure process. This time we had a 5, 3, and almost 1 year old. We had to retake two of our PS-MAPP classes which equaled 6 hours plus another 3 hour class, fill out even more paperwork, meet with our licensing worker from our agency, have medical exams, and share all the details from our childhood until currently.

All our paperwork was completed right before Christmas and our file was turned over to the State of Arizona the first week of January 2018. And several weeks later received an email from DCS that our license was active! This means that our family was placed on the list for a placement. We decided to keep the order of our biological children so any child that is placed with our family will be younger than our youngest.


The Bible says we are all image bearers of God, which means we were created to point others towards Him, and to display His character in the world. God has wired each of us differently to encapsulate his own qualities. Taking care of orphans was NEVER a desire I had on my own BUT, I can now say that because of God, through the work of Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit within me, God’s call to care for orphans has overwhelmed me. To the point now that I could not imagine our family saying no to caring for another family during this season of life.

And I say our family because this is not just about myself and Josh. Our kids are part of this life changing experience, as well as our extended family, by being the hands and feet of Jesus and loving those who have no one to care for them. Our kids were beyond excited, because we had been talking about doing this for awhile. Our five year old asked if we could buy a bus so we could take all the kids who need a home. We talked to them about the baby who will come into our house and how we we will be their family for as long as needed until their own mommy or daddy can take care of them again. We have also made sure to continue to explain to our kids that they we will always be with us.

Over and over again Josh and I have heard the same statement from other people, “I don’t think I could do that, I would get too attached”. And I get it. I really do. We know our hearts will get broken but we also know that we have an amazing opportunity to make a life changing impact on a family and to offer a loving home for a little person in need.

This is new territory and we know we won’t do this perfectly but we hope to do this with as much grace and mercy as possible. Grace and mercy to each other, to our kids, to the foster care system, to the family of the baby who enters our home, and especially to the little one who we welcome into our home and family. This grace and mercy we can extend because it has been extended freely to us.

Josh and I have been reconciled by God through Jesus Christ (2 Corinthians 5:16-20) and believe that the Bible is alive, active, and sharper than any double edge sword (Hebrews 4:12). And scripture has pierced my heart multiple times as the Lord has convicted me and reshaped my priorities and focus over the last several years. I would not be writing this at all if not for His goodness, grace, and mercy.

Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you. James 1:27
