Dirty Dozen Workout & Easter Weekend Recap

I hope you had a nice Easter weekend. Our family of six spent yesterday watching church service online, spending time in our backyard, and we rented Trolls 2.

Easter Weekend 2020

Earlier in the week we got out our Resurrection Egg set. These had been gifted to us by an older couple at our church years ago. I didn’t realize how much I treasured them until I pulled them out of storage from the garage this year. I got a little teary eyed as I brought them into the house.

I knew Easter wasn’t going to be the same this year. No dinner with my parents, grandparents, brother and sister-in-law, brother-in-law, and cousins. Church would be online.

So much is different from this time last year. So much is different from just a month ago.

In a weird way these eggs helped me to remember that even in all the crazy of the world God is still in charge and he is still the same. I needed that reminder.

Lately I have been baking up a storm and this weekend was no exception.

We also enjoyed watching the wildflowers start to blossom in our backyard. Maisie and I started them from seeds in January and they are just now starting to bloom.

Here are a few shots of one wildflower in particular that we have been closely watching as it blossoms.

Our Maisie girl loves her flowers. Her fairy garden is overflowing with color.

To recap the weekend, it was honestly perfect for this new normal we are experiencing. When Josh wasn’t at the fire station we had so much quality family time. Slowing down and not feeling the need to be out doing things has been such a gift and has allowed me to focus more time on just being present with our kids.

This week we are heading to our son’s school for a drive by pick up of the items in his desk as well as his consumable books. He will get to see his teacher in person. While we have been able to FaceTime, and it is great, nothing beats the real thing. Last week when we were doing math at the kitchen table he said to me “Mom I really miss school”.

I really have no words.

I try to put my thoughts together and they are just a jumble mess. I am so thankful to have kids who love their schools so much and for their amazing teachers.

But really I have no more words.

Dirty Dozen Workout

Here is the workout I will be doing sometime today…

So with that, I will say, that I hope each of you has the best day possible however that looks in your current circumstance.

xo, Tamara


FREE 1 Month Home Workout Plan

Years ago I had an online bootcamp that I ran and this month I am bringing it back. To bring a little bit of goodness, light, and to #spreadkindness to those who read this blog I would like to invite you to participate in a FREE 1 month at home workout program.

My heart is heavy from the reality of all that we are facing in the world right now. The conversations my husband and I have had lately are hard and I am sure others are experiencing this as well. Exercise is a great way to relieve stress and stay healthy. All you need is a set of weights and you will be good to go.

Here is a sample of the workout plan. Please don’t let that first workout scare you away. You can always modify. Pushups can be done at the wall and sit ups can be exchanged for bicycle crunches, bird dog, or another core focused movement.


The rest of this week will be considered prep week. If you are interested in taking your measurements and photos, the next few days will give you time to do that. I also would like to encourage you to walk 30 minutes everyday. If being outdoors is not a possibility for you right now there are several options available on Amazon and YouTube. Search for walking workouts and you will be able to find several for free.

If you want to do this plan in real time with me, workouts will start on Monday April 6th with a cardio focused workout. I will post these workouts on my blog along with modification suggestions so be sure to check back on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday starting next week. The plan includes 3 days a week of written workouts. You can stick with the schedule I have outlined or change it to fit your calendar. Just grab a copy of the Free 1 Month Home Workout Plan and a set of dumbbells and you are ready to go.

I am hoping to be able to live stream workouts on Fridays during April on YouTube. Please subscribe to my channel if you would like to follow along.

If you grab the plan could you leave a comment below or email me at [email protected] and let me know you will be participating :). It would seriously make my day.

Stay safe and healthy.

xo, Tamara
