Losing The Baby Weight: Nutrition

Happy Wednesday friends! If you are just joining the Losing The Baby Weight series welcome!

Here are the topics that have previously been covered:

Wednesday, June 12Pregnancy & Exercise

Wednesday, June 19What To Expect After You Deliver

Wednesday, June 26: The First Six Weeks

Wednesday, July 3: Nutrition

Losing The Baby Weight

Good nutrition after delivery is so much more important than during your pregnancy. Please don’t misunderstand. I am a huge advocate for eating a nutrient rich diet during pregnancy. Your diet after pregnancy directly impacts the quality of  your breast milk and how quickly you recover from childbirth. Regardless of if you are breastfeeding or formula feeding your baby a balanced diet of  complex carbohydrates, protein, and fats, with as little sugar as possible is going to increase your success with losing the baby weight.

Complex Carbohydrates vs. Simple Carbohydrates

Complex carbohydrates take a little longer to digest, are high in fiber, more satisfying, and they don’t raise the sugar levels in the blood as quickly as simple carbohydrates. Complex carbohydrates act as the body’s fuel, and they contribute significantly to energy production and have a higher nutritional value than simple carbohydrates. Complex carbohydrates are commonly found in whole plant based foods and are high in vitamins and minerals. Most people should consume between 40-60% of total calories from carbohydrates with the majority being complex carbohydrates.

Complex carbohydrates include:

  • Green vegetables
  • Whole grains and foods made from them, such as oatmeal, pasta, and whole-grain breads
  • Starchy vegetables such as potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn, and pumpkin
  • Beans, lentils, and peas

Helpful Hint: Consume foods that are high in fiber to improve your digestive health, lower cholesterol, and improve blood sugar levels. Adults need between 20-30 grams of fiber daily. 

Simple carbohydrates will cause your blood sugar to spike and can leave you feeling tired. No new mama wants to feel this way. Most simple carbohydrates contain few nutrients (fruit and milk being an exception) and are often called “empty calories”.

Avoid these simple carbohydrates:

  • Candy
  • Soda
  • Syrups
  • Table sugar

Helpful Hint: Make sure you are getting enough nutrients and not just more calories while you are breastfeeding your baby.

Enjoy moderate sized portions of these simple carbohydrates:

  • Fruits
  • Milk and Milk Products

Protein & Fats

For a 14-70+ year old woman the Recommend Dietary Intake for protein is 46 grams per day. For lactating woman add an additional 25 grams. If you eat meat daily there is a good chance you are already consuming the correct amount. If you are vegetarian or vegan you can supplement your diet with a plant based protein as needed, keep reading for more information on supplements. Lentils, kidney beans, peanuts, and sunflower seeds are just a few sources of plant based protein.

Helpful Hint: Once your body gets the amount of protein it needs, it converts the rest to energy, and if you already have enough energy, it is converted to fat. High amounts of protein can also deplete calcium stores in the body leading to osteoporosis.

Not all fat is bad. In fact our bodies need between 20-35% of our total calories consumed to come from fats in order to properly function. Stock up on avocados, nut butters, olive oil, walnuts, and fish. Avocados can easily be added to sandwiches, salads, smoothies, or can be eaten by themselves for a quick snack. Stay away from chicken with the skin on, anything that comes in a wrapper, fried foods, and candy bars.

Dairy & Sugar

If you are looking to lose weight try eliminating dairy and sugar from your diet. Hey, I never said it would be easy, but this elimination method is a tried and true way to shed a few pounds. Plus this will have no adverse affect on your milk supply if you are still nursing.

There were several moms I spoke with prior to delivering Caden that mentioned that they had eliminated dairy products from their diets because it caused their babies to have upset tummies. After hearing this I cut out most dairy products from my diet while I was still pregnant. I didn’t typically drink cows milk so only using almond milk was not a huge deal. Cheese on the other hand was a little harder but after two weeks I didn’t miss it.

Helpful Hint: Use nutritional yeast to add a cheesy flavor to salads and taco’s. Read more on nutritional yeast later.

Excess amounts of sugar can lead to weight gain and cause you to feel overly tired after the initial sugar rush has passed. I suggest slowly weaning sugar out of your diet. Sodas and candy should be the first things to go. Baked goods such as cookies, cakes, cupcakes, and pastries while tempting are not going to fuel your body for the long haul.

Helpful Hint: Try a KIND Bar. The Dark Chocolate and Sea Salt only has 5 grams of sugar in it! Much better than the 24 grams of sugar in a two Twix cookie bars. Yikes!

Grocery Shopping Must Haves

groceryUnsweetened Vanilla Silk and Dark Chocolate Almond Milk | KIND Bars | Spinach | Oats | Eggs | Gluten Free Pretzels| Avocados | Peanut Butter | Chia Seeds | Emergen-C

Set yourself up for success by always keeping several key items stocked in your pantry and fridge. I love all these items because they can easily be used to create several quick and easy meal or snack options ranging from smoothies, salads, omelets, and oatmeal.

Helpful Hint: Plan ahead of time. Stock up on key items. Failure to plan is planning to fail.

You can find key items that we keep stocked in our home on the Buschel Family Grocery Shopping List HERE. This is not an exhaustive list but does have our most used purchases. We try to keep these items always on stock for meals, juicing, snacks, and desserts.

Do Breastfeeding Mama’s Need Extra Calories?

Honestly this could be a separate post but I think it is important to share this information with the nutrition section because if you are a breastfeeding mama what you eat is important not just for you but also for your baby. If you have ever nursed a little baby you know how common it is to feel hungry all the time. I do mean all the time.

[Read more…]


Losing The Baby Weight: The First Six Weeks

Happy Wednesday friends! If you are just joining the Losing The Baby Weight series welcome! Every Wednesday for the next several weeks I will be posting on this topic.

Wednesday, June 12Pregnancy & Exercise

Wednesday, June 19: What To Expect After You Deliver

Wednesday, June 26: The First Six Weeks

Wednesday, July 3: Nutrition

Losing The Baby Weight

Every women’s pregnancy is completely different and so is their recovery. That being said I am excited to share with you what I experienced my first six weeks postpartum and also a few items I highly recommend for a new mama after the baby is born.


The rate of recovery is going to differ from mama to mama depending on overall health, delivery complications, and nutrition (a full post dedicated to this next week). Make sure you talk with your doctor before starting any new fitness program postpartum to make sure your body is ready for exercise.

Experts at the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologist say it is ok to gradually resume exercise if you were physically active until giving birth as long as you did not have any complications or conditions that make exercise dangerous.Any new mom will tell that the first six weeks are an adventure. You are learning your new normal. As soon as you feel ready to get back to exercise and have been cleared by your doctor the faster you will recovery.

The very first morning that we woke up in our house as a family of 3 we went for an early morning walk. I do mean early. It was the middle of summer in Arizona when Caden was born so anything that we would want to do outside needed to be done as the sun was rising. That walk was not pretty and very slow lasting a grand total of 15 minutes. I felt each stitch with every step but was super proud of myself for this small accomplishment.

Each day I continued to walk a little more and at 2 weeks postpartum I was averaging 2 miles a day at 5am in the morning pushing Caden in his stroller. Around this same time I began to add my yoga practice back into my routine. Warrior poses never felt so hard. I had to move really carefully between postures but it felt amazing to stretch.

At 4 weeks postpartum I started strength training with 8 pound dumbbells and using my TRX while Caden was napping. I went on my first “run” at 5 weeks postpartum and swimming after I was cleared by my doctor at my six week checkup.

Body Image

Many women still look 6 months pregnant after delivery, myself included. The uterus is still swollen and it takes about 6 weeks after delivery for it to return to its normal position. It is totally normal to not feel like yourself after you have had a baby. Everything is stretched, swollen, or engorged on your body. Be nice to yourself. You just had a baby. I promise with time and effort you can and will regain control over your midsection. As hard as it is, try to only weigh yourself no more than once a week or even once a month. To read more about my thoughts on body image and the problem with body bashing click HERE.


Oh the bleeding! I felt like it was never going to stop. Of course it did but the amount of blood that was being released from my body at first was quite impressive. Each day the amount of bleeding decreased. At 4 weeks postpartum I was only slightly spotting.

Night Sweats & Nightmares

I had crazy night sweats which left me waking up drenched and having to change my pi’s. I heard this is super common and the way the body regulates all the hormone changes and rids itself of excess fluid. The sweating was not that bad but what freaked me out the first time it happened was waking up thinking Caden was in my arms and that I lost him in our bedsheets.

I had a panic attack the first time it happened because I thought I had brought him in bed with us and then lost him in the bed. It was pretty horrible. Josh had to keep reassuring me that he was in his crib, I was in tears and it took me going into his room to see he was ok for me to be able to try to sleep again. It  happened every night for a few weeks. I would wake up holding my boobs thinking they were Caden. Very weird but eventually it became almost comical, I said almost, it still freaked me out a little. Anyone else have crazy nightmares like this?

Bladder & Bowel

It took a solid 3 weeks for me to begin to feel any relief when going to the bathroom.  Last week Jess and I both mentioned how horrible pooping was but I forgot to mention the horrible stinging sensation that accompanied peeing. It is funny what your mind blocks out over time. I winced in pain after being reminded of this after I received an email from a girlfriend who said I forgot to talk about the burning pee last week. Yikes! Just like I found relief by drinking lots of water to dilute the acidity of my urine and also used my squirted water on myself while peeing.  Don’t judge me but another thing I would do is pee in the shower during the first few weeks after Caden was born with the water running. It is gross, I know, but it helped lessen the sting.


With Josh’s approval I am sharing this next paragraph. I am not one to talk about what happens in my bedroom with my husband but I do think this information is helpful to share.

After being cleared at my 6 week appointment Josh and I had sex. I am not going to lie, it hurt, bad. So bad. I thought my insides were being torn open. You would think that after having a baby’s head pushed out of your body that sex would never hurt again. What I didn’t take into account was that my skin was still extremely raw in that area and still healing. I totally don’t regret having sex when we did and I am only sharing this information to encourage other mama’s that it is normal for sex to be uncomfortable after giving birth. I promise it does get better and practicing helps ;).

New Mama Must Haves

new mom must haves

Belly Bandit | Witch Hazel Pads | Comfortable Underwear | Nursing Cami

If you can splurge on anything for yourself before the baby is born the Belly Bandit would be the item to buy! Both Jess and myself had great experiences with the BB’S after having our babies. Here is what Jess has to say about wearing the BB after her c-section:

“If you aren’t familiar with them, it’s basically just an abdominal binder that is marketed as a big aid in helping your tummy return to its pre-baby state. I wore it 24/7, other than when I was in the shower and I really, really liked the support it gave me. Did it help in the tummy flattening department? I personally think so, however I wore it because the extra abdominal and lower back support felt really good The Belly Bandits are a bit on the pricey side (about $50 a piece and you will most likely need 2 different sizes), but you can get a basic abdominal binder from a drug store or Amazon for less than half of that price. If I had it to do over again I would definitely be willing to give a cheaper version a try, although I was pleased with the results the Belly Bandit gave me. I really think it made getting up and down out of bed, the couch, etc. MUCH easier and it helped me keep good posture while breastfeeding and holding Sadie as well. I wore it pretty much around the clock for the first month and it’s definitely something I would recommend to other recovering mama’s.”

I could not have said it better myself. I did not have a c-section but still wore a Belly Bandit and it 100% made a difference in how I looked in my clothes after Caden was born. I felt really supported and wore it all the time except for showering until I was 4 weeks postpartum and for the next 2 weeks only wore it at night. Just like Jess I had the small and extra small sized bands.

Being comfortable is a huge priority after having a baby. Witch hazel pads became my good friends as they eased my itching and tender stitched skin. Before the baby comes buy a few pairs of underwear that you don’t really care about but that are roomy and comfortable. You will thank yourself later. Also investing in a nursing cami was helpful for all the late night and early morning feedings I had with Caden.

Six Weeks Postpartum Stats & Photo Recap

Lastly here are my stats and photos documenting my post baby weight loss during the first six weeks after having Caden.

six week postpartum stats


I hope you feel encouraged after reading this and remember everyones journey is different. Comparison is the thief of joy and I don’t share this so you feel the need to compare my results with yours.

I am always happy to answer any questions you may have (it may take me a few days to get back to you but I love hearing from you and reading your comments). I would love to hear how soon other mama’s began exercising after delivery or any other advice you have to offer.

xoxo, Tamara


Losing The Baby Weight: What To Expect After You Deliver

Happy Wednesday friends! If you are just joining the Losing The Baby Weight series welcome! Every Wednesday for the next several weeks I will be posting on this topic.

Here are the topics for the next 4 weeks:

Wednesday, June 12: Pregnancy & Exercise

Wednesday, June 19: What To Expect After You Deliver

Wednesday, June 26: The First Six Weeks

Wednesday, July 3: Nutrition

Losing The Baby Weight

This week I wanted to be sure to include information on vaginal deliveries and c-sections and what you could expect after each. Since I have no experience with c-sections my friend Jess, from Jason, Me, and Baby T, and I have teamed up to write this weeks post. Yay! I promise that Jess and I have not spared a detail or picture from this post. You are going to get everything. Are you ready? Without anymore introduction here it is… [Read more…]
