Overnight Blueberry French Toast

Overnight Blueberry French Toast #glutenfree

How yummy does this look? If I could have you all over for breakfast this is what I would make us! Plus it is gluten free! I didn’t say calorie free, which is why I would also invite you to stay for a workout after we ate ;). This recipe is super easy but does take 10-12 hours of chill time in the fridge before you can pop this tasty dish in the oven.

I grew up in a gluten free house and My entire family loves Udi’s Gluten Free Foods! I can tell you first hand that anyone who is diagnosed with a gluten intolerance is very thankful brands like Udi’s exist.

My mom is a rockstar in the kitchen and loves the challenge of taking recipes that our family loves and converting them to a gluten free option that everyone can enjoy. Following in my mom’s footsteps I took her Overnight Blueberry French Toast recipe and added my own unique twist to make it gluten free and oh so yummy!

Udi’s Gluten Free Cinnamon and Raisin Bread was the perfect addition to this already winner of a recipe.  This is perfect for a holiday morning or any other special occasion and makes the house smell incredibly awesome!


  • 1 loaf of Udi’s Gluten Free Cinnamon and Raisin Bread
  • 3 eggs
  • 3 tablespoons sugar
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 2 1/4 cups coconut or almond milk
  • 1/2 cup gluten free flour
  • 6 tablespoons brown sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1/4 cup butter, chilled
  • 1 cup frozen blueberries


The night before

  1. Grease a 13″ x 9″ baking dish. Rip bread into multiple pieces, about 4-5 per slice. Combine eggs, sugar, vanilla, and milk into a large bowl.
  2. Add sliced bread and mix gently until most of the liquid is absorbed into bread.Place bread mixture evenly into prepared pan. Cover and set in refrigerator overnight.
  3. In a small bowl combine flour, brown sugar,and cinnamon. Cut in butter until mixture resembles course crumbs. Cover and set in refrigerator.

The next morning

  1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Scatter blueberries and sprinkle crumb mixture over bread.
  2. Bake for 40 minutes or until golden brown.
  3. Before serving cut into squares and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

This recipe will serve between 4-6 people. 

I love, love, love this recipe and I hope you will too! You can follow Udi’s on twitter and instgram @udisglutenfree.

Do you have a favorite Udi’s product? Let me know if you make this and what you think!

xoxo, Tamara

Facebook | Bloglovin | Twitter & Instagram @theworkoutmama

PS…Need a workout plan? Check out the details for my ONLINE BOOTCAMP starting in September.

I was given this item in exchange for highlighting Udi’s Gluten Free Foods. No other compensation was provided and all thoughts are my own. #udisglutenfree #glutenfree


Detox Salad

Detox Salad

After coming off of my 14 day juice cleanse I have been craving green salads with a rich, vibrant, and earthy flavor. I am super excited to share my new favorite salad recipe with you today. I magically created this salad in my kitchen this weekend after being inspired on one of my many trips to Whole Foods.

If I am ever lacking inspiration in my kitchen I go to Whole Foods to see what is on their menu to recreate at home. This is also how my Blueberry Quinoa Pancakes were born. I love Whole Foods!

I am not sure about you but sometimes it can be challenging to eat a wide assortment of vegetables during the day. That is why I love this salad. Everything in it is good for me and I do not need to worry about what I am eating.

Can we discuss for a moment how much harder cooking is when your little one is in the kitchen with you. This is what was happening the entire time I was making this salad.


Caden loves being in the kitchen with me. How cute is his little face? He is going to be such a helper when he is older.

There are so many good things going on in this recipe! Kale, spinach, parsley, broccoli, carrots, dried cranberries and raisins, fresh squeezed lemon, and a touch of salt and pepper will leave your mouth and body refreshed. It is so good! Plus it is super easy. This recipe will be much quicker using a food processor.

Detox Salad Prep

The vegetables in this salad contain a variety of vitamins and minerals that will support your immune system and assist the body in flushing out toxins. By far the star of this salad is the parsley. It adds a bright and cheery taste and when mixed with the lemon juice helps to reduce the bitterness of the kale. Parsley aids in supporting a healthy digestive system, prevents bad breath, purifies the blood, helps to eliminate excess water from the body, and assists in balancing hormones.


  • 1 bunch organic dino kale, stems removed
  • 1 bunch or 1 bag of organic spinach
  • 1 bunch of organic fresh parsley
  • 4 large organic carrots
  • 1 bunch of organic broccoli or cauliflower, stems removed
  • 1/2 cup sunflower seeds
  • 1/2 cup dried rasins
  • 1/2 cup dried cranberries
  • 1 lemon
  • himalayan sea salt and black pepper to taste


  1. In a food processor chop kale, spinach, and parsley until fine. Remove and add to a large bowl. Do the same with the broccoli/cauliflower and carrots. If you do not have a food processor you can chop by hand. 
  2. Stir in sunflower seeds, raisins, and cranberries. Add the juice of one lemon and salt and pepper to taste.
  3. Salad will keep for several days covered in the fridge.

Makes about 4-6 servings depending on portion size.

Detox Salad from The Workout Mama

I always love to hear feedback if you try a recipe I share. Thanks for reading and I really hope you enjoy this salad if you make it!

xoxo, Tamara


Beta Breakthrough Juice Fast Day 14

Hallelujah! I survived my juice cleanse! Yesterday was the final day and I am so happy I didn’t quit or give up. There were a few times that I seriously questioned if this cleanse was worth all the money that was spent on the produce.

The first 4 days of this cleanse I strictly juiced and only juiced low sugar veggies. The next 3 days I reintroduced protein, moderate carbs, and healthy fats into my diet. Then I repeated the whole thing again. I have to say I am super proud of my husband, my friend Kiley and her husband Kasey for also doing this cleanse. Josh and Kasey had to modify it slightly for their work schedules but all of us did so great and it was encouraging to know that we were doing this together.

Last week I was so excited to juice again for 4 days. Let me tell you by Friday afternoon I was so over it. I pressed on for 3 more days and was again ready to eat on Tuesday morning. If you want to read more about this cleanse and how it works click HERE. To read about how I did last week click HERE.


WEIGHT 124 lb. | WAIST 28.5″

After the first week I was super happy with how I was feeling. Eating food for 3 whole days was simply amazing!

Before I can continue, I totally have a confession to make. In the interest of being completely honest and real with you, on my final day of eating last week, Josh thought it would be a great idea to buy a new jar of peanut butter. If you know me you would know I love peanut butter. Like I can eat it straight out of the jar with a spoon. So good! Well this wasn’t just any peanut butter it was Cookie Nookie Peanut Butter by PB Crave. Ummm…we may have eaten half the jar, and by we, I really mean I.

Even in light of the peanut butter incident I feel so successful and proud of myself with what I was able to accomplish. This cleanse was very challenging but worth every drop of green juice I drank and all the yummy veggies I consumed.

For those of you who are interested in how much money was spent to buy all the groceries for this cleanse let me break down the numbers.


  • Organic Produce for Juicing: $200
  • Branched Chained Amino Acids: $45
  • Apple Cider Vinegar: $3
  • Chia Seeds: $10
  • Psyllium Husk: $10
  • Wild Caught Salmon: $14
  • Grass Fed Chicken Breasts: $20
  • Cage Free Eggs: $8
  • Organic Produce for Eating: $120

That comes to a whopping grand total of $430. I know that is a ton of money. Josh and I had set aside money each week specifically for this cleanse. I will say that I did not need to spend anywhere near the amount I did on produce that we actually ate. I think I had gotten used to buying a large quantity to juice that it was habit to load my cart up. I also was starving.

Now for the fun part! My results!



Hello abs! So I never went into this cleanse with the expectation to lose weight. I would have loved to taken my % body fat because I am pretty positive that is where the biggest change occurred. Regardless of the numbers I feel better and I am totally not craving sugar. My sugar cravings were starting to get super bad and would have continued to get worse if I had not done this cleanse.

What do you think? Can you tell a difference? Have you done a cleanse?

If you are interested in doing this cleanse you can find more information HERE.

Have and wonderful weekend and thanks for reading!

xoxo, Tamara

PS…I am linking up with Mandi and Face It Catalog today. If you like my blog you can follow The Workout Mama on Bloglovin.
