May 2019 Fitness/Wellness Update

I wasn’t sure if I was going to take pictures this month but I am so glad I did. If you are new here I have been sharing these updates in order to motivate myself to eat better and exercise more consistently in 2019. In case you missed the other posts in this series here are February, March, and April.


I am no longer intermittent fasting. I tried it and realized it wasn’t going to work for me long term. More on this below.

I tracked my macros diligently over the last several weeks but have since backed off. Weekly I pretty much eat the same foods and have a good idea what and how much I should be consuming daily. I am not opposed to tracking macros but don’t see the need to do it all the time. I also don’t want my kids to see my on my phone constantly taking pictures of food while I scan barcodes.


Josh and I started a 12 week weight lifting program this month. So far I like it. I am lifting 3 days week and doing short HIIT workouts on the in between days. The weightlifting workouts are 30-40 minutes and the HIIT workouts last about 20 minutes. Josh’s schedule is a little different from mine because of his shifts at work. We both are enjoying it and it is fun to do something together on the days he is home. This schedule is also super doable for me because I am able to wake up at 5am and get my workout done, read my bible, and usually shower before the kids wake up.


I completed all the treatments for my varicose veins! Yay! I also was super diligent about wearing my compression socks and walking for 30 minutes daily. When I went in for my checkup ultrasounds my legs looked so good that my doctor said I didn’t need to have surgery. I am happy to be done with treatment before summer! No more compression socks for me and I can run again without pain.

The last thing I wanted to share is the reason I am not intermittent fasting anymore. It is also the reason I would not recommend it to another woman. My period has been super regular the last several months but I was so late this month. Like ready to go send Josh to get a pregnancy test. My period finally started 2 weeks late. I know many women have success using this method but for me it obviously messed with my hormones. Plus I also really enjoy eating breakfast in the morning. I was eating enough calories so I know I wasn’t deficient in that way and the fasting is the only thing I can pinpoint to why this happened.

So there you go, that is what has been going with me :). Thanks for reading!


Broken Tracks

In the bedroom broken train tracks scatter the floor. My two year olds are happily playing with the remaining intact tracts that lead onto the well worn carpet.

I sit down on the floor with them in the mess they have created. My mind starts to contemplate how I can arrange the tracks to enhance their play. A bridge here, a tunnel there, yes that will be perfect. They will love it.

Except they don’t. “No mama, no fix it”. The little voice continues on. Lamenting as I try to explain that what I am doing is going to be better. So much better.

It is as if each track I lay brings an extra agony of grief to his little heart. Slowly the track starts to come together amongst the whining and grumbling. It is one of my better designs. Slowly the grumbling begins to fade and a smile starts to form on their little faces. They see the broken tracks come together to form something new, something better.

They start working alongside me. Their excitement now evident as they can see what we are creating together. Squeals of laughter and shouts of joy echo out into the hallway as we watch the train go from the top of the hill to the bottom and up and over the bridge.

I sit back and watch. My breath catches for a moment. Here in my children’s bedroom I see just how similar I am to my toddlers. I often grumble or become anxious when life is hard and painful. Not seeing how the Holy Spirit is wanting to work in me. Wanting to use the struggle to grow me into something and someone who is more like Christ. Fixing the broken tracks for my good and for his glory.


10-20-30 Ladder Workout

This is a quick 10 minute cardio workout. When I taught group fitness classes I would use this ascending ladder format often. It goes by fairly fast with the moderately challenging pace.

There are 5 exercises total. Each round is a specific work to rest ratio. Perform each round back to back with no additional rest time added for a 10 minute workout.

Round 1 starts with 10 seconds of jump squats followed by 10 seconds of rest. Immediately after start 10 seconds of plank jacks. Continue on until you finish the skaters. After the 10 second rest start performing 20 seconds of jump squats followed by 20 seconds of rest. The entire workout will be done in 10 minutes.

If you teach group fitness these short segments are great to add into your class. You could also use this as a finisher. Before my first baby was born I was teaching up to 20 group fitness classes a week. That makes me tired now just typing that.

In case you are looking for more group fitness class ideas be on the lookout in the next few weeks. I will be sharing one of my all time favorite group fitness classes that I taught when I worked at Lifetime Fitness.
