HeartFit for Duty

Last month I had the opportunity to become a new patient at HeartFit for Duty. HeartFit for Duty provides in-depth cardiac and metabolic wellness programs and offers advance medical testing for first responders.

Obviously, this stay at home mom is not a first responder but I am married to one, which qualified me to be able to benefit from the abundant medical testing and nutrition counseling that they offer.

I think we all know that when you and your husband are on board with making healthy changes together a positive outcome and the long term success greatly increases.

My Initial Appointment 

Josh and I both saw Megan McCarthy for our appointments. We went on separate days and each of our visits lasted an hour. We went fasted and had our blood drawn, vitals taken, and were then shown to a room where we took a glucose test.

After drinking that lovely liquid sugar, Megan came and went over my medical history and what my goals were moving forward. Because of the history with the autoimmune disorder she added another blood test to my labs, looking for gene mutations. More on this later.

From there I met with the nutritionist and was given a list of what I should and shouldn’t be eating as wells as an exact breakdown of my daily macros. Daily I am now consuming around 1860 calories and eating 15% (70g) carbohydrates, 50% (103g) fat, and 35% (163g) protein. I so appreciated all the information I received that first appointment and before I left I had my blood drawn one last time to retest my glucose level.

The Follow Up Appointment 

Josh and I had our follow up appointment two weeks ago and we went together. This was one month after our initial appointment. Several of the labs are done at Boston Heart and it takes a few weeks to get the results back.

Our follow up appointment lasted an hour (and we had all three kids with us too) and it was so informative! The kids were seriously amazing while we sat in the office with Megan, and Josh and I were so proud of how well they behaved.

She went over every single lab that was done on each of us! I won’t bore you with all the details but here are a few highlights.

  • Cholesterol. Both of us have things we need to address in this category. Josh and I both need to increase our Omega 3 (EPA + DHA = Total Omega) to at least 2,000mg/day. I am taking Nordic Naturals Ultimate Omega and Josh is taking SFH Fish Oil.
  • My vitamin D was super low so I am supplementing with 5,000 IU/day. I am using NOW D-3 5,000 IU.
  • I also learned that I have a MTHFR gene mutation. I will now be taking a folate supplement for the rest of my life. This mutation causes inflammation in the body and doesn’t allow for the absorption of folate and other B vitamins. I am taking Pure Encapsulations to supplement this.
  • My liver showed inflammation as well and my body is not properly processing sugar. This means ditching the cookies, bread, and other sugar loaded snacks and foods to try and lower my blood glucose levels and also my elevated AST (liver function).

Nutrition and Lifestyle Changes

I have significantly changed up what I have been eating. Here is an example of what I was eating before and what I am now currently eating.


  • Before: Rice Cereal (I love this for breakfast!)
  • Currently: 2 Scoops of Unflavored Promix Protein Powder, 1/2 Avocado, 1 Tablespoon Almond Butter, 1 teaspoon Vanilla Extract, 3-5 drops of liquid Stevia, and Almond Milk blended together.


  • Before: Whatever the kids were eating.
  • Currently: Some sort of salad with 4 ounces of chicken. Lately this has been romaine, tortilla strips, avocado, chicken, and assorted veggies.


  • Before: Some combination of veggies, brown rice, and chicken.
  • Currently: Lots of vegetables and 4 ounces chicken or a lettuce bun burger with a side of bone broth.


  • Before: Anything and everything. Dried mangos, bananas, apples, fruit snacks, chips, cookies, toast. Mainly anything that has high amounts of carbs.
  • Currently: Vega Protein and Greens Shake, Almonds, and drinking lots and lots of water.

I have been exercising more consistently the past several weeks and just recently actually started looking forward to my own workouts again. If you ever feel unmotivated to workout I am right there with you.

Parenting in this season of my life is exhausting and I mean that in the best way possible. After Jesse was born I knew it would take me a few months to figure out our new routine as family so I put zero pressure on myself in regards to exercise. The last five months have been great and I am so glad that I allowed myself time to recover from pregnancy and to adjust to life as a family of five.

Josh and I will go back in 90 days for more labs and to reassess if what we are doing is making a difference for our overall health. I am very grateful to have been able to participate in this with Josh. Thank you HeartFit for Duty for allowing spouses to tag along in your preventive health care program!

If you are local and a first responder I highly recommend looking into this program! And if you or your spouse works for Mesa Fire and Medical Department call and make an appointment. Josh and I had no out of pocket cost and it is a great resource for you and your family!

A Mother’s Day Tribute

With Mother’s Day approaching this weekend I wanted to share a public tribute to my Mom. The purpose of this tribute is to give her the honor she deserves and to display my appreciation to God for the mom he gave me. I am linking back to Tim Challies for the great idea! Check out his series The Commandment We Forgot  that looks at the fifth commandment (“honor your father and mother”) and explores the idea of how to obey this command once we are adults. #dearmom17

Dear Mom,

I know I don’t always take the time to say thank you for all the amazing ways you have shown and continue to show your love to our family so I am taking time today to rectify that.

First off, you are beautiful. You may not hear those words enough from your family, myself included. You have shown me over the course of my life that true beauty comes from within and most importantly when Christ shines out of us. Thank you for teaching me that it is the small moments in the day that develop our character for the great moments in life.

When I now look at the picture above from when I was pregnant with Caden, I understand how excited you must have been for me to become a mother. Children are a blessing from the Lord and my own little ones have made me appreciate you even more.

Thank you for all the sacrifices you have made for me. Thank you for the sleepless nights you gave up, for the meals you had to reheat for yourself, and for the huge amount of bodily fluids I must have placed on you during my lifetime. Having children now at the current ages of 4 years, 2 years, and 5 months I know that you had your share of these things with myself and Evan.

I can never imagine Caden, Maisie, or Jesse being as sick as I was several years ago.  My stomach knots together just thinking about these little ones of mine being ill. I know it was hard to see me like that. Thank you for your love and support during those two years.

Now with a daughter of my own I hope to one day have the type of relationship with her that I have with you. Do you remember the time you let me put glitter eyeshadow on you for church? <— Click the link to read about this story from my Mom’s perspective. You were so trusting and left the house without looking in the mirror. Personally, I thought it looked fabulous but had absolutely no idea what I was doing with those makeup brushes.

Out of all the memories we have made together this far, and we have made many, my favorites have been when you have seen your grandchildren enter this world.

Thank you for being in the room for the biggest moments of my life. For being present and for being available.

Thank you for being a mom who was easy to talk to even when I didn’t want to talk, for listening, for speaking the truth in love, and most importantly thank you for introducing me to Jesus.

One day, when we have to say goodbye for a little while, I will be even more grateful for having a mother who shared her faith. However many years the Lord blesses us with together I will be thankful for each one. Thank you for showing me how to mother and to share my own faith with my children.

Love, your daughter, Tamara Marie

PS…If you come over early before church I can do your makeup this weekend. I promise no glitter.


Total Body Functional Workout

I think I am finally, hopefully, starting to get back to a somewhat normal exercise schedule. It was so hard for me to get started again after having Jesse. But just like anything else, sometimes you just need to be disciplined and make it happen.

I so enjoyed all the time I spent letting my body rest after having a new baby and I knew it was time to get back to my workouts. Now that I am three weeks in to exercising consistently I am actually looking forward to my workouts again.

I am focusing right now on rebuilding my strength and concentrating on reconnecting muscles (specifically in my core and pelvic floor) back together after having a baby.

This is a workout I put together that takes under an hour to complete. Each movement should be done slowly and with intention and not rushed.

Equipment Needed: Bands (found HERE and HERE)


Let me know if you try this out and what you think! This workout is challenging and some of the moves may surprise you in the level of difficulty. Have fun and get sweaty!
