Train Like A Boss Workout

Disclosure: I have received this product in exchange for highlighting this business. All opinions are my own.

Who doesn’t love a nice sweaty interval workout? I know I do. But here is the problem that I have always run into. Timing my intervals. I have tried using a stopwatch, my heart rate monitor, and numerous apps on my iPhone which work, but still leave me continuously having to glance down at the screen. This gets annoying. Today I am happy to announce that I have discovered a solution to my problem. Meet the GYMBOSS.


How adorable is she! This little beauty is my new favorite workout buddy. She is small, super easy to setup, and can be used as a interval timer, stopwatch, countdown timer, or a clock. There are numerous types of workouts that this little timer is great for including running, CrossFit, HITT,  and weightlifting. My favorite feature is that it can be clipped on to my waistband and the alarm can be set to either beep or vibrate at me. I love knowing that I will never again be having to glance down at a screen to know when I need to switch up my exercises.

It is hard enough sometimes getting in my workouts at home on days I don’t go to the gym and this little device sure makes it easier. If you hadn’t noticed from my previous workouts Caden likes to be right in the middle of everything. I love that he wants to be involved but sometimes it can be challenging when he runs off with my cell phone and I am in the middle of an interval workout. I am looking forward to many more workouts using my GYMBOSS :).

This little piece of equipment has allowed me to take control of my workouts again. No more excuses that the baby ran off with my timer for me. It is time to train like a boss! Here are the exercises for this workout. I did not include pictures for Alternating V-Ups or Plyo Lunges. If there is any confusion on these exercises just let me know and I will do my best to clarify.


Single Arm Cobra to Downdog

  1. Place one arm behind back. With other hand on the floor press up into cobra pose.
  2. Tuck your toes and left your hips to down dog.
  3. Lower hips back to floor and bend elbow to release chest to the mat. Repeat on other side.


Plank Hop to Power Squat

  1. Start in plank postion. Hop both feet up to hands.
  2. Explode off your feet and jump up bringing your knees to hip level and tap knees to hands.
  3. Land with bent knees and return to start position by hopping feet back to plank.


Knee Tap Forearm Plank

  1. Lie face down on a mat with your legs straight and place your forearms on the floor.
  2. Raise your body up into the top of a push up position, resting on your forearms and toes and hold.
  3. Tuck your tail bone under and keep your core strong by pulling your belly button in towards your spine.
  4. Slowly tap knees to floor and return to straight legs. Repeat.


Spiderman Pushups

  1. Start in push-up position with legs straight, hands below shoulders.
  2. Begin to lower body down by bending your elbows, as you lower down bring your right knee to your right elbow.
  3. Push back up and reverse leg movement back to starting position. This completes one rep.


  1. Lie on your back with your legs straight and your arms stretched out overhead.
  2. Raise one leg straight up while also lifting your upper body off the floor and reach your opposite hand towards your foot, keeping both your arm and leg straight.
  3. Lower both and repeat using the opposite arm and leg.


  1. Stand upright with one foot forward, dropping your back knee down.
  2. Push off your front and back foot to jump switch your legs.
  3. Repeat.

And now for the workout. You will do 50 seconds of work for each exercise in the order listed below followed by a 10 second recovery.  Perform for a total of 4 rounds resting 1 minute between each round.


I know you want your own GYMBOSS now too. These little babies cost under $20 and come in all sorts of fun colors. Do your workouts a favor and go order one today. I promise you will love it just as much as I do.

Let me know if you tried this workout and what you thought! Have a great day!

Injury disclaimer: Not all exercises are suitable for everyone and this or any other exercise program may result in injury. To reduce this risk of injury, please consult your doctor before beginning this, or any other, physical fitness program. 


30 Minute Walk & Sprint Treadmill Workout

My online bootcamp is in full swing and I couldn’t be more thrilled! Want to know the best part? The majority of the participants opted to join the Facebook group to help each other stay accountable. I am so beyond happy! Thank you Jesus for letting this all work out!

This week also begins leading a corporate cleanse with weekly yoga sessions! Like I have already mentioned I am beyond happy. God has been opening up some amazing opportunities for me and my family and I am so thankful!

Did you try last weeks 200 Rep Challenge? I would love to hear how you did. This week I have another treadmill workout for you that combines walking and sprinting. Gulp! Sprinting challenges me. I always feel so great when I am done. Not so much while I am sprinting. Have fun and adjust your speed as needed.

30 Minute Walk & Sprint Treadmill Workout

PRINTABLE VERSION: 30 Minute Walk & Sprint Treadmill Workout

Can’t wait to hear if you plan on doing this workout or how you did. Have a wonderful day!

xoxo, Tamara

PS…If you are not a sprinter be sure to check out my Incline Walking Treadmill Workout.


200 Rep Challenge

I am so incredibly excited that today is the last day to register for my online bootcamp, because that means that it is about to start! For the last few months I have been dreaming, planning, and sweating trying to make this happen. I am so amazingly happy and very blessed by the support that you have all shown me by signing up. It means so much! I have to say a big thank you to Shay from Mix and Match Mama and also to Sheaffer from Pinterest Told Me To for helping to get the word out about my bootcamp! You ladies are awesome!

These last few weeks have been so insanely busy but I am loving it! Finalizing workouts, editing video (I am by no means a professional videographer), invoicing, and lots of praying. It has been an amazing almost 15 months since Caden has come along. One of most important things I have learned is that little eyes are always watching. Little eyes are always learning. I am so blessed to have Josh. Without him there is no way any of of these dreams of mine would have ever seen the light of day. He is a great husband and father.

I am so thankful to have a partner who believes in me, prays for me, and loves me unconditionally. We are both committed to teaching Caden the importance of eating healthy and taking care of himself, both physically and spiritually.

Tell me and I forget, Teach me and I may remember, Involve me and I learn.

This workout was inspired by an early morning sweatfest with my friend Kiley. The only thing you will need for this workout is yourself and a chair. Here are the exercises:


  1. Start in plank position with hands slightly wider than shoulder width.
  2. Lower body to floor by bending arms. Push body up until arms are extended. Repeat.
  3. Modify by placing knees down. You will want to modify for this workout.


Triceps Dips

  1. Position your hands shoulder width apart on a chair. Move your booty in front of the bench with your legs bent.
  2. Straighten out your arms and keep a little bend in your elbows. Now slowly bend at your elbows and lower your upper body down towards the floor until your arms are at about a 90 degree angle. Be sure to keep your back close to the chair.
  3. Return to starting position and repeat.


Step Ups

  1. Place right foot on the middle of chair and step up as you balance your body for 1-2 seconds on the right leg.
  2. Your left knee should drive up towards your hip.
  3. Step down with your left leg and repeat.


To see example check out my Core & Burpees Workout.

  1. Start seated with your knees bent and your feet flat. Slowly lean back and lift your legs off the floor so that you are now balancing on your butt. Lengthen and flatten your back, trying to eliminate any roundness or arching.
  2. Lift through your sternum or upper chest. Slide your shoulder blades toward each other behind you and keep lifting long through your neck and head.
  3. Reach your arms forward and on an exhale begin to hover heels and shoulders 1 inch off the mat. Return to starting position on an inhale.


  1. Start in the top of a push up position.
  2. Jump your feet in, bringing your knees to your chest and keep your hands on the floor.
  3. Come to an standing and jump into the air, raising your arms overhead.
  4. Return to a squat with hands to floor and then jump your feet back plank.

Now that you know the exercises here is the workout. Make sure to complete 2 rounds for time. You will be sore all over. You are welcome.


For each exercise complete 10 sets of 10 reps. Once you go back and repeat the entire workout a second time you will have done 200 reps of each exercise. Make sure to give yourself a short rest between sets. Don’t move on to the next exercise until you have finished all sets.

Let me know how you did! Remember today is the last day to register and pay for a spot in my online bootcamp! Registration closes at 5pm (GMT). Have you signed up? Will you try this workout? If you are registered for bootcamp keep your eyes open tomorrow for your welcome e-mail!
