Does Downward Dog Dishonor God?

Hi. My name is Tamara. I am a Christian and I am a registered yoga teacher.

This is a topic that I have never really spoke about with anyone in depth. I have felt the judgment from other Christians because I teach and “practice” yoga. There have been several times over the last few years that I have struggled trying to figure out if what I was doing was dishonoring God.


A few pastors have even brought the topic to their congregation and also to their blogs to much mixed reviews. Check out what Pastor Mark Driscoll has to say on the subject. His post starts out by saying:

There is nothing wrong with stretching, exercising, or regulating one’s stress through breathing. But when the tenets of yoga are included, it’s by definition a worship act to spirit beings other than the God of the Bible. By way of analogy, there is nothing inherently wrong with intimacy, sex, and pleasure. But when the tenets of adultery are included, it’s a sinfully idolatrous worship act. A faithful Christian can no more say they are practicing yoga for Jesus than they can say they are committing adultery for Jesus.

A little over a year ago, I said yoga was demonic. My stance hasn’t changed since then, but…

I felt sick to my stomach when I first read this article. I was super confused and continued to read as Pastor Mark went on to discuss the history and the eight limbs of yoga. This article is an interesting read if you have time.

If you have never before heard about the eight limbs of yoga here is what they involve:

  1. Moral restraint
  2. Religious observance
  3. Postures
  4. Breath control
  5. Sense withdrawal
  6. Concentration
  7. Mediative absorption
  8. Enlightenment

Most yoga in the United States barely resembles anything close to the yoga that originated in India and is rooted in Hinduism. American based yoga studios and gyms focus primarily on exercising the body using postures and breath control. When the postures and breathe are put together in the entire context of what yoga embodies you will find a salvation based system that relies on self effort. This is not the yoga I practice or teach.

I never ever want to misrepresent myself and what I believe. I do not practice yoga to worship animal gods or achieve nirvana. I practice it because it is fun and it allows me to challenge, explore, and create using my own body. If God had gifted me with the talent and ability to dance I would be dancing and sharing my love and passion for dancing with others. Unfortunately I look like Elaine Benes on steroids when I attempt to bust a move.

The point I am trying to make is God gives each one of us unique talents and abilities. It is up to each of us to discern how our gifts can be used. When I started teaching yoga I prayed that my classes would always be laced in joy and that God would allow his Spirit to pour out of me.  I wanted to make sure that anyone who came to my classes would leave feeling like there was something different or special. Of course you can’t always please everyone, but for the most part I do feel that I have been successful in creating an environment the encourages fun and creativity.

It is ok to be different. I have learned that I do not need to adhere to the traditional yoga teacher standards in order to teach or to take a yoga class. That being said their are certain types of yoga classes and many teachers who I would never go take a class from because I know that there will be chanting and singing that would not align with my beliefs.

If you have ever been to a yoga class you know that you will traditionally close with a namaste or chant om a few times. The translation for namaste means “the light with in me honors the light with in you”. There are several different variations that exchange honor with bow. For those who have been to my class you are already aware that I never say namaste at the end of my classes. I don’t know what others are referencing when they speak it, which is why I avoid it when I teach. I have never wanted to create any confusion for others in regards to who I am or what I stand for. When closing my classes I invite my students as they are seated to bring their hand together at heart center in prayer and from their I say…

Hands to your forehead, remembering to think good thoughts,

Hands to your lips, remembering to speak good things,

Hands to your heart, remembering to do good things.

And that is how I end my classes. No yoga scriptures, no meditation, and no pranayama. Just a bunch of sweating, smiling, and stretching.

Here is my take on this whole thing and I am sure some of you will disagree with me. My intention when I teach and practice yoga is to shine for Jesus. I want to shine for him in everything I do. From the words that I speak to the clothes that I wear. I hope others see the great joy I have in my life. My life is no where close to perfect. I am a sinner just like everyone else but I am joyful and happy because I know I am loved and forgiven. Using yoga as a form of exercise has helped me to build strength, connect with God, calm my anxiety, and most of all to let loose and have fun. Phillipians 4:8 says,

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.

I know what my intentions are when I practice yoga and I know what my thoughts are when I practice yoga. I also know the power of my God. I firmly believe that the environment, what we do with our thoughts, and who we choose to lead us matters when you take a yoga class.

So now I want to hear from you. What is your take on Christian’s practicing yoga?  Have you ever taken a yoga class that made you feel uncomfortable because what the teacher was saying or asking you to do went against your beliefs? Why do or don’t you practice yoga?

xoxo, Tamara


Core & Burpees

I love core work! You can be sure if that if you work out with me we will spend plenty of time focusing on improving and building core strength.

Your core muscles help support your entire body. Try not to limit your thinking of the core to just your abdominals. When you train your core you are also training your back, glutes, and all the muscles that run along your spine. When training this area you want to be sure and focus on the front  and back side of your body and not confine yourself to crunches and sit-ups.

Core training is a must. The younger you are when you start training with your core in mind the easier it will be maintain it as you age. I want to be around as long as possible for my family, especially my son Caden. He has made me even more motivated to stay active and to fuel my body with nutrient rich foods. Thanks Caden!

Kids are your reason. Not your excuse.

Meet your exercises! (I did not include pictures for Burpees or Bicycle Crunches because I am fairly certain you all know how to rock those exercises.)


Stability Ball Pikes

  1. Place your hands on floor in front and your shins on the ball behind with your arms straight.
  2. Drag the ball towards your body lifting your hips with your legs straight up and roll the ball down your shins to your toes.
  3. Keep your arms straight throughout the exercise.


Boat Pose Crunches

  1. Start seated with your knees bent and your feet flat. Slowly lean back and lift your legs off the floor so that you are now balancing on your butt. Lengthen and flatten your back, trying to eliminate any roundness or arching.
  2. Lift through your sternum or upper chest. Slide your shoulder blades toward each other behind you and keep lifting long through your neck and head.
  3. Reach your arms forward and on an exhale begin to hover heels and shoulders 1 inch off the mat. Return to starting position on an inhale.


Hip Drop Forearm Planks

  1. Get down on your forearms and feet (plank position). Make your body into a straight line so that it is parallel to the ground.
  2. Rotate at the waist and touch your right hip to the ground. Rotate back up and then to the left and touch your left hip to the ground.
  3. Alternate back and forth


  1. Lie on your back with your legs straight and your hands to the sides of your head.
  2. Raise your head and shoulders, bringing one knee above your hip and the opposite elbow to this knee, twisting your torso.
  3. Lower your upper body and leg to the floor and repeat on the other side with opposite leg.


Knee Tap Forearm Planks

  1. Get down on your forearms and feet (plank position). Make your body into a straight line so that it is parallel to the ground.
  2. Gently tap both knees to the mat and immediately straighten your legs. Repeat.


Stability Ball Back Extensions

  1. Lie facedown on a stability ball, hands behind your head, feet against a sturdy object.
  2. Squeeze your glutes and lift your torso up until your body forms a straight line. Hold for one or two seconds.
  3. Slowly return to start. That’s one rep.


  1. Begin in a squat position with hands on the floor in front of you. Kick your feet back to a pushup position.
  2. Immediately return your feet to the squat position.
  3. Leap up as high as possible from the squat position.

Here is the workout!

Core & Burpees

You will perform this for 3 rounds resting 1 minute between rounds. Try to get as many reps of each exercise in as you possibly can. This is a tough one!

If you liked this you will love my online bootcamp that is starting September 9th! This is the first ever session and I am so excited! Each week you will receive a weekly e-mail from me with your workouts. How cool is that! Plus 1 of the workouts will be a video that you can follow along with. So it will be like we are training together!


Monday September 9, 2013 – Friday October 11, 2013 (5 Weeks)

Cost: $40 (That cost includes 3 weekly workouts plus access to a closed Facebook group to connect with your fellow bootcampers and myself)




I hope you enjoyed today’s workout! I love reading your comments. Let me know what you think!

XOXO, Tamara


CrossFit Inspired Cardio

I have a super fun workout challenge for you today! All you need is yourself and a pair of running shoes. I like to do this workout at the track but it can be done anywhere. If you are running outside and not on a treadmill you can use MapMyRun to route your mile.

But before I share the workout I want talk about this kid for a second…


Oh Caden I love you so much, and you never cease to amaze me with your super human baby strength. Seriously, this little guy is going to put both myself and Josh to shame.

We have one cabinet in the kitchen that we did not baby proof that contains our tupperware. Caden loves to play with the lids and containers so we left that cabinet open for him to explore. This past weekend I was shocked when he took the biggest lid we have and proceeded to do this…



He made his own push sled! He tried to roll the weight on top of the lid but couldn’t get it on his own so I helped him and then he took off. Up and down the hallway for 20 minutes.

I have done this exercise multiple times in front of him with a towel and weights, but never expected him to try and do it too. It was so cute and pretty amazing to watch him go. I am inspired by how strong he is!

CrossFit Inspired Cardio

I love CrossFit workouts because I know they are going to get the job done in a decent amount of time. These types of workouts push me to move faster and allow me to track my progress.

Perform the following exercises resting only when necessary. Record your time. This is a great benchmark workout to measure your improvement. Try it today and do it again in a month.

CrossFit Inspired Cardio

Let me know how you did! If you liked this workout I would love to have you join my ONLINE BOOTCAMP! Bootcamp starts September 9th and runs for 5 weeks. The best part about this program is it can be done on your schedule. Cost is $40 and workouts will be e-mailed to you each week. For more information and to find out how to register click HERE.

I want love to know what or who inspires you?

xoxo, Tamara

PS…If you received an invoice from me for my online Bootcamp but did not mean to register please e-mail me back and let me know. I will happily cancel your invoice. I am sorry for any confusion that happened during the giveaway.
